Avoiding environmental destruction essay

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The world is recently being beleaguered by environmental issues and problems right and left. Our planet is usually deteriorating rapidly, and such is due in large part to the activities of man (Cline, 1992). For instance , many moves and organizations notice the globe’s problem with esteem to air pollution, global warming and destruction of ecosystems (Cline, 1992). They are environmental issues that are caused by acts of person. Therefore , the perfect solution is and more significantly, the reduction, of these challenges also lie in the hands of man.

Even more particularly, the areas where gentleman could take measures towards improving the damage for the environment call upon leaders to formulate programs and policies made to remedy the problem. Moreover, commanders need to work with techniques to put into action such programs and policies and deliver results. The participation of leaders in saving the planet is manifested in the acts of countries in taking responsibility in the prevention and saving the environment. As big movers of the world, and wielding wonderful power over its residents and private companies, countries can accomplish quite a lot in stopping further environmental damage.

The several approaches in preventing the surroundings differ relative to the individual causes of the damage. Knowing the factors behind environmental destruction would dictate the proper activities that would stop such damage from occurring. In the case of countries’ responsibility to that end, their programs of activities should consist of strict regulations that limit the power of individuals, groups, and communities to exploit the environment.

Countries’ governments are the only establishments that are provided the power and requirement to regulate the utilization and exploitation of organic resources. Therefore , countries needs to be active and vigilant in protecting their very own environment. For instance , coral saltwater ecosystems, that happen to be very important in maintaining the balance of life devices under the marine, are always becoming destroyed by abuses simply by man in utilizing assets from that (Center intended for Sponsored Coastal Ocean Research). Thus, the key cause of destruction of coral formations reefs is definitely pollution brought on by man (Center for Paid Coastal Ocean Research).

As a result, environmental safeguard by countries should consist of the achievement of environmental protection measures and the ingredients of ideal environmental policies (Center to get Sponsored Seaside Ocean Research). Another model can be found in environmental issues around the use of non-renewable fuels. Such work with creates complications because they will cause around the world, and fossil fuel is usually nonrenewable; hence, their use depletes vital resources (“Benefits from Precious Fuel Use).

Countries will help prevent these kinds of environmental problems by helping the private sector develop technologies that address the dependence on fossil fuel and thereby lessen such dependence and reduce polluting of the environment (“Benefits from Fossil Energy Use). An additional example of the participation of nations in avoiding environmental destruction is through agencies such as the Environmental Protection Agency states. The firm has the legal system and specialist to regulate the emissions of greenhouse gases by diverse sources, including new automobiles (Barze Jr.

and Casey, 2007). The initiative of nations can also be demonstrated through the adoption of energy keeping and better products which experts claim not cause further damage to the environment. One example can be seen in the initiative of leaders of the European Union. They will decided that before the end of the decade, all European homes, offices and roads must work with energy efficient lighting (EU to switch to energy-efficient bulbs. (International Report), 2007). Works Reported Barze Jr., R. N. & Casey, T. L. (2007). The future of greenhouse gas emission rules: Massachusetts v.

Environmental Protection Agency. Prosecuting attorney Journal seventy four, 269-273. Recovered October twenty eight, 2007, from http://galenet. galegroup. com. ezproxy1. library. arizona ( az ). edu/servlet/BCRC? vrsn=16 0&locID=uarizona_main&ste=5&docNum=A167510332 “Benefits from Precious Fuel Work with.  twenty Oct. 2007 . Center for Sponsored Seaside Ocean Study. “Coral Saltwater Ecosystem Integrity and Recovery Options with Watershed-based activities and Ocean Protected Areas (MPAs) inside the Tropical Pacific Islands.

 8 Sept. 2006. twenty Oct. 2007 . Cline, T. R. (1992). The Economics of Global Temperatures rising. Washington, POWER: Institute pertaining to International Economics. ISBN newspaper 0-88132-132-X. EU to switch to energy-efficient lights. (International Report). (2007). Global Warming Today: General OneFile. Gale. University of Arizona Catalogue. Retrieved August 31, 3 years ago, from http://find. galegroup. com. ezproxy1. catalogue. arizona. edu/itx/start. do? prodId=ITOF


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