Child Labor Laws Essay

Essay Topic: Child, Child labor, Essay, Health safety, Labor,

Paper type: Years as a child,

Words: 307 | Published: 01.20.20 | Views: 570 | Download now

The Department of Labor is the sole federal agency that watches child labor and enforces child labor laws. The most sweeping federal government law that restricts the employment and abuse of kid workers is the Fair Labor Standards Action (FLSA).

Kid labor provisions under FLSA are designed to shield the educational possibilities of children and prohibit their job in careers that are bad for their health and safety. FLSA restricts the hours that youth below 16 years old can work and lists dangerous occupations also dangerous intended for young employees to perform. Adjustment of the FLSA’s child labor provisions is usually handled by the Department’s Income and Hour Division.

Summertime Jobs+ 2012 Businesses! nonprofits! Government! Chief executive Barack Obama has released a call-to-action to organization leaders and communities to sign up his Operations in Summer time Jobs+, a joint initiative to proven hundreds of thousands of summer jobs for low-income and disconnect youth of America.

Child labor regulations (Cambodia) The Labor Law determines 15 years as the minimum era for job and 18 years since the lowest that is not harmful to their health and that does not affect school attendance. A tripartite Labor Advisory Committee is in charge of defining what constitutes operate that is hazardous to the health, safety, and morality of adolescents, and also consulting with the mosalvy to determine which types of employment and operating conditions constitute light function. Of children between the ages of 5 years and seventeen years 53 percent had been employed.

A third of these children were older than 14 years, and 71 percent of them had been engaged in agricultural, farming, or forestry activities; 21 percent of doing work children were sales or service staff, and six percent were engaged in development work. My estimation I’d rather live in the usa because the income is much higher.

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