Autonomy and medical practice what essay

Essay Topic: Committing suicide,

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Assisted Suicide, Family And Medical Leave Action, Family Medical Leave Work, As I Lay Dying

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3). How does a caregiver warrant making decisions such as these mentioned above, decisions that are based on the caregiver’s values and beliefs? Harris is very clear in this regard these issues are both moral and philosophical, and the real issue is in how the issues will be resolved and based on what standards and morals.

Really not merely about understanding the “natural of moral complications, ” David Harris talks about (p. 4), and it’s not only about what is right and precisely what is wrong with regards to medical and human being issues. But instead the answers following a decision that is presented in a morally right or wrong context have to be followedup with a good independent reason about “why this is so , ” Harris goes on (p. 4). It is Harris’s assertion that a person can only claim that the action they took and also the decision that they made was based on a moral factors “if they can say why those activities and decisions are proper, if they can show that they are justified” (author’s italics) (p. 4).

In the Netherlands the concept of euthanasia the individual that is suffering must be legally suffering within an “unbearable” way in order to rationalize euthanasia, Richard Huxtable writes. And in Netherlands the “other person” must be a licensed physician, not just somebody the patient has recognized as preferable. About Holland and euthanasia, Huxtable references the case called “Brongersma, ” which can be the brand of an 86-year-old man who was “tired of life” and had his suicide assisted in 1998 by a general practitioner, Huxtable talks about on pae 117.

Will be “tired of life” enough to warrant committing committing suicide legally with the help of a doctor? In the event that is the independent decision, so why shouldn’t be satisfy the “principled boundary” that the prosecutor in The netherlands asked the courts to meet in cases of euthanasia? The lessons on this case will be applicable in the uk and somewhere else, Huxtable continues. The author demands three poignant and pertinent questions, which indeed may have application somewhere else: a) would it be ever suitable for a doctor to help a very elderly person commit suicide simply because that elderly person is “finished with life”? b) Which grounds may possibly a physician help the suicide of an individual “whose suffering can be neither somatic nor psychiatric? ” And c) is there a consensus between doctors inside the Netherlands on these concerns? (Huxtable, l. 118).

There may or may not be opinion but Huxtable reports that the experts’ views in The netherlands basically boiled down to the fact that the moment older people are “tired of life” which is a “general sociable, rather than even more narrowly medical, problem, inches and hence there is no “unbearable suffering” in this case. In his summary, Huxtable says that when “voluntary euthanasia as performed by a doctor is allowed” it will be (and has been) difficult to “draw a principled line restricting this to (seemingly) straightforward cases of ‘medical’ suffering” (p. 126). The controversy “is far from over, inches the author concludes.


The issue of physician-assisted committing suicide – and all the arguments and side bar stories and thoughts – are not settled anytime soon. When you will discover psychologists, doctors, lawyers, all judges, ordinary lay people, local clergy and political figures involved in the centre, no particular policy is expected to come up. But the one thing is certain that is certainly the current tendency points to autonomy as a actually part of the final decision.

Works Mentioned

Beckwith, Francis J. “Absolute Autonomy and Physician-Assisted Suicide: Putting a Bad Idea

Away of Its Misery, inches in Suicide: A Christian Response: Vital Considerations for Choosing

Life, Eds. T. Demy ad G. Stewart.

Bickenback, Jerome Electronic. “Disability and Life-Ending Decisions, ” in Physician-Assisted Suicide:

Expanding the Debate, Eds. M. Battin, R. Rhodes, and A. Silvers. Birmingham: Psychology

Press, 1998.

Harris, John. The cost of Life. Greater london: Psychology Press, 1990.

Huxtable, Richard. Euthanasia, Ethics and the Law: Coming from Conflict to Compromise. Nyc:

Routledge, 3 years ago.

Huxtable, Richard, and Moller, Maaike. “Setting a Principled Boundary’? Euthanasia as a Response to

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