A study in the pilgrims inside the story simply by

Essay Topic: Human nature,

Paper type: History,

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The pilgrims in Geoffrey Chaucers Canterbury Reports exhibit human being characteristics which range from righteousness to corruption. Two of the pilgrims, the Clerk and Frere (Friar) display traits on opposite ends of the variety of human nature. The Attendant, wishing to educate himself and more, strove to get to a higher understanding of philosophy. The Friar applied his location in the house of worship to take advantage of faithful people for his individual benefit. The Clerk was noble and simply while the Friar was money grubbing.

The Clerk was an ecclesiastical student for Oxford. He had completed each of the necessary classes to meet the criteria him intended for the B. A. Even though, he would not have a secular work or a chapel position since all he wanted to do was browse and teach himself. He preferred to acquire:

Twenty bookes, clad in blak or reed

Of Aristotle wonderful philosophie

Than robes riche, or fithele, or homosexual sautrie.

(Prologue, Lines 294-296)

The Attendant preferred to acquire twenty books at the head of his pickup bed rather than own expensive clothing, a mess, or a gorgeous sounding harp. Having not any job remaining the Clerk broke, his only income source was his friends lending him funds. Not to anyones surprise, this individual spent the money on literature and education. He cherished to teach other folks and be educated. He listened carefully as to the everyone was required to say and not said just a what was suitable for the specific time. This revealed his modesty and willingness to learn fresh viewpoints and not just teach everybody his landscapes.

The Friar was a happy and lustful gentleman, who having taken a vow to poverty and preaching, added as part of his job pleading people for cash. He recognized all the gossip about what was going on in the several orders of Friars. The Friar would find husbands for his ex-mistress by his owene cost (Prologue, line 213) and could find him self new ladies to amuse. He was likewise licensed to hear confessions and provide absolution in cases beyond the jurisdiction in the parish clergyman. This provided him tremendous power over other people lives. He would give people penance if these people were willing to donate money and luxuries to him, though it was illegal to do so in the church.

For many a male so hard is of his herte

He may nat wepe though hym soore smerte.

Therfore, instede of wepynge and prayeres

Men moote yeve silver to the povre freres.

(Prologue, lines 229-234)

This individual thought that even if a man was hurting inside from doing wrong, praying and crying and moping wouldnt be sufficient to grant them forgiveness. They ought to bribe the Friars with metallic in order to have penance granted. The Friar realized the men and females who were the innkeepers, barmaids, and consumers in the taverns. He favored to know the women. He demonstrated no moral rectitude and being considered as the best beggar around couldnt help him look like a better person. That was good with him because he received what he wanted out of begging, that is funds.

The Clerk and Friar seem such opposites at first glance, nevertheless , they have identical traits that fall in the middle of the variety of being human. Both acquired imperfections that affected all their lives in similar manner. The Clerk concentrated his your life on one issue, education. He spent every one of his period educating himself. Because of this he previously no job. He had to work hard to convince his friends to lend him money then again only put in the money upon more literature and educational components. The Friar centered his life around his desire for money fantastic lust for girls. He would make use of flattery and his position in the church to draw women to him. That’s exactly what quickly received bored with these people and sought out in pursuit of man.

Complete wel biloved and famulier was this individual

With frankeleyns more than al in the contree

And eek with worthy wommen of the toun

(Prologue, Lines 212-213)

The Friar knew just where he might find a fresh woman to slip his demands, at a Franklins property. The Friar repeated this kind of pattern time and time again. Both the Friar and Clerk had patterns that their very own everyday lives fell into.

Education is the foundation that helps persons lead successful lives. The Clerk i visited a point in his life in which he wanted to learn, learn, and find out. He made a decision to work for quite a while to build up a solid backbone instead of to dive into the operating world just to earn money and not rise to the top. But al be that he was a philosophre, / Yet hadde he but litel gold in cofre. (Lines 297-298) The Clerk desired to fill his mind with knowledge instead of overflow his cofre, a moneybox. The Friar experienced job experience, that the Clerk weren’t getting, yet preferred to have an large quantity of money. And also al ther profit sholde arise, as well as Curteis having been, and lowely of servyse, (Prologue, Lines 249-250) Having been curteis and willing to help people as long as he received a profit.

The Attendant was likewise modest and humble.

Noght to word spak moore than was neede

And that was seyd in forme and reverence

And short and quyk, and ful of hy sentence in your essay.

(Prologue, Lines 304-306)

He under no circumstances spoke more then what he required to say to obtain his way. He talked with modesty and propriety. He always sounded energetic and his thoughts were very well planned out. He did not squander anybodys period. The Clerk also was willing to educate others, and was not ashamed to be educated by others. Sownynge in moral don was his speeche, as well as And happily wolde this individual lerne and gladly teche.

The Friar was self focused and money grubbing:

He was an esy guy to yeve penaunce

Ther as he wiste to have a very good pitaunce

For unto a povre ordre for to yive

Is usually signe that a man is usually wel yshryve

(Prologue, Lines 223-226)

He would give penance conveniently to any man as long as they gave him something of worth inturn. He served in order to receive money for him self and not to help out the cathedral.

A number of conclusions may be drawn about human nature could be drawn from the Clerk and Friar. Electricity CorruptsAbsolute power corrupts completely is what is displayed clearly coming from these to pilgrims. The Clerk, who very little to no electrical power over any other human, is not corrupt at all. This individual educated himself and others and he couldnt steal or overthrow man existence. Having been humble and simply. The Friar had very much power in the church and abuses this. He was presented the power of granting penance to sinners. The strength was not enough for him, he required money. How better place to get funds from than his employer, the cathedral. He likewise used his position inside the church to get ladies to sleep with him after which he would obtain ride of those. The highly effective Friar was corrupt, plus the Clerk was powerless.

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