Ecological equilibrium of the coral formations

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Marine Pollution, Ecotourism, Pollution, Tsunami

Excerpt from Research Pitch:

It should not be considered a difficult question to answer: we have to begin lowering ocean pollution and acquiring steps to stop overfishing of our ocean shallows.

The plan that is formulated to cope with the overfishing and man-made pollutants inside the coral reefs must be executed by authorities in marine and environmental sciences. It must be conducted on two levels: the angling industry linked to the catches around the coral reefs; and the contaminants that are presented into the coral reefs reefs through contact with person. This can be done by monitoring business tourism and diving industries, which assert there is no residual effect on the coral reefs (Carrier, David, and McLeod, Donald, 2006, p. 315).

The Plan to get Preserving the Coral Reefs

Action Things in the correct order)

Actions Steps

Fb timeline

Research and identify the consequences of overfishing of species present in coral reefs.

Review doing some fishing data as it pertains to catches, in contrast against load weights and specie size allowances pertaining to commercial ships.

Month 1-6

Live Monitoring of Commercial Doing some fishing

Marine biologists aboard industrial fishing boats collect data to compare to prior industry data.

Month 7-19

Polluting of the environment Monitoring from the coral reefs.

Meeting of biologists and others to determine the proper way to monitor pollution detrimentally impacting the coral reefs.

Month 1-6

Compile Procedure/Protocol for Testing Pollution

Collection of procedural protocol manual for identifying the impact of pollution, as well as for collection of data pollution.

Month 1-12

Study Direct Influence

Monitor influence of commercial tourism/diving on coral reefs reefs nationwide, Caribbean, and Indonesian systems.

Month 1-12

Collection of Info

Evaluate pollution data collection protocol against commercial tourism/diving data.

Month 13-24

Evaluate Data of Over Fishing and Polluting of the environment

Review of info, categorize info by effects, and put together data into a report.

Month 25-36

Develop Presentation and Recommendations

Put analyzed data into a display to present to nations supporting coral saltwater systems. Staff of expert disciplines in science, biology, and ecology to present data and produce recommendations.

Month 37-39


BBC/Discovery Channel (2006). The world: Shallow Seas, documentary film

Discovery Route, 12 Oct 2008.

Carrier, J. G., Macleod, D. Versus. (2005). Filled the Bubble: The Socio-Cultural Context of Ecotourism. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, 11(2), 315+. Retrieved August 26, 2008, from Questia database:

Tibbetts, M. (2004). Your the Seas, Part 2: Delving Much deeper into the Sea’s Bounty. Environmental Health Viewpoints, 112(8), 472+. Retrieved August 26, 08, from Questia database:

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