A Comparative Essay Of The Poems ‘Salome’ (C.A.Duffy) and ‘The ...

Essay Topic: Comparative, Essay, This kind,

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‘Salome’ by Jean Ann Duffy and ‘The Arrival From the Bee Box’ by Sylvia Plath have many similarities and differences. ‘Salome’ is evidently a poem about a person, most likely women, who wakes up and finds ‘a go on the pillow’ beside them. The composition continues to depth their instant actions and finally reveals that this head is actually ‘on a platter’. ‘The Arrival From the Bee Box’ appears for the surface to describe the empowerment felt by an individual as they check out their control of a container of bees.

An interesting likeness is both poets happen to be female. C. A. Duffy was born in Glasgow in 1995 and it is the oldest of five children. Plath was born in 1932 and came to be in Boston.

If you read the poems coming from a biographical perspective it is possible to identify specific factors which the poet offers included due to their personal circumstances. Personally, I believe that the two C. A. Duffy and S. Plath have take into account make. For instance , Duffy’s composition could be noticed to have a large number of links for the role of woman in society as well as the power that they possess over their male counterparts.

This kind of mental frame of mind, which has blocked through into her poems, could control from the simple fact she is the first women and the initially openly homosexual person to hold the position of Britain’s poet laureate. In the same way, ‘The Introduction Of The Bee Box’ contains subversive tips of electrical power and possibly connotations to females taking an untraditional role in society. In ‘Salome’ the pace, tone, rhythm and composition are all broken.

This is very successful as it reflects the internal standing in the voice in the poem. The result is created throughout the techniques of enjambment and rhetorical questions and these can be viewed in the fifth line “what did it matter? “. The line is remote and this attracts the reader’s attention to this. Alongside this the rhetorical question then simply compels the reader to think “what did it matter? “. This emphasises the purpose to the target audience that it really does matter and is also very important in the given context of the poem. By contrast, ‘The Arrival Of The Bee Box’ is made from half a dozen uniform stanzas of five lines. There is small by way of caesura and choice differs greatly, in terms of structure at least, from ‘Salome’.

Personally, In my opinion this is because the speaker is definitely portrayed as being more gathered and comfortable together with the received electric power, relative to the voice in ‘Salome’. The other line is a great example; “Square as a couch and almost too heavy to lift up. ” The rhyme of ‘square’ and ‘chair’ provides a positive sound and in turn this is seen to signify control and enjoyment of power. These evidence suggests that C. A. Duffy and S. Plath both have different ideas where way structurally is best to communicate their very own ideas.

Nevertheless , I believe the free framework of ‘Salome’ adds more than rigid structure of ‘The Arrival with the Bee Box’ as it produces an extra dimension in which viewers can have more freedom to interpret the required meaning from the poem themselves. Integral to both poetry is the theme of power as well as the relation it includes with the owner, especially girls. The similarity and hegemony is this assault on the stereotypical views that if in order to stand can drive female to the periphery of world.

In ‘Salome’ the voice is relatively of a ‘player’ and it is this scopophilic frame of mind which generates Duffy’s stage. In a society it is often viewed as ‘cool’ or perhaps ‘macho’ to get a male to sleep with many women. By contrast, in the event females replicate these activities then they stand a high possibility of being bombarded with negative terms. Any difficulty . S. Plath would made a decision to focus more on the curiosity of power.

She identifies different times in history (Greek, Slave Trade, Roman). This sets a serious theatrical atmosphere because mentioning these capabilities through the age range helps someone to appreciate the importance of electric power in our contemporary society both in days gone by, present and future. This highlights the simple fact that in Duffy’s thoughts and opinions (and We agree) that it can be embedded in humans to seek out power and control other folks. Overall, the two poets have got similar themes in their poetry but decided to express these people in different methods. A likeness between the two poems is they make allusions to possibly religious names or different parts of the Holy bible.

C. A. Duffy in ‘Salome’ chooses to use well-known Christian titles such as David and Peter. Whereas S. Plath uses the concept of a heaven; “There is the laburnum, its jaunatre colonnades, As well as the petticoats in the cherry. ” The description of this utopian setting could be linked to the feelings felt by the voice in ‘Salome’ when she/it says ‘I saw my eyes glitter…and ain’t life a bitch’. The tone of voice sounds that it is satisfied, justice has been done and it has reached a metaphorical destination.

This kind of destination, i believe, is that the voice feels like they may have somehow come to equality by simply committing this grotesque action. A large influence in terms of dialect in both equally poems may be the personal pronoun ‘I’. This kind of similarity is most probably due to the continuing them of power in each poem. The narrators are trying to communicate that they are the ones in charge.

The language in both poems is very simplistic but the words can be used in quite complex techniques. Both poets have picked not to overcomplicate their language and I think they may have made all their poems extremely accessible for all people. Colors are used in both poems for different effects. In ‘Salome’ the ‘red sheets’ may signify the anger felt by the tone of voice for the injustices that contain driven them to undertake the atrocity. In ‘The Arrival Of The Bee Box’ ‘the petticoats from the cherry’ and the ‘blond colonnades’ are used since the shades of the paradise.

The use of shades is different in each composition but equally work well. In summary, I feel that Jean Ann Duffy and Sylvia Plath are very good in delivering their suggestions in the two poems. The poems happen to be left available to interpretation and depending on the kind of reading you undertake (colonial, biographical, etc) they can suggest different things to different people. However , I personally think that ‘Salome’ is somewhat more interesting and mesmerising towards the reader.

This is certainly most likely simply because I found ‘The Arrival From the Bee Box’ too subjective for me thus i located it difficult to grasp. I think the poems include opened my own eyes not only to the inequalities experienced certain sets of society but also for the disparities throughout the world in general.

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