Mrs mallard s cardiovascular disease essay

Essay Topic: Heart attack, Heart disease, Heart problems, Kate Chopin,

Paper type: Physical fitness,

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/em>Our company is aware of different health problems, their very own causes and consequences. Mass media create advantageous conditions through which we can discover the required data and can be completely informed about our health. The info we get via television, newspapers, and on the net sources focuses on the menace of cardiovascular system diseases among women. We stick to the thought that heart diseases and strokes mainly hit guys. Moreover, all of us cannot nevertheless admit that heart diseases are the major causes of individual deaths. When ever reading the works of talented freelance writers who resided earlier, we cannot but feel the impression of medical helplessness of that time.

Many of us understand that the conditions described in earlier fictional works are no longer threatening for the contemporary reader. Certainly, that is not mean that the discussed performs lose their relevance, but modern condition of medicine makes it possible to look at this kind of works coming from a different angle. In The storyline of an Hour, Kate Chopin offers depicted a young lady which has a heart disease; your woman died of heart attack caused by extremely powerful feelings.

I actually am confident that our modern technologies and medicine could have helped Mrs. Mallard to avoid such tragic and evidently, too early fatality.

Mrs. Mallard’s heart problems

Kate Chopin was very specific and direct in her descriptions of Mrs. Mallard’s disease:

“Now her mama rose and fell tumultuously. She was beginning to identify this issue that was approaching to enjoy her, and she was striving to beat it in return with her will ” as powerlessness as her two light slender hands would have recently been. When the lady abandoned their self a little whispered word escaped her a little bit parted lip area. She said it over and also under her breath: “free, free, totally free!  The vacant look and the appearance of terror that acquired followed went from her eyes. They stayed keen and shiny. Her signal beat quickly, and the coursing blood warmed and calm every inch of her body (Chopin)

Mrs. Mallard was young (Chopin). Her disease was well known and other family members were aware of her physical and emotional vulnerability. From your viewpoint of recent medicine and technology, Mrs. Mallard’s sister Josephine have been very careful when the girl had to inform Mrs. Mallard of her husband’s death. At the moment of revelation, the text “free enunciated by Mrs. Mallard could either refer to her feelings towards her husband, as well as to the physical pain which has been overwhelming many possessed her. Mrs. Mallard was suffering from heart disease, and the coming doctors could just confirm your woman had perished of heart disease. They were struggling to do anything in order to save Mrs. Mallard or to stop such tragic outcomes.

In this context, the problem can be reviewed from the two different viewpoints. First, modern tools and treatments would have saved Mrs. Mallard from death which has become the result of the heart attack: modern emergency save techniques and transportation make it possible to save an individual’s life also in the many serious deadly condition. Second, modern technology and medicine may have prevented cardiovascular attacks and would ensure Mrs. Mallard long, secure, and fairly healthy presence with slight limitations. She’d have been able to live an extended life if contemporary medicines and solutions had been available to her.

“Women are in risk for heart problems and cardiovascular attacks, much like men. Actually heart disease is the leading cause of fatality among women more than 65. American women happen to be 4 to 6 times more likely to expire of cardiovascular disease than of breast cancer (Family Doctor). The problem is that almost all women continue to treats cardiovascular disease as the traditionally men problem, and does not realize the threats celebrate to their overall health. As always, medical problems are simpler to prevent than to treat.

This is exactly why it is critical the fact that patients are aware of their health problems and are engaged into the process of continuous medical treatment, which will prevent serious well being complications and can provide a person with a opportunity to live. In her tale Kate Chopin makes the reader aware of the very fact that Louise was sick; however , was Louise very little realizing the seriousness of her heart problems? Probably, the girl was not. It truly is clear that her sister was more realistic with regards to Mrs. Mallard’s disease, as well as if Louise herself realized her medical problems, she would not care much about them. This is the biggest problem she will make towards her health.

The net and other causes of information offer sufficient information about the methods of treating cardiovascular disease and stopping heart problems. From the perspective of the continuous medical care, Louise could take many easy steps to make her life easier. Initially she could control her blood pressure plus the symptoms of cardiovascular disease (Wilansky & Willerson 54). The blood pressure control usually takes several forms, but in case with Mrs. Mallard the lady could keep to a healthy diet, lessen the salt consumption, and talk about the doctor intended for medicines which usually would lower blood pressure. Modern technology make it possible to measure the bad cholesterol level; this approach would provide Mrs. Mallard while using full info on her diet, and possibly adjust it with her health requires.

There is one more essential aspect in treating heart disease: individuals should be continuously alert when it comes to changes in their very own health or their awareness (Orth-Gomer & Chesney 98). Patients should not neglect the chest pain: “be sure to contact a doctor right away if you have problems with pain within your chest, shoulder joint, neck, or perhaps jaw. Likewise notify your physician if you encounter shortness of breath or nausea that comes on quickly. If you are creating a heart attack, the faster you will get to a clinic, the much less damage may happen to your heart (Family Doctor). Modern technology and travel help reach the patient inside the remotest location and provide the best medical assistance even though the patient will be taken to a healthcare facility.

To be objective, the discussed measures are also linked to significant constraints, and in order to make sure the best overall health outcomes, Louise and her doctor would have taken these constraints into consideration. First of all, “women are more likely than men to obtain atypical myocardial infarction symptoms including neck and shoulder discomfort, abdominal soreness, nausea, exhaustion or shortness of breath (Krantz & Mcceney 1013). It would be extremely difficult for Mrs. Mallard to identify the symptoms of a myocardial infarction: it would practically impossible to visit your doctor each time the girl felt pain.

However , we could conclude in the story that Louise was familiar with the symptoms of her heart disease; in addition, they were usually similar or even the same. That is why it would be easy for her to avoid health complications in case the lady reported her pain and also other symptoms in timely method. The major threat heart disease creates for a girl is the threat of silent heart problems, which are more probable among women, than men (Krantz & Mcceney 1015). Because Louise felt the pain was arriving and was embracing her chest, the lady could certainly prevent her heart attack.

Second, “women are less very likely than men to have the standard findings around the ECG which can be necessary to identify a heart attack quickly (Orth-Gomer & Chesney 35). Yet, the pure awareness of the very fact that the person has cardiovascular disease will lead medical professionals inside the correct way. They will discover how to interpret the symptoms, and what to do to save lots of the life from the patient. Ladies heart is exclusive both physiologically and emotionally, and even in terms of science, medical specialists are not able to explain most of the processes which take place in a woman’s heart. For example , “women are less likely to survive center attacks than men. Nobody knows for what reason. It may be that women don’t search for or receive treatment the moment men, or perhaps it may be mainly because women’s more compact hearts and blood vessels are easily damaged (Family Doctor).

Regardless, heart attack and heart disease is far more threatening for any woman than it is for the man. That is not mean that for the woman to obtain sick cardiovascular system means to become dead. However, numerous preventive measures are targeted at creating beneficial conditions for the people whose cardiovascular system is vulnerable to emotions, stresses, physical exercises, and other related activities. If we consider the extremely stress filled situation through which Louise was, and neglect the reasons which is why she hadn’t addressed the doctors earlier in her life, your woman could have been preserved.

“Emergency percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA) or coronary stenting for acute heart attack is as successful in women as in men; however , girls may include slightly larger rate of procedure-related problems in their blood vessels (such since bleeding or perhaps clotting in the point of insertion with the PTCA catheter). This bigger rate of complications have been attributed to ladies older age group, smaller artery size, and greater intensity of halsbet?ndelse. The long lasting outcome of angioplasty or perhaps stenting yet , is similar in men and women, and should not end up being withheld because of gender.  (Consedine, Magai & Chin 215)

Taking into account Mrs. Mallard’s young age, the lady could have averted the majority of procedure-related complications and would evidently have survived her myocardial infarction. It is probably that Louise would be able to live a long life. Modern technology and medicine would supply her with a number of options. 1st, she would manage to go through the intensive medical research to discover the causes, implications, and possible hazards of her heart disease. To be aware means to be alive when it comes to treating center diseases.

The results of investigation gives Louise with the knowledge about conceivable measures to avoid heart attack or perhaps other related complications of her heart disease. Second, such analysis and medical analysis will help Louise adjust her daily life for the needs of her sick heart, and avoid significant tensions which have led her to death. Virtually any extreme emotion is the tension for a poor heart, whether or not it is despair or joy, and a sick person must control such feelings to prevent the negative wellness outcomes (Consedine, Magai & Chin 214). Mrs. Mallard would have experienced access to preventative therapeutic alternatives, which contemporary medicine provides.

Preventive measures will significantly decrease health risks for Louise. Third, modern medical science owns profound understanding of the mechanisms of center diseases and heart episodes; contemporary cosmetic surgeons have many instruments and techniques accessible to restore the sick heart, and to assurance long and full life to the affected person after a heart attack. When along with modern way of transport and emergency recovery, these musical instruments become invaluable in conserving the lives of those who may have suffered severe heart attack.


/em>In Kate Chopin’s tale, Mrs. Mallard has perished of heart attack, “of delight that kills (Chopin). People may hold various viewpoints about her heart disease, but one thing is definitely evident: Louise could have been salvaged in case the girl could use the current achievements in medicine, technology, and scientific research. Even if we all assume that heart problems and cardiovascular attacks remain the major factors of individual deaths, a lot more people are kept and obtain timely medical assistance due to the latest advances in medical technology and scientific research. Chopin has not presented us with all conditions and target conditions in which Louise’s disease had created.

The information inside the story is sufficient to anticipate that the final results could have been a lot more favorable in the event Mrs. Mallard could use phone, transport, and medical products which are available to us. Cardiovascular diseases even now create the majority of life-threatening problems, but the intensive scientific research has created vast opportunities for saving the lives of patients after having a heart attack and also other related health problems.

The case of Mrs. Mallard was not connected with any other wellness complications: she was young, and her age could have made her recovery easier and more quickly. Female heart is extremely complicated both physiologically and psychologically, but even such issues would not generate serious hurdles against coming back again Louise alive. However , whether or not Louise acquired survived, no-one knows how her friends and family relations and continuous meaningful and emotional pressure could have impacted her future life. In certain circumstances death can be viewed savior.

Works Reported

Chopin, T. “The History of an Hour.  1894. Washington Condition University.seventeen February 2008.

Consedine, N. S., Magai, C. & Chin, S. “Hostility and Panic Differentially Foresee

Cardiovascular Disease in Men and Women.  Sex Functions: A Record of Study, 50(2004): 214-18.

Doctor. “Heart Disease and Center Attacks: What Women Need to learn.  3 years ago.

FamilyDoctor. Org.17 February 2008.

Krantz, David T. & Mcceney, M. “Effects of Psychological and Sociable Factors in Organic

Disease: A Critical Analysis of Exploration on Coronary Heart Disease.  Gross annual Review of Mindset(2002), pp. 1012-1024.

Orth-Gomer, K. & Chesney, Meters. Women, Stress, and Heart problems. Lawrence Erlbaum

Associates, 1998.

Wilansky, S. & Willerson, L. T. Cardiovascular disease in Women.Churchill Livingstone, 2002.


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