Electronic Health Information EHR Research Conventional paper

Essay Topic: Cystic fibrosis,

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Electric Medical Records, Electronic Healthcare, Hardware, Privacy

Excerpt coming from Research Newspaper:

All three systems typically demand a practice to set up the EHR software on on-site machines, although they most appear to need only common “off-the-shelf” components, and all of all of them also offer Application Service Provider (ASP) access while an option. (McKesson, 2010, Basic Electric Organization, 2010, Sage 2010). Because all three systems are applications that live on the practice’s hardware, backup of the server data seems to fall on the shoulders of the practice on its own to manage this process (Compliant Back up, 2010).

Between special additional features, Practice Spouse offers “BrightNote” technology enabling physicians to dictate patient information, which in turn populates discrete data around the person’s chart immediately (McKesson, 2010). GE Centricity offers a Medical Quality Improvement Holding that allows a practice to consolidate and benchmark top quality of treatment measures (General Electric Corporation, 2010). Sage Intergy includes a set of online “marketing” tools that allow a practice to send news letters and other info to their patients. (Sage, 2010).

With the many different systems on the market today – more than 200 (Adler, 2005) – most of which are fairly comparable in quality and functionality, every practice should evaluate which usually product is suitable for its specialized environment, work flow, and clinical needs.


Adler, T. G. (2005). How to Choose an Electronic Health Record Program. Family Practice Management, doze (2). Gathered from http://www.aafp.org/fpm/2005/0200/p55.html

Compliant Backup (2010). Centricity Backup: Are You Backing Up Your Centricity Data? Retrieved 04 7, 2010 from the Up to date Backup web page http://centricitypractice.gehealthcare.com/public/requirements.htm

Garets, D. Davis, M. (2006). Electronic Medical Records vs . Electronic Wellness Records: Yes, There Is a Big difference, A HIMSS AnalyticsTM White Paper. Retrieved from the Information about health and Administration Systems Contemporary society (HIMSS) web page http://www.himssanalytics.org/docs/wp_emr_ehr.pdf

General Electric Company (2010). GE Centricity. Retrieved 04 7, 2010 from the GENERAL ELECTRIC Healthcare web page https://www2.gehealthcare.com/portal/site/usen/menuitem.e8b305b80b84c1b4d6354a1074c84130/?vgnextoid=5bb454fbded30210VgnVCM10000024dd1403RCRDproductid=4bb454fbded30210VgnVCM10000024dd1403

HIMMS (2010). EHR Electronic Well being Record. Gathered April 6, 2010 in the Health Information and Management Devices Society (HIMSS) website http://www.himss.org/ASP/topics_ehr.asp

McKesson (2008, June 30). McKesson’s Practice Partner Computer software Receives Leading Ratings current EHR Practice Management Analyze for fifth Consecutive Season. Retrieved by McKesson Company website http://www.practicepartner.com/news/06302008.htm

McKesson (2010). Practice Partner. Retrieved Apr 7, 2010 from the McKesson Corporation website http://www.mckesson.com/en_us/McKesson.com/For%2BHealthcare%2BProviders/Physician%2BPractices/For%2BIndependent%2BPractices/Practice%2BPartner.html

GENERAL ELECTRIC Centricity (n. d. ). In Wikipedia. Retrieved 04 7, 2010 from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Centricity

Electronic Health Data, Electronic Medical Records, Reproductive System, Electronic digital Healthcare

Research from Study Paper:

At the moment, mouth macrolides continue being the best option for an anti-inflammatory treatment. Other sorts of drug-based treatments, including the use of mucolytics in order to up thicker, viscous sputum and the use of osmotic providers to keep airways moist, are well established in CF treatment protocols, nevertheless research goes on in order to improve and turn these approaches as well.

A novel beneficial method being tried to get CF is usually “the modulation of non-CFTR ion programs in epithelial cells. inches (Jones Schutzhelm, 2009). The drug Lancovutide (Milil901, duramycin) “activates an alternative chloride route in epithelial cells by simply elevating intracellular calcium amounts, and thus, might compensate for CFTR deficiency in the airway epithelium. ” (Jones Helm, 2009). These providers have reached the clinical trial stage, and, if powerful, will be able to offer a new group of treatment option pertaining to CF sufferers.

Gene solutions, which keep pace with correct “the underlying gene effect, both by agents that aid to correct the dysfunctional CFTR… Or by simply gene transfer” (Jones Sturzhelm, 2009), are extremely promising. The gene defect that causes VOIR was first determined in 1989, and since then researchers possess explored treatments that would substitute the person’s defective CFTR with “wild-type” CFTR (Jones Helm, 2009).

For example Zhang, et al. have focused on the development of gene transfer strategies using epithelial cells. That they used “an in vitro model of individual CF ciliated surface throat epitheliumto test whether a human being parainfluenza virus vector engineered to express CFTR could deliver sufficient CFTRto restore mucus transport, as a result correcting the CF phenotype. ” (Zhang, et approach., 2008). The team was able to identify that normal mucus transport rates had been restored after “CFTR delivery to 25% of area epithelial cellular material. ” (Zhang, et al., 2008). Further study will assist develop this kind of corrective gene transfer strategy and determine how best to utilize technique and just how far it might go to restoring typical mucus transport function in CF individuals.

One component contributing to the advancement of research to take care of CF may be the availability of originate cells pertaining to experimental use. Recently, two new individual embryonic control cells lines have been produced affected by CF. (Deleu ain al., 2009) This new method to obtain “feeder cells” offers analysts ease and availability of a medium intended for continued studies in the lab prior to trials. Namely, inches[t]hese new hereditary cell lines represent a significant in-vitro application to study the physiological procedures underlying this kind of genetic disease, drug screening, and cells engineering. ” (Deleu et al., 2009). Especially with a disease such as VOIR, where the affected person population is made from up a majority of minor kids, having stem cells since an option will help advance studies further than was possible in the past, without any from the ethical worries involved with employing children while live trial subjects, till various treatment approaches are well advanced in the study routine.

In summary, various drug-based treatments have become common for CF, and carry on and contribute to improved care and health position for these people, with advancements in government method (e. g., dried out inhalers) continuing to increase effectiveness of well-known treatments. Meanwhile, the potential for significant leaps forward in remedying of the disease are presented simply by new gene therapies – supported by the higher availability of come cell-based analysis techniques. With this concentrate on CF from multiple fronts and applying multiple modalities, we can wish that the advancements of the last 50 years, which usually extended the lifespan of CF people into adult life, can be repeated, offering VOIR patients for the future the opportunity to experience a full expected life into old age.


Cystic Fibrosis Foundation (n. g. ). Recovered 15 The spring 2010 in the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation website, http://www.cff.org/

Deleu, S. ain al., (2009). Human cystic fibrosis wanting stem cell lines extracted on placental mesenchyman stromal cells. Reproductive : BioMedicine On the net, 18(5), pp. 704-716.

Williams, A. Meters. Helm, J. M. (2009). Emerging Treatments in Cystic Fibrosis. Medications 69 (14), pp. 1903-1910.

Kids Overall health (n. m. ). Precisely what is Cystic Fibrosis, Retrieved 15 April 2010 from the Children Health site http://kidshealth.org/parent/medical/lungs/cf.html

Detroit Children’s Medical center (n. d. ). Improving Cystic Fibrosis Care, Retrieved 15 The spring 2010 from your Seattle Little one’s Hospital internet site http://www.seattlechildrens.org/about/stories/forward-thinking/

Zhang, L. ou al. CFTR Delivery to 25% of Surface Epithelial Cells Restores Normal Prices of Mucus Transport to Human Cystic Fibrosis

Electronic Overall health Records EHR – Study Paper

Monopoly, Gmo, Economic Geography, Genetically Modified Meals

Excerpt via Research Newspaper:

However , with natural gas, production requires a long business lead time – drillers and processers simply cannot increase creation capacity quickly to meet increased market require, thus increased demand will begin the price increasing and keep this rising to get a period of time till supply grabs up, or other industry factors (such as a nice winter that reduces demand for heating gas) influence the purchase price. Overall, prices for gas have been increasing: between 99 and 2008, natural gas prices in the U. S. a lot more than doubled, by $6. 69 per thousand cubic feet (Mcf) to $13. 68 per Mcf. The increasing selling price reflects market conditions which may have included:

Colder-than-normal weather for long periods during some heating system seasons

Elevating use of natural gas for electric power generation

Creation disruptions by hurricane activity in the Gulf of Mexico

Record-high commodity future trading prices more than much of the last two years

Fluctuating net import levels” (U. H. Energy Information Administration).

In addition , prices in several regions of the nation can vary depending on their proximity to gas producing features. Transportation costs become area of the total value for some buyers. In other words, as we see selling price variations in different geographies and prices rising reacting to changing economic and environmental conditions, it is clear that marketplace forces of supply and demand happen to be operating setting the prices, not just a monopoly.


Alben, Alex. “Mediating wedding of Comcast and NBC to protect customers. ” Seattle Times. twenty eight January, 2010. Web. 3 May, 2010.

Morris, Outspoken. Monsanto GMO Ignites Big Seed Battle. National Public Radio. 12 January, 2010. Web. a few May, 2010.

NaturalGas. Org. Industry and Market Framework. 2004. Internet. 3 Might, 2010.

U. S. Energy

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