First indian muslim woman imam to acquire jumma

Essay Topic: Social networking,

Paper type: World,

Words: 434 | Published: 01.15.20 | Views: 579 | Download now

India, Muslim, Woman

Female woman, Jamida K popularly known as ‘Jamida Teacher’ started to be the initial Indian Muslim woman Imam to lead Jumma prayers. Your woman led the prayers for a mixed number of around 40 men and women with the central panel office from the Quran Sunnath Society in Malappuran district, Kerala. But still she is facing lot of criticism on the social websites and the criticism even reached the level of loss of life threats. Ms. Jamida explained she had antedated the controversy as well as the criticism, facing various kinds of risks on the social networking for lengthy. But she said We would not head the menace. We stick to the Quran. This addresses people have an equivalent role in religion and it does not discriminate between men and women said Ms. Jamida.

The Quran Sunnath Society is established by controversial Islamic scholar Chekannur Moulavi who was known for his unconventional studying of Islam. In 93 Moulavi was allegedly killed by orthodox elements prevailed in the contemporary society. Quran Sunnath Society continues to be involved in several movements which includes ones resistant to the primitive, unjust practice of triple talaq. Ms. Jamida said that we all will continue the practice of women leading the prayers and our group had challenged a male-dominant faith based practice. This wounderful woman has been bombarded forcefully simply by people who broadly described her “not a Muslim”, “I am `receiving phone calls via so many mosque committees showing me that we have defied Islam. There are people who are speaking against me personally on social networking and they declaring that I are trying to ruin the religion”.

The secretary of Jamaat-e-Islami Hind, Abdul Rahman said that “Jamaat-e-Islami Hind handles 500 mosques in Kerala, but Jamida’s action was an established drama and a strategy to acquire low-cost popularity”. He also declared that, “by custom, men business lead the praying because girls are busy in the household and they have their own limitations. This kind of department is not really discrimination, 2 weeks . question of what best suits women what best suits men”. Nihat Husain, the head with the BMMA (Bharathiya Muslim Mahila Andolan) in Jaipur explained that” I support the idea of equality. In the Quran describes that a woman may lead other female in praying but women can’t lead man. If perhaps she against these kind of beliefs, it will be hard for people intended for support her”. The revolutionary motion has kicked up an extensive debate intended for and resistant to the woman leading Jumma prayer, on the social networking.

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