Crop groups essay

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Crop Sectors have been located throughout the complete country. That they

are one of the most intriguing points that I have read and researched. Generally there

have also been a large number of shows that I have watched which were very interesting.

The first the latest evidence of a crop group of friends was in 1966 in Tully England.

The circles themselves ranged from a couple of inches in diameter to a couple feet.

Addititionally there is evidence of a crop circle in Hertfordshire, England in 1678.

There are many ideas as to why these peculiar rounded shapes

include appeared in peoples seeds. These ideas include UFOs, energy areas

and also sang vortexes(sine 1). There is no data as to just how these habits

are created. There is proof that there is the field aroound some

of such circles.

1 theory is the fact electrified surroundings forms mini-tornadoes

and causes the circles. This is certainly called the Plasma Vortex Theory(Sine 1).

Another theory that is incredibly prominent is the fact all of these groups are hoaxes

and were made by people to recieve publicity. Hoaxes will be blamed for many of

the circles especially the ones which have been more complex. There have been people

to admit to man making some of these groups. Two people with admitted

to the are Doug Bower and David Chorley(Sine 1). They admitted to faking

around two hundred fifty cirle composition. Many of the circles that were accepted

hoaxes were under mistrust because of generally there ragged seem. Also some in the

more complex and intricat ones are thought to be reproductions. The amount of these types of

circles can be proof by itself and the fact that they are spread throughout the

world is also proof that it is not all a scam.

The most interesting theory

is the fact UFOs produced the circles(sine

2). there have been sightings of UFOs

and circles had been at the eyesight the next morning hours. There also has been sightingds

of balls of light over the fields at night which may have left these circles about

the ground. When ever some of these sectors have appeared a sceaming(Sine 1)

sound was read in the evening along with strange night time lights.

At some time

in the 1970s sectors appeared for the farm of your guy anmed Billy Meiers farm.

Your husband also acquired claimed to acquire been abducted by aliens in the past.

The grass was flat however, not broken simply bent over. Even unfamiliar person afterwards

the grass extended to grow in swirled pattern.

There is also a online video of

miliatary helicopter soaring hovering more than a ball of light over top rated of anewly

formed plant circle. The government statements the helicopter was on moves.

These tennis balls of light were also seen following fighter airplanes into battle during

World War II. The United kingdom Government has an extereme interst in these projectiles

of light(Sine 2).


Sine, Cory.

Aufora Particular Report.

(19 By 1997).

Sine, Cory. Aufora Crop Groups.

(19 Jan 1997).

Sine, Cory. pics. http:/ (19

By 1997)

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