Advocacy for medicinal pot over various other

Essay Topic: Medical marijuana,

Paper type: Regulation,

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Medical Weed, Drug Tests, Therapeutic Entertainment, Other

Research from Analysis Paper:

Advocacy for Medicinal Marijuana Over Various other Drugs

For any considerable period of time, the reliance for the betterment of the health of the individual features depended on herbal treatments, and in a large number of part of the community and in various households also, these continue to take a inclination over the more advanced medical medications that have arrive to specify modern medication.

Cannabis or perhaps Medical Cannabis is one such example of an herb that today can be surrounded by controversy as regards to it is usage and benefits. Besides the more adverse connotations that seem to be placed on Marijuana, the medical benefits from it seem to get past its disadvantageous. It will be the purpose of this paper, therefore , to determine a case for the use of Medical Cannabis based on their advantages when compared with Medical Medications.

History of Cannabis:

Marijuana has come to be known by many titles usually as being a result of different regions by which they are discovered. Cannabis Indica, Indian Hemp, Marihuana (Lester Grinspoon, 1995) Charas, Marijuana Sativa (Lester Grinspoon, Maria: The Banned Medicine, 1993) all are labels that have been used to refer to Pot.

The traditional importance of the this herb is a sign enough by fact that it is one of the most most ancient known drug known to mankind, whose roots is also hard to ascertain. However , a few archaeological facts does approximate that it must have been in work with since four thousand BC. It was in the year 2737 BC the fact that therapeutic associated with the prescription drugs were uncovered by the Chinese Emperor and it was from this point forth that the medical benefits and usage of Cannabis were uncovered (Amar, 2006). Some of the problems for which it was being advised for during those times included girl disorders, malaria, constipation and even absentmindedness (Lester Grinspoon, Maria: The Not allowed Medicine, 1993).

Since then a large number of a research have many on this subject and the insurance plans of Cannabis have long been determined by the enjoys of Friend William Osler who suggested it for migraine in 1913 (Lester Grinspoon, 1995) and William O’Shaughnessy, who have discovered it is effectiveness in ailments just like analgesic, cravings stimulant, etc . (Amar, 2006).

Its medical use and importance has slowly been destroyed by reputation that marijuana over time received being a drug that was very violated and was one of the main reasons that generated it staying labeled as a Schedule you under the Handled Substances Act (Lester Grinspoon, 1995).

Deciding the potential of Medical Marijuana:

There have been enormous assessment by several countries and their relevant medical departments about the benefits of using Medical Pot, namely in UK, UNITED STATES, Canada, along with many Western States too, in many of which the use of Medical Marijuana can be regulated legally (Amar, 2006).

Many of these countries and their relevant medical panels have been in a position to determine that Medical Cannabis is indeed very useful a medicine in regards to various ailments. Studies have proven which it can greatly reduce and ease Cancer people of nausea and nausea, a research that ultimately led The National Cancer Company to contact the Drug Observance Administration to allow regulated usage of the medicine as it helped in greatly reducing nausea and vomiting in Cancer Patients undergoing chemotherapy (Drug Enforcement Supervision, n. g. ), (Amar, 2006).

The Anti-Argument:

Probably the most solid grounds for the argument against the use of Marijuana for Medical Purposes has become that the study regarding the effects of the use of phentermine have not provided with result that would guarantee the results of their usage (Top 10 Benefits and drawbacks: Should Pot be a medical option?, 2009). But this argument can be easily countered by the fact that the many studies on the benefits associated with Medical Weed have been sidetracked or influenced by the attitude of the worried departments and in many cases even the Government authorities.

Another point that has become the foundation natural stone of the anti-argument is the communication that the legalization of Medical Marijuana may well send out.

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