Marketing Research Proposal Sample Essay

Essay Topic: Essay, Marketing, Research,

Paper type: Marketing,

Words: 321 | Published: 09.12.19 | Views: 632 | Download now

Introduction: Indian fruit Juice market is an unorganized and newly developing market. Only lately this sector is getting even more organized and attracting even more players on the market.

Though the unorganized corner shop vendors rule this market, Of india consumers are shifting towards brand fruit Juice due to their improvement in health mind. Indian juice market is using a net-worth of 275 crores as of now and increasing at a rate of 35% to annually. This study was done to identify the present market framework, industry styles, existing players and their tatus in the market, progress possibilities and consumer behavior of existing fruit juice customers.

The study was conducted to know the total marketplace intelligence so that it can guidebook any new entrant through this sector in Indian industry would get befitted. The study contains both primary and secondary research. Principal research was conducted throughout India. Primary research requires collecting info from both equally consumers and retailers to get better understanding about the market.

This research report is a guide for virtually any new entrant who wants to type in this juice market in India. The report also can serve as a fundamental industry information resource. (http://www. reportbuyer. com/food_drink/country_overviews_food/ indian_fruit_]uice_market. html) Difficulty statement: Which in turn factors affect the consumer purchasing decision intended for fruit beverages. Objective * To determine the product attributes influencing purchase decision of fruit drink brands. * To determine the reasons for eating various fresh fruit drink brands.

To determine the most preferred SKU(quantity) in fresh fruit drink category. * To determine the most desired channel inside the fruit drink category. 5. To determine many preferred fruit drink SCOPE * Examine will be taken across place to place of Ahmedabad city. * People of different age groups will probably be considered in the Study. Study is concentrated upon Carbonated and Non-Carbonated fresh fruit drinks.

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