Part 14 capitalism plus the economy essay

Essay Topic: Economic system,

Paper type: Law,

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economic system in which property and goods are primarily held privately; opportunities are dependant upon private decisions; and prices, production, and the distribution of goods happen to be determined primarily by competition in an unfettered marketplace.


precapitalist economic system seen as the presence of lords, vassals, serfs, and fiefs.


the period around 1700 marked by the launch of new farming technologies that increased food output in farm development.

Agricultural trend

a legal entity unto itself that has a legal personhood distinct from that of the members, particularly, its owners and shareholders.


a problem in which folks are dominated by simply forces of their own creation that then deal with them since alien power; according to Marx, the fundamental state penalized in a capitalist society.


a fiscal system in which most or perhaps all the requires of the human population are fulfilled through non-market methods of syndication.


a political ideology of any classless world in which the way of production will be shared through state title and in which will rewards will be tied to not productivity but for need.

The reds

a wage paid to man workers enough to support a dependent better half and children

Family salary

the section of our economy that involves providing intangible solutions.

Service sector

the unequal, global distribution of income, so named because of its shape.

Champagne-glass distribution

the form of business that happens when one retailer of a good or support dominates industry to the exclusion of others, potentially leading to actually zero competition.


the disorder when a number of firms properly control a particular market.


a business decision to maneuver all or element of a provider’s operations abroad to minimize costs.


an organization of workers created to facilitate communautaire bargaining with employers.


a company’s strike on the workers’ union with the hope of dissolving it.

Union smashing

The grade level and volume of encounter determine your:

detrimental service income

Hersker Smith states that money is:

innately social

Adam Jones used an example of a flag factory to explain the benefits of trademark labor to generate greater wealth. The trademark labor does this by creating:

goods that society wants;

proportions that contemporary society desires;

prices contemporary society is willing to pay

(all from the above)

Which in turn theorist stated that modern capitalism will not have developed without the Simple Reformation, which will created the required social conditions for capitalism by creating theological insecurity and instilling a r�gle of predestination?

Max Weber

Marx described employees as being in opposition from:

the process of production;

other people;


(all of the above)

In the United States, corporations share most of the same privileges as people, except organizations:

can’t election

Below feudalism, the lords did not receive the income from the terrain that they held. Who performed?


Because the monetary system is increasingly depersonalized, Simmel argues that it must be now likely to:

carry out shoddy function

A great honorarium is similar to:

a gift pertaining to something you may have agreed to do for someone, just like giving a conversation

Globalization in the twenty-first century can be characterized by:

the emergence of new markets, fresh means of exchange, new players, and new rules which might be intensifying throughout the world interdependencies

Henry Ford was heralded for his generosity and genius when he created a new type of income system whereby male workers were paid out sufficient wages to support a dependent partner and kids. What term refers to this kind of payment?

family wage

The Ozzie and Harriet Nelson kind of family was at its prime during which time period?

during the post-World War II economic growth

Union membership has become declining since the 1950s. Which will of the next has NOT been recommended as a purpose?

Union staff are less successful.

Within a capitalist economy, the price and distribution of products and companies are dependant on what?


Sarah Fenstermaker Beurk has characterized the American family by simply examining how women and men figure out how to take on specific roles paralleling the split between public and private spheres. She telephone calls the family a:

“gender factory. ”

Barbara Risman equated gender inequality, in the form of marriage, to:

Best case scenario, racism and at worst, apartheid

What term identifies the ability to perform one’s very own will irrespective of resistance?


A great oligopoly takes place when retailers of a certain product join collectively and opt to _____________ source to _____________ demand, bleary an effort to make profits.

decrease; increase

Monetization refers to:

the institution of a broadly accepted money for exchange.

The dominant marketplace before the farming revolution was

the solariego system

Feudalism was an economic system characterized by ________

lords who owned the land, vassals who maintained the terrain and provided military security, and serfs who performed the land

During the agricultural trend, the housing movement triggered many ex – serfs to advance to metropolitan areas in search of job and triggered the climb of:

salary labor

what are top features of capitalism?

capitalism is an economic system by which property and goods happen to be primarily independently owned; assets are determined by private decisions; and prices, creation, and the circulation of goods will be determined primarily by competition in an unfettered marketplace

At the end from the eighteenth hundred years and the beginning of the nineteenth 100 years, a massive move was propelled by the development of new technologies, including:

electric power loom and steam engine

Which will of the pursuing factors performed a role in the development of capitalism?

new farming technologies

A corporation is definitely legally:

a person

Limited liability is definitely ________

a form of ownership that creates a department between the specific shareholder or perhaps executive plus the business enterprise.

The idea that competition, certainly not conflict, assists maintain cultural cohesion was put forward by simply _______

Adam Smith

You are a freelance web designer, and about half a year ago you place up a PayPal bank account so that clientele can pay you online instead of mailing you checks, to be able to speed up the task. One of your clients has not indicated any involvement in using PayPal, and this continues to take up to two months for that consumer to pay you. The next time this client provides you with a project, you may turn it down in favor of consumers who will pay much more quickly. In Adam Smith’s terms, your decision is based on getting an unwanted level of ________ in the recommended exchange.


________ is a system of payment whereby workers will be compensated intended for the final amount of their companies, not any particular task or perhaps hours worked well


Adam Johnson, the father of liberal economics, determined that groups of people pursuing their particular self-interest manage to stay intact and not fall into the mayhem of municipal strife mainly because:

individual self-interest in an environment of others operating similarly can lead to a scenario of competition.

In respect to Mandsperson Smith, precisely what is the most effective way to make something?

by using a division of labor that fails production into its constituent parts

Georg Simmel noticed the development of financial payment systems as part of a historical progression leading to

depersonalization of exchange

In respect to Georg Simmel’s perspective of financial payment devices, which from the following persons is in the best position?

Georg Simmel contended that a civil service earnings is best for the reason that payment can be not tied to the productive value in the workers yet related to the “appropriate standard of living

According to Karl Marx, staff in a capitalist economy will be alienated from the product(s) they produce because ________

the availability process is definitely broken down between several people.

Socialism can be defined as ________

an economic system in which the majority of or every one of a population’s needs are provided through non-market methods of division.

Max Weber outlined the ability of ________ to build social change.


What is the correct term talking about an economic system characterized by arsenic intoxication lords, sujet, and pantin?


What is the reason unions are on the decline in the usa today?

People don’t trust unions, expressing they are tainted and out of date

Offshoring occurs when ever firms:

approach all or element of their operations abroad to developing countries

What characterized the “new markets” that are element of globalization?

They may be primarily monetary and not destined by location; anyone anywhere with the right equipment can easily participate

A union allows staff to join with each other to promote all their:

collective passions

Levi Strauss has a corporate code of conduct regarding labor that says:

any builder working with Levi Strauss must conform to great labor procedures

Many people consider corporations to be “psychotic” because businesses:

show little regard, remorse, or remorse for damaging others

Payment per unit, or piecework repayment, has more liberty than in-kind payment mainly because:

the staff member can do whatever this individual wants with all the cash

Some critics claim the Carlyle Group uses insider political expertise, or ____________, to control heavily regulated markets.

political arbitrage

Most economic analysts, policy analysts, and well-informed Americans say that the single coverage that triggered the credit rating bubble and bust in the 2000s was the repeal with the:

Banking Take action of 1933

Because Ford came up with the “family wage, ” he was:

heralded to get his kindness and wizard

What is the name of the economic system that created along with the farming revolution and Industrial Innovation in The european countries?

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