Blended position APN exploration paper

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Elective, Gerontology, Advanced Practice Nursing, Progression

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Advanced practice tasks that include mixed roles of the CNS and NP, the CNM plus the CRNA

Medical began being a generalized discipline but is becoming increasingly specialized as the profession is growing more specialized in nature. “From these kinds of early start – the nurse midwife (CNM), the nurse anesthetist (CRNA), the clinical registered nurse specialist (CNS), and the no (NP)” developed (Hanson Harnric 2003: 203). This process of evolution was a relatively steady one, since the specialty developed in specific practice settings; slowly but surely made arranged training for specialties available in schedule clinical practice; then, finally, with the growth of the particular knowledge basic the stresses mounted “for standardization and graduate educational programs” (Hanson Harnric 2003: 204). This is often seen in the greater recent progression of the specialised of the health professional pediatrician. For instance , at Vanderbilt University’s School of Nursing jobs, its “Pediatric Primary Proper care Nurse Practitioner (PNP) track offers a broad theoretical and analysis foundation in advanced principles of parent or guardian, child and adolescent breastfeeding. An expert preceptorship provides an captivation experience with a clinical instructor – incorporating theory, study and practice in a medical setting. Immediate clinical encounter is supplied through declaration and contribution on a medical team in a primary care setting” (PNP, 2013, Vanderbilt).

In the field of remedies, fewer and fewer medical doctors are starting upon professions in significantly less lucrative expertise such as major care and pediatrics. Nursing staff are beginning to fill this ‘gap’ and can provide more cost-effective solutions for routine attention. Increasingly, rns may be able to carry out many of the tasks of doctors in this evolving field. “Like other healthcare professionals, pediatric nurses can perform physical examinations, measure vital statistics, take bloodstream and urine samples and order diagnostic tests. Nurses with advanced training can interpret check results to contact form diagnoses and develop treatment plans” (Pediatric nurse, 2012, Explore Wellness Careers). Nursing staff can concentrate on this discipline at universities which offer it as a particular ‘track’ exactly where they take relevant electives and focus their particular training after this part of practice. In the foreseeable future, it is likely to turn into a critical specialised given market and economic trends in healthcare today.


Hanson, C. Hamric, A. B. (2003) Glare on the carrying on evolution of advanced practice nursing. Nursing jobs Outlook, 51: 203-211. Recovered from:

Pediatric doctor. (2012). Explore Health Professions. Retrieved by:

PNP. (2013). Vanderbilt Retrieved via:

Issue 2: The evolution of specialty practice to advanced roles pertaining to nursing has resulted in some intraprofessional conflict

The famous phrase ‘nurses eat their very own young’ highlights the turmoil that often occurs once older, more seasoned nurses feel a purpose to haze, treat cruelly, or simply disregard younger nursing staff. There has regularily been critique within the field of Advanced Practice Medical (APN) that different expertise have attemptedto subsume the characterization from the profession in general and there is a growing conflict among more traditional professionals and professionals in rising areas of the discipline. “Ongoing efforts simply by some leaders to privilege one APN group more than others, whilst undoubtedly well intentioned, will certainly continue to delay the work of clarifying advanced practice nursing” (Hanson Harnric 2003: 206).

One common conflict is the conflict in the profession occurs among APNs inside the community/public overall health specialty vs . those rewarding the primary proper care ANP role.

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