Character profile jazmin biltmore the composition

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Racial Profiling, Profile, Energetic Listening, Weight Loss

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Some of society might indeed see her as as well fat, which may lead to a mishandling of human companies. Alternatively, other folks could dismiss her pounds worries as inconsequential, and therefore never get to the lack of self-esteem at the root of her worries. There is much confusion and mis-identification regarding weight; relating to a the latest study of girls, while simply “55% were overweight, although two-thirds stated they believed they were overweight” (Kaiser, 2007). Jazmin can be, in fact , to some extent overweight, however, not to the extremity that your woman thinks the girl with, and not enough to cause her quick or long term medical harm. Her misperceptions about herself, however , along with society’s misperceptions about pounds in general, could cause for a misdirection of individual services.

Basically were to encounter Jazmin Biltmore in real life in a specialist capacity, I recommend that the lady seek support from a licensed counselor and a nutritional expert. This combination will be most effective, I think, because Jazmin’s self-confidence can be boosted in the event counseling led her into a better and more realistic image of herself. Additionally , there is frequently an underlying mental cause for weight problems and feelings about weight, which can be countered with inside examination of these kinds of causes and an external re-evaluation of ingesting practices and habits (Edlin Golanty, 2007). Nutrition also can play a tremendous role in depression and other emotional problems. The benefits of both equally counseling and nutritional details, then, happen to be two-fold: through counseling, Jazmin would be able to appreciate and accept herself pertaining to who she actually is, in addition to finding the actual cause for her weight concerns; and through nutritional re-education, Jazmin should be able to choose foods that continue to keep her more content and more healthy, and even would help her lose weight.

There is certainly every reason to believe which the results from this mix of psychological counseling and nutritional education will be very positive. Even without any kind of supplemental dietary work, “psychological counseling is mostly effective in facilitating weight-loss of about a pound per week and a significant percentage in the initial physique weight” (Eldin Golanty, 2007). Adding dietary information and guidance to such a plan can only increase its efficacy. If Jazmin’s problems are resolved fairly, devoid of misperceptions based on her sexuality, ethnicity, pounds, or her own misperceptions of herself, she may easily land on the road to a better and happier life.


Edlin, G. Golanty, E. (2007). Health and Wellness. Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Incorporation.

Kaiser. (2001). “Study investigates weight misperceptions by race, gender. ” Kaiser Network, 10 may 2007. Gathered 6 Feb 2009.

(2002). “How misperceptions can easily create damage in the workplace. inches Wharton University of the University or college of Pennsylvania, 28 Aug 2002. Recovered 6 Feb . 2009.

Morin, 3rd there’s r. (2001). “Misperceptions cloud whites’ view of blacks. ” Washington Post, 11 September. Retrieved from your center for seperate rights 6th February

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