A personal and professional ethics analysis in the

Essay Topic: Court docket,

Paper type: Philosophy,

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This paper explores and serves as a reaction to the online video entitled, “Drunk Vegas Lawyer Mistrial. ” A brief summary of the online video will be provided along with an analysis of the actions of a Nevada defense attorney in court. His actions will be examined as well as if those activities modeled honest behavior and fit meaningful, professional suggestions.

Week 3 Project: Personal Specialist Ethics

Ethics, or perhaps the debate of right compared to wrong, is usually something is frequently debated and it is subjective to personal viewpoints and particular circumstances. People also typically have personal and professional ethics that sometimes coincide, conflict, or remain impartial of one an additional. In some cases personal ethics can be influenced simply by professional integrity and vice versa. In the online video entitled, “Drunk Vegas Legal professional Mistrial, inches there are numerous breach of both equally personal and professional integrity that are seen.

In the above mentioned video which takes place about August 03, 2006, a Nevada criminal defense attorney appears to court docket late in the midst of a kidnapping trial. When in court docket, the attorney advises the judge that he was later as a result of him being involved with a hit-and-run motor vehicle incident. After changing his story several times, talking to the assess in rooms, and staying caught in several lies, the judge finally orders the attorney require a portable breathing test to ascertain his blood alcohol attentiveness (BAC). Following taking the check nearly two and a half hours after initially appearing in court, the attorney’s BAC is nearly a 0. 08, indicating that he previously a fair amount of alcoholic beverages present in his system (The Attorney Lager, 2012).

The 1st ethical a significant this situation would be that the attorney appears late to court as they is intoxicated. In the video, he can be heard slurring his speech and also sways and he can standing up talking to the assess. I feel that is quite unethical for the attorney to present himself to the court docket in such a manner. It is also incredibly unfair to his consumer who was facing kidnapping charges and a possible life sentence. At one particular point, the attorney says that he previously been representing clients for sixteen years and was prepared to proceed with all the trial. As a result of his

intoxication, the attorney also creates a story regarding being involved with a hit-and-run accident wherever his automobile was minted from in back of, causing him to be past due. The judge finds a number of gaps in the story which usually revealed that the attorney has not been being honest. The lawyer’s overall habit was dishonest in my opinion. As a veteran lawyer and police officer of the court docket, he is someone that should recognize that such actions are not only underhanded but in violation of legislativo procedure. As stated in the course textual content there are certain principles that legal professionals should comply with as part of a lawyer/client marriage to include: “Treat clients/relationships in professional trend, do not intentionally engage in deceitful behavior, prevent harming other folks, be devoted to the client, and make sound meaning decisions. ” Moreover, it really is apparent which the attorney with this video can be not next these meaning guidelines and is also not choosing his client into consideration (Braswell, McCarthy, McCarthy, 2015).

Aside from the apparent unethical tendencies of the attorney, a second likely ethical concern I found inside the video was the judge’s revendication of the legal professional for nearly two hours in open the courtroom. I was not completely familiar with court room proceedings. However , this appeared like a dialogue that would have been completely more appropriate to have in rooms. The criminal prosecution, sheriff’s officers, court staff, and others exist during the discussion between the judge and the legal professional which plainly “incriminates” him in going to court drunk and laying. The evaluate states in one point that it is not really her intention of destroy the attorney’s standing. However , i think, his standing is already ruined having all those people present. The evaluate also requests the lawyer to be seen by courthouse health professional who suggests that he (the attorney) needs to be seen by a doctor. After being made aware of this, the judge continues to question the attorney after being told he is require of medical assistance. It seems that not only does this unethical yet most

probably in violation of court procedure. Last but not least, the evaluate revealing the particular attorney acquired stated in shut down chambers to a open court seemed unethical to me. The purpose of speaking in closed rooms is to not need the discussion unveiled in available court. However , it is still important to remember that the lawyer’s actions triggered the situation and he is eventually responsible for the results and any consequences (The Attorney Depot, 2012).

In conclusion, the video, “Drunk Vegas Attorney Mistrial, inches details first-hand the sad, unethical habit of a Nevasca defense legal professional in court. The attorney’s behavior is a reminder that every professions include moral recommendations that should be adopted and that others can also be affected by poor judgment. There were selected issues observed on the part of the legal professional and the judge during the video. However , it had been the lawyer’s actions and unethical patterns that eventually caused the entire situation, and he needs to be held responsible for his behavior. I could not really imagine performing the behavior that the attorney performed regardless of my profession. By doing this, he wrecked his reputation, credibility, and career. I came across this to violate both my own personal and professional code of ethics.

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