Definition of Literature Essay
Essay Topic: Character types, Essay, Literature,
Paper type: Literary,
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Books has many symbolism but to myself when I notice the word materials I think of large tomes of words and stories that have become timeless classics over time nevertheless this is only one meaning of literature. Literature comes from that Latin term littera, that directly translated means notice, thus promoting the idea that literature is drafted.
This look at however leaves out the concept that there can be oral literature as well from which many of our stories and books are derived from. The main kind of literature, the book, has already established a great influence upon the organization of our contemporary society today. Prior to the 1940’s TV SET had not come into being yet and there was little else to complete other than examine books. Therefore books produced my grandparents and to some extent my parents and, although We grew up in the generation of TV, ebooks as books have indirectly formed myself as well.
There also can always be forms of artistic literature just like poetry or play writing. These as well play an important part in literature, I really believe, such as Robert frost’s poems or the functions of William shakespeare the playwright. These are superb authors, in whose literature is definitely not by means of a great history or a going novel, but also in irregular works that have stayed with us for some time many years. In my opinion that one incredibly good meaning of literature given to us in the lecture is that books must have selected qualities such as plot, character types, tone, icons, conflict, standpoint, and many other factors working together in a dynamic romantic relationship to produce a literary work.
This kind of pretty much defines the way that a majority of people find literature today. This allows for oral traditional stories as well as for the infrequent forms of writing such as performs and poetry that can also have plot, character types, tone and the other components mentioned in order to be deemed a fictional work. I do think that materials is very important and is a lot of fun also if you allow it to be.
It is just a good brain exercise in order that after you have viewed too much TELEVISION you can extend your brain a little by studying a good new or collection of poems. Books is an important element of any culture and will be around for a very long time no matter how very much technology advances.