Fire scientific research building design

Essay Topic: Hong Kong,

Paper type: Science,

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Build A Fire, Fireplace Department, Flames Safety, Development

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In 1954 the 1st settlements had been created using H-shaped blocks (Chan, 1998). Today, however , foundation styles contain Double H-shaped, Cruciform, Double Tower, Trident, and Thready (Wong Yau, 1999). They are designed to easily be constructed and work well for heating and cooling, but are also created to prevent a total building break in case of a fire. Re-engineering a procedure that needs a lot of assistance is becoming popular in many areas of industry but the building industry have been slow to create changes (Koskela, 1992). Most of this has might be accounted for by the fact that re-engineering usually has to do with processes, as well as the construction sector is mostly project structured, instead (Chan Yu, 1999).

This re-engineering to help protect against fire and other dangers, yet , is anticipated to focus on jobs that are created for the customer and so work to enhance the final outcome that these buyers receive via working with the corporation (Mohamed, 1997). It has also been seen to get innovative and holistic when setting high standards for quality, basic safety, and customer satisfaction (Love, ainsi que al., 1997). Examples of this kind of re-engineering process have also been provided by many other analysts that have reported innovative technology and an increase in productivity (Chan Kumaraswamy, 95; Deng, ou al., 1999). This bigger productivity and lower fire danger present a winning circumstance for those who build homes and business and the ones who inhabit them.


Chan, Deb. W. M. And Kumaraswamy, MM. (1995). Effects of technology and site productivity in construction times of building projects in Hong Kong. Proceedings of the 16th Annual ASEM Conference, American Society for Anatomist Management, 21-23 September 1995, Washington POWER, USA, 309-316.

Chan, A. P. C. And Yu, A. T. W. (1999). Effecting innovation through construction process re-engineering (CPR). Australian Institute of creating Papers, on the lookout for, 7-16.

Chan, D. W. M. And Chan, A. P. C. (2002). Overview of design and construction innovative developments in Hk public housing. Proceedings in the International Seminar on Advances in Building Technology, Faculty of Structure and Land Use, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, 4-6 December 2002, Hong Kong, (in press).

Chan, D. W. M. (1998). Modelling Development Durations intended for Public Housing Projects in Hong Kong. PhD thesis, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.

Deng, Z. M., Tam, C. M. And Zeng, S. By. (1999). Constant process improvement for shortening construction life long public casing projects in Hong Kong. Aussie Institute of Building Papers, 9, 17-28.

HKHA (2001). Total annual Report 2000/2001, Hong Kong Housing Authority (HKHA), Hong Kong.

Howell, J. (2003). Prefabs would be the wrong answer; On the level. Sunday Telegraph (London, England).

Koskela, L. (1992). Application of the newest Production Beliefs to Building. Technical Record No . 72, Centre pertaining to Integrated Center Engineering, Department of Civil Engineering, Stanford University, USA.

Love, L. E. D., Mohamed S. And Tucker, S. N. (1997). A conceptual procedure for re-engineering the construction method. Proceedings with the International Seminar on Development Process Re-engineering 14-15 July 1997, Rare metal Coast, Queensland, Australia, 13-23.

Mohamed, S. (1997). BPR critic – CPR counsel. Proceedings in the International Meeting on Development Process Re-engineering, 14-15 This summer 1997, Precious metal Coast, Queensland, Australia, 25-37.

Use prefabrication, building sector

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