Chapel management article

Paper type: Technology and computing,

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My proposal is to give you an Integrated Parish Management Solution which will synchronizing all management processes which include attendance documents, church actions records, economical records, membership personal info etc . The need for a customized Integrated Parish Management Solution for the Church cannot be over emphasized because the option will be tailored in solving your church’s unique requirements. The Built-in Solution would deliver a one database that contains data intended for the different computer software modules being developed. The modules that would be developed happen to be: Financial Component

-Manage Contributions, Search Funds Expenses, Control Offering Types, etc .

Church Activity Module-Would provide the functionality of Looking Past Activities, New Cathedral Activity, Tales, New testimony, Manage Activity Types etc . Membership and folks Management Component ” Would provide the functionality of Searching for Parish members, newbies, Membership by Type, Fresh Converts, Search for First-Timers, etc . Groups and Department Component

” Would Take care of Groups, Take care of Departments Actions, etc .

Report Component

-would give Attendance report, Monetary Report, Membership Detail Report, etc.

We are aware that your members members will be your most valuable assets and aim to make sure that you are able to provide them with that personal and romantic care necessary for deep determination and loyalty on the part of the parishioners. The solution aims to aid the church in the following areas:

¢Membership Information that is personal Management

¢Church performance analysis and Reporting

¢Easy Entry to All Information regarding Every Individual

¢Reducing Account Outflow

¢Building Enduring Personal romantic relationship with the Members ¢Solve all Record Keeping Issues

¢Manage All Financial Information

¢Visual and Graphic Illustration of the Church Efficiency Per Time ¢High Protection and Backup Strategy¢Effective Follow-up system for new Converts and First -timers We propose to deploy a robust Integrated Church administration Solution.

This solution will focus primarily on developing all essential Church management processes and will result in ultimate member pleasure with your solutions by providing a fast and efficient membership a muslim strategy. This is exactly why our Included Parish Administration Solution is made to assist you to properly harness details about your People, Ministers, Staff, all Section and Group in the chapel, and other methods which should translate to better


Today, even with the digital transformation that the globe is having, numerous church buildings still employ manual record keeping systems. Every record starting with members’ details to the very fragile financial information are held manually. A case study conducted at King’ong’o PCEA parish at Nyeri prove that church buildings are still in the analogue world despite the pursuit of the word towards the digital height. The cathedral is a great ever growing organization. More folks are converted and even more children are born into Christian homes. No longer do pastors, shepherds, priests, bishops and the likes knew each and every part of his chapel personally.

Chapels are nolonger just fellowships, degrees can be found, accounts will be kept, individuals are wedded plus the welfare of members is attended to. Envision what a professional football group would be like without a strategy of practice drills? At this point take away all their playbook and player figures. What you have in this severe scenario are quite talented (and perhaps overpaid) individuals playing organized chaos. They might truly win a game or two, in the long run, this team can be doomed. This kind of illustration should be to drive residence the point of why any organization needs to examine the existence and effectiveness of its administration systems. The earth is becoming Data and technologically based.

For this reason, Management Systems have been launched into several industries starting from the educational for the health sector and even in to agriculture amidst other things. A management Data System is a process to convert data via internal and external options into details, in an appropriate form, to management by any means levels in all functions in order to make well-timed and effective decisions intended for planning, directing and manipulating the activities that they are response. The Church is not excluded by these companies.

The Church Management and Information System is a system intended for churches to manage their procedures efficiently and systematically (Wikipedia, 2012). It is also a specialized software that assists churches in business and automation of daily operations. Current System

King’ong’o PCEA uses a fully manual system of keeping all their records. Financial records, which will need a wide range of transparency and accountability, happen to be kept available written documents. A lot of transactions including money happen to be carried out by the parish. As an example, managing contributions from cathedral members and well-wishers, handling offerings and tithes by simply members, searching and handling cash bills by the church etc . All of the financial specifics are stored manually which is cumbersome and prone to errors. Flaws may easily occur with this system so that it is not trustworthy ad calling for a remedy. The church also needs to keep track of activities that occur in the cathedral every day.

For instance, searching past activities by parish, recently integrated church activities, tales, new tales, managing activity types and so forth Other things in addition need record keeping like taking care of people plus the issue of membership towards the church. In cases like this, records fornew members, new converts, First-timers etc . should be kept. With the existing system, searching the records is definitely cumbersome and time-consuming. Documents of organizations and departments relating to the church needs to be maintained intended for the benefit of the church.

Division activities must be properly noted and up-to-date accordingly and retrieved as per the church management needs. Retrieval of these data is hard considering they are kept in files in written documents. Retrieving a record involves perusing through a many files. Lots of time is squandered retrieving manual records. Information need to be kept and recovered as per the requires of chapel managers. For example, attendance reports for church members, economical reports after having a certain amount of the time, membership details report etc . Reports to get the existing system involves dealing with relevant data manually and coming up with the necessary reports. This is certainly cumbersome and time-wasting. Proposed system

A software system is recommended to replace the manual system for keeping records. A financial module is used to automate financial record keeping and collection. A data source is used to store financial information on the parish. An program is provided for interacting with the database whereby a user can write in the database and in addition they can issue the database as per their demands. Financial info keeping is created easy through this computer software solution and also searching of economic details built even more easier through the recommended software.

By using a Activity module, daily activities inside the church happen to be stored in a database which can be updated to embrace new activities. A platform to get communicating to the database is offered where the user(authorized) interacts with the database(writes in to the database and queries the database). With the new system, activities inside the church will be recorded in database dining tables and can often be retrieved with their respective times via questions. A lot of valuable time is saved through the new system. Departments are automatic using a department module.

This module provides an interface intended for entering information on interest into the database. Since departmental specifics are of prime importance in in terms of the house of worship is concerned, proper details associated with the Parish ought to be retained and gathered with ease. The user searches records relating to a section of interest with a lot of ease through the interface provided by the departments’ component.

Thecumbersomeness with the manual program would therefore be relieved by the recommended software solution. Report era with the suggested system is automated (made alarmingly easy)through the Report module. This is completed through integrating database SQL capabilities into the software. Financial reports, activity reports and so forth can be generated through just pressing some control which will offer prompts towards the user for the reports they need.

The car tire and the dullness associated with checking out through records to draw a report will be completely exterminated through the suggested software option. The various themes defined based on a functionalities happen to be integrated to create a harmoniously and effectively functioning software to go to the manual problem to stay Parish data.

Problem assertion

Keeping records physically is utterly cumbersome since it requires handwriting or typing every detail of interest. Controlling physical documents is cumbersome since space for storage is needed and in addition they can be impacted by natural situations such as unwanted pests and undesirable environment. In addition , compiling information for physical(manual)records is rather than an easy job since it consists of walking through all documents and sketching information appealing.

A lot of personnel is needed to keep records for different church departments and maintain them and this comes with higher costs due to income for the record keepers. King’ong’o PCEA Parish is among the victims from the above mentioned concerns which the proposed system wants to provide a remedy for.


The causing Integrated Parish Management Answer will be in English and can include subsystems and operation to support the next: FINANCIAL MODULE

The Financial Module comes with the proper tools to help in the chapel in management with the following: ¢Contributions and Contributions

¢Offerings and tithes

¢Cash Expense and lotsDonations supervision is a important area from this module since individual charitable contributions by members and linked to the major donations which help to resolve questionslike (How much provides being released from a particular gift announcement)The providing management enables the chapel to record any kind of giving type, as a result not reducing you to any form of predetermined structure. TEAMS AND OFFICE MANAGEMENT COMPONENT

Grouping program encourages the participation of members in the church, church+ takes special care in the implementation of grouping, the machine comes with a flexible system for almost any form of group to be created by the users and associates added to teams. Members of your given group can be maintained from this component.


Activities in the church provide a foundation to almost all the other parts of the cathedral and as such must be well organized and info emerging via it efficiently managed. The church activity module gives you the tools to enable you to manage the many diverse info about cathedral activities, it is built in such a way concerning be versatile to accommodate diverse needed of different churches. REGULAR MEMBERSHIP MANAGEMENT MODULE

This module helps to take care of the various data of person in the cathedral. This feature is so adaptable and you can focus on it according to your certain needs and requirement. Underneath this component, we have all the private data of each member. Searching for: ¢People

¢Add fresh Member/First-Timer. At the time you add new affiliate, all the data about that particular member is usually captured ¢View Members by simply Types: it helps to form members by simply types e. g. draught beer full member? Worker? Minister? Etc . ¢New converts: all new converts happen to be captured here.


Integrated parish Management Answer will be very well integrated, which means that changes in a module will automatically update another related module. High level authentication will probably be needed to log into the Built-in Parish Supervision Solution. Account details are protected, such that it is practically impossible to reach someone’s password. Role Administration is also

implemented producing your chapel users have different access levels, hence producing “users find only what they are supposed to see.


The importance of developing a back up can never always be emphasized enough. The parish’s IT office will be accountable for implementing exercises for regular backup of organization’s data. In the event of a possible system crash, it will be time -consuming and difficult to reconstruct the repository. For recurrent program make use of I hence recommend that back up copies are used daily.

Keeping backups

Backups can be taken to the hard-drive, a shared folder in the network or to exterior media including USB pencil drives, Zero drives or perhaps similar. I recommend that you shop at least one total backup individual from the computer in case of catastrophe. Provision pertaining to external harddrive storage has become integrated in the financials.


An application solution intended for the called problem would be very ideal compared to the existing system. The following reasons justify the need for the application solution: The tire linked to making documents manually and maintaining them would be reduced. The Included Parish Supervision Solution would offer a wide range of ease in recording virtually any details of interest. The software would offer a great interface to interact with the Parish data source (entering fresh details and updating existing details to make certain integrity). Because of the ease of recording and updating data, the challenge of tyre associated with data maintenance will be eradicated by the proposed Included Parish Administration solution.

Parish personnel cost would go straight down as a result of setup of the Recommended Integrated Parish Management Software. While using old program, a lot of personnel is needed to keep and look after Parish documents which culminates in higher Parish running costs. The Proposed program would require reduced personnel due to the ensuing ease in keeping and maintain Parish data and consequently, the running costs of the parish would substantially reduce.

Accurate and reliable financial records would be kept using the recommended system through the financial module which gives security to financial details and only allow access just by approved individuals. This could promote a lot of level of openness and answerability in the handling of Parish finances compared to the existing manual system that can be easily tampered with. As an example, with the manual system papers reflecting economical details of the Parish could be distorted by simply water or perhaps pests. Destructive individuals may take advantage of these kinds of a situation to commit fraud.

With the proposed system, departmental management is easy. Every Parish departments and the activities that revolve around the departments are well noted and current accordingly. Groups in the Parish are too better been able through the recommend Integrated Parish Management answer. This is in contrast to the old program where a manager or Parish head must physically interact with departmental minds to get the essential information. The proposed solution offers a fix for the mentioned department and group-related issues. Reports, which are of prime importance in as far as running of any firm is concerned, will be automatically produced by the Recommended Integrated Parish management Software.

As an example, financial deals by the Parish according to the respective dates, Parish activities in line with the date of occurrence and so forth can be automatically generated together with the proposed Option. This eliminates the fatigue associated with looking for long occasions through files and data files trying to put together a report that will otherwise become generated in a blink of an eye with the proposed system. Keeping track of members of the Parish might fairly easy with all the proposed program. Records of old and new members could kept to make easy to retrieve.

New changes would become part of the data that would be managed and made easily accessible and change in case of separation of a affiliate from the cathedral. This way, the Parish will manage its members much better than using the manual register program.

Literature assessment

Time timetable

Every one of the components and work deals of this project will take three weeks

to accomplish. Following approval on this proposal, the table under summarizes the various phases and timelines from the various aspects of the job to be carried out within as well as on spending budget: “



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