Curtis lemay military achievement political demise

Essay Topic: Leadership style,

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Research from Exploration Paper:

Curtis LeMay:

Using Hersey-Blanchard leadership theory to analyze LeMay’s strengths and weaknesses as a leader

Situational leadership theory and LeMay

The Japanese plan

The Chilly War


Contrasting military and civilian leadership

Just how first, personal successes effect leadership

Four-star General Curtis LeMay is one of the most questionable figures in the history of the present day U. S i9000. Air Force. LeMay’s philosophy may be summed as follows: it can be more advantageous and ultimately more caring to use massive levels of power against the adversary. This brings about a quicker victory and ultimately preserves more civilian lives. Yet , LeMay’s musical legacy as a military leader is complex. On one hand, he is acknowledged with traffic the end of World War II, because of his remarkable leadership style, tactical potential and boldness. However , like a political leader and advocate of U. S. passions, his legacy is mixed. “When he retired in 1965, LeMay was widely regarded, and almost certainly rightly so , as a great commander of SAC [Strategic Surroundings Command] but as a bad chief. inch[footnoteRef: 1] This individual served while Vice Main of Staff of the United States Naval pilot from 1957 and often clashed with more ‘dovish’ assessments with the Cold War’s geopolitical panorama during the Eisenhower, Kennedy, and Johnson Organizations.[footnoteRef: 2] [1: “General Curtis At the. LeMay, ” Arnold Atmosphere Squadron, (accessed twenty one Aug 2013). ] [2: Michael H. Hunt, Lyndon Johnson’s Battle: America’s Chilly War Mission in Vietnam, 1945-1968(Hill Wang, 1997). ]

This kind of paper addresses this noticeable paradox: what sort of man who was so effective in military positions has not been so in others. It will eventually argue that 1 . LeMay’s style was well-suited to the serious needs of the Japanese the front 2 . LeMay’s uncompromising anti-communism made him an effective leader in the Cold War to get his troops but that 3. This uncompromising and unbending vision is certainly not equally well-suited to articulating political ideals within the American democratic circumstance, particularly because of the anti-war developments with the 1960s.

Situational leadership theory and LeMay

LeMay’s profession embodies among the paradoxes in the philosophy of situational command, as delineated by advocates such as Hersey Blanchard, who have stressed that leadership targets must be harmonized with leadership style. When ever quick, important action is necessary as throughout a military plan an autocratic style can be acceptable. Nevertheless , in the realm of political command, the LeMay style was not nearly since effective. Hersey and Blanchard argue that leadership is a dynamic dialogue between followers and leaders. Frontrunners may need to end up being autocratic the moment there is a with regard to swift actions and the enthusiasts are not while well-versed for the circumstance on the ground as the frontrunners themselves.[footnoteRef: 3] However , when followers have equal know-how (or in the case of a democratic environment similar power while the leadership) as in the realm of politics, an even more participatory style is demanded in which commanders coach supporters by informing them rather than ordering them or charging authority. [3: S. Hersey E. Blanchard, Administration of organizational behavior: Making use of human resources (New Jersey/Prentice Area, 1969). ]

LeMay refused to bend his will to the demands of the American inhabitants and make his opinions more palatable as support for the Vietnam Battle waned. Despite LeMay’s leadership of the Pacific cycles bombing of World War II and his subsequent leadership in Australia and the BARDA DE GOLF, the public’s negative perspective of his hawkishness when he served within an administrative and political ability later in the career (he famously influenced a militaristic character inside the film Dr . Strangelove) ended in his personal demise. Additionally, it proved to be ineffective in his transactions with both Presidents Kennedy and Johnson if he demanded a much more aggressive response to various management crises. Among LeMay’s most famous quotes regarding the North Vietnamese was: “My solution to the problem would be to tell them frankly that they’ve got to draw in all their horns and prevent their out and out aggression, or we’re going to bomb all of them back into the Stone Age. And would push them back into the Stone Age with Atmosphere power or perhaps Naval electrical power – avoid ground pushes. “[footnoteRef: 4] Deploying this sort of autocratic style was not almost as influential in the even more nuanced realm of governmental policies and civilian public relations. (Although LeMay later on stated that his ghostwriter misquoted him and this individual merely stated that the U. S. had the features to blast the North Vietnamese in the Stone Age, yet lacked the political will certainly to battle an effective marketing campaign of any kind. )[footnoteRef: 5] [4: Curtis LeMay, Mission with LeMay: My Story. Backyard City, And. Y.: Doubleday, 1965. ] [5: David Stubblebine, “Curtis LeMay, inch World War II Database, (accessed 7 Sept 2013). ]

The Japanese campaign

LeMay’s military viewpoint is a certain amount with speeding the end of World War II within the Pacific Front side. “Instead in the established U. S. policy of daylight, precision bombing, he sculpted out the armaments on 325 B-29s and loaded each plane with firebomb clusters. On 03 10, 1945 he bought the bombers out at 5-9, 1000 feet above Tokyo. The devastation wrought that 1st night was catastrophic: the raid incinerated more than 18 square miles of the city, killing 100, 000 people. “[footnoteRef: 6] It was one of the most destructive atmosphere attack after any position during Ww ii, ultimately killing more than half mil Japanese and was a fundamental break with how many generals wished to approach the Pacific Entrance at the time. LeMay used his determination to obtain his approach. LeMay identified the weak points in the Western forces and firmly assumed that the small , and resource-poor country could not stand – old-fashioned measures will merely increase things and cause useless causalities. “Political elements simply cannot offset materials or armed service deficiencies in the event imbalances are very severe. inches[footnoteRef: 7] No matter how willing to sacrifice and how well-trained the Japanese fliers, LeMay assumed that in the end victory will be in the hands of the U. S. The only question was when win would arrive and half-measures were a disservice towards the lives of soldiers. [6: “General Curtis LeMay, ” The American Knowledge, 2009, (accessed twenty one Aug 2013). ] [7: H. P. Willmott, The War With Japan, (Rowman Littlefield Publishers, 2002), 168. ]

LeMay’s armed forces philosophy of leadership, since reflected in his actions, is that “all warfare is wrong and if you allowed that take the time you, you aren’t a good soldier. “[footnoteRef: 8] But it ought to be noted that LeMay would not believe that almost all violence was good, neither was he always capable to have total control over just how his autocratic leadership style was passed: he compared the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, believing his non-atomic plan was enough. “We gone ahead and dropped the bombs because President Truman told me to obtain. He informed me in a personal letter. inches[footnoteRef: 9] From this, he showed some first reluctance to adapt to new military technology although his earlier air strikes finally made the atomic bombings so important. But just as this individual expected his men to obey his autocratic decisions with unquestioning obedience as a military leader, he as well expected the same consideration of himself, once bowing for the will of Truman. In spite of one’s look at of the best decision, LeMay’s deference to the president in fact underlines his belief once again in autocratic leadership, namely that command word and control is required for the war to be fought effectively.[footnoteRef: 10] In contrast to the command style of Basic Patton, LeMay had value for the Commander-in-Chief.[footnoteRef: 11] [8: “General Curtis LeMay, ” The American Experience, 2009. ] [9: Alfonzo A. Narvaez, “General Curtis LeMay, ” The modern York Moments (obituary), 2 Oct 1990, (accessed 21 Aug 2013). ] [10: Steve W. Dower, “Three Narratives of Our Humanity, ” in Edward To. Linenthal and Tom Engelhardt, eds., History Wars: The Enola Homosexual and Other Battles for the American Earlier (New You are able to: Metropolitan Ebooks, 1996), 63-96. ] [11: Michael M. Pearlman, Truman and MacArthur: Policy, National politics, and the Food cravings for Exclusive chance and Renown. Bloomington, Indianapolis: Indiana College or university Press, 08. ]

The Frosty War

After World War II, LeMay continued his service, first in Australia, and then simply by assuming command of Proper Air Control (SAC), which was responsible for orchestrating any upcoming U. S i9000. atomic attacks: LeMay’s single-minded leadership transformed it from a relatively ragtag bunch of military to one of the very elite and feared devices in the world. Again, the high stakes of the Cold War had been served very well by the LeMay style.

Nevertheless later on in the career, when he entered the realm of politics, LeMay was not capable of translate his military success into personal capital. LeMay’s personal landscapes of national politics were generally criticized. Having been noted pertaining to his politically conservative sights and hate of communism, sentiments which usually made him popular during the height of the Cold Warfare in the 1950 but which will he did not adapt to the changing requirements of the 1960s. He was highly regarded by his men even though he did little to ingrate him self into their favour or even the benefit of his fellow generals and sensed that diminishing with other folks showed some weakness.

LeMay’s reputation in the armed forces was rooted in his willingness to practice what he preached and to acquire his hands dirty when it is necessary. At his Air Force

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