Colorado Creative Music Case Study Essay

Essay Topic: Case, Creative, Music, Study,

Paper type: Marketing,

Words: 345 | Published: 08.26.19 | Views: 609 | Download now

Large distinctions among competitors (advertisement)? Necessity of touring around the world (more personal approach)? Generating forces Monetary – Lowered initial expense (technology) – Easy to your market – Digitalization (fixed costs)?

Non-financial (art) – To create a better piece of art – Essential for organization to happen? Attractiveness of the sector from the perspective of good long-term profit leads Health problems of Mr. Darren Skanson? Rather than 2 prepared CDs just 1new COMPACT DISC?

He found new performers? Need to sell more CDs (no more product sales, no profit) for intronisation of the CDs by suppliers? Direct sales happen to be big part of sales?

Obtaining of a lot of responsible and skilful person? SWOT evaluation strengths decreased expenses because of digital wave? position available? Darren’s presence at displays – the direct sale? weaknesses insufficient managerial abilities? insufficient circulation channel? lowering profit? SWOT analysis con’t opportunities reaching broader audience with promoting various artists and music styles? music events outdoors Colorado? co-operation with stores nationwide? risks new entrants? existing competition? minor situation on the market? iracy?

Assessment of CCM’s monetary performance Not too various monetary performance of the company? Tendencies in every year: increasing low profit of the company/expenses happen to be increasing/net salary is decreasing except 1998/sales are increasing – but not very – problem? Elevated number of operate – improved number of funds for hiring of new persons.

He have to sell more Compact disks if the company wants to be a part of national distribution – he had several alternatives: 1 . To have several performers and to perform as record label 2 . Compete with designers on a documenting label with Sony Traditional 3. To produce a new good selling product and also to use funds from sales for 1st two desired goals He learned that needs to boost promotion and publicity procedure (not quality but image) The biggest situation – after having medical problems – need to find liable and skilful person Questions – supervisor on his position can be weakened and not this sort of good while Darren – not beneficial for the company – no earnings.

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