Environmental changes Essay

Essay Topic: Changes, Essay,

Paper type: Persona,

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Organizations adapt to environmental changes such as the adoption of a new technology, a big change in industry dynamic or new regulatory policies therefore the Inexpensive Care Action was implement (Frates, 2014). The Cost-effective Care Action puts customers back in fee of their health care. Under the legislation, a new “Patient’s Bill of Rights” provides American people the stability and adaptability they need to make informed alternatives about their wellness (U. T. Department of Health & Human Services, 2014).

This has made leaders feel as if the us government is making all the health decisions in regards to a patient rather than allowing the physicians for this. With that said, leaders must apply strategic supervision into their agencies by creating short term proper planning that enables the office to meet incremental breakthrough on the path to an ultimate aim creates a way to highlight successes, identify and resolve setbacks, and inspire forward motion (Burger & Giger, 2014). Contingency Theory and Resource Dependence Theory can be applied to health care organizations due to the environmental addiction. With medical care as unforeseen as it is having both ideas used permits the features to be ready for multiple different results.

Frates, J. (2014). Health care management: Theory in action. Hillcrest, CA: Bridgepoint Education, Inc. Burger, M., & Giger, A. (2014, February 13).

How Health care Organizations Can easily Improve This season. Retrieved from http://businessjournal.gallup.com/content/167108/healthcare-organizations-improve-year.aspx U. S. Office of Health & Human Services. (2014, October 2). About legislation | HHS. gov/healthcare. Gathered from http://www.hhs.gov/healthcare/rights/ Markets have been increasingly intricate, turbulent, and interrelated.

Genuine and potential opportunities and threats to an organization’s existing market(s) should be identified and evaluated (Hitt, Ireland, & Hoskisson, 2013). Today’s organization environment requires the decision producers to shape the organization like a dynamic organization that can swiftly initiate and implement tactical processes and respond quickly to strategic changes in the market or to proper processes of competitors in as short a period of time as possible. This Discussion also requires: How can health care leaders apply strategic managing to their agencies? Healthcare market leaders can apply strategic management to their organizations by ensuring each of the task and activities incorporate it in small bits and pieces of the change.

Once that change is done with no complications a new activity can be added to the list. At times smaller alterations go undetected and are more rapidly to be recognized than a larger change that employees feel are forced onto all of them.

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