Philosophy Reflection Essay

Essay Topic: Essay, Live life, Philosophy, Reflection,

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It was my initial major introduction into the research of idea, and I can easily honestly declare it has a new major influence on my perception system. A lot of my landscapes have been altered and my overall view on life is much different than it was five several weeks ago.

In my experience, the two many interesting performs were the Tao plus the Mind’s My spouse and i. The Tao describes a really interesting way of life. Of all the sagesse we’ve go through, it is the most basic and most fabulous. Instead of checking for concealed meanings and analyzing all the parts of life, Laozi only tells us to live life. Do no more than you have to do, but carry out everything you must do. He tells us not to bother about death and simply live life.

I actually honestly think very simple and peaceful way of living can bring us much more happiness than we now have in our current society. Nevertheless , the only way it is usually implemented is if everyone comes after the Tao, and that is nearly impossible in our current society. We have to honestly make an effort to live less complicated lives and find out the beauty of each day things. The other operate that really affected me was your Mind’s My spouse and i. I’m unsure if it qualifies as a one work, although there were a lot of important topics that really interested me and changed several of my opinions. The section that really interested me one of the most was the section describing brilliant machines and animals, and their relationship to humans.

I had always considered humans superior to animals due to their intelligence and ability to speak. I hardly ever thought excessive about the idea of intelligent animals and even devices and their romantic relationship to individuals. An intelligent machine or animal that can speak definitely would be on the same evolutionary level because humans, and so there could be absolutely no way to rationalize creating a brilliant robotic stalwart or helper without harkening back to the ideology that prompted captivity.

Also, damage of this equipment or animal would be equal to murder. Nevertheless , I even now so simply no moral objection to creating a brilliant robot, given that we give that its own liberty, just as we might to one of our children. Its may be considered playing Our god, but if we could his greatest creations, we have to have the right to test our limits. Simply through a fun of awareness done and understood by simply us can we begin to appreciate our own consciousness as well as themselves. I had never actually thought about technology in this way and never seriously questioned the origin of my consciousness, so the Mind’s I really required me to think about life in different ways.

Throughout the term, I not simply changed and reconsidered many of my landscapes; I discovered issues that I subconsciously believed with out really considering it. My morals not only changed, I discovered beliefs that I under no circumstances knew I had formed. Some of these views surfaced the moment reading certain works such as the Mysterious New person and Nietzsche. Although both of these works didn’t change my personal deep-set landscapes that much, it was interesting to view my instinctual beliefs get challenged.

I discovered I was a pretty moderate thinker, but these readings caused most of my thoughts about life to alter. However , We still disagreed with many of the views stated in class conversations with certain works, like the Tao. But then I realized that the Tao is designed to have different meanings to everyone who reads that so that they could find their own way of life and so doesn’t provide itself well to class discussions. I could see that the way philosophy has become incredible over the years mirrors the way world has changed throughout history.

The older sagesse that we’ve read, just like the Tao and Plato’ operate, seem to try to tell us how to live existence to get the most happiness and satisfaction from it, and how to get the way or perhaps see the lumination. The more modern philosophies apparently disregard the idea of a true course and show how to reside in the best way, nonetheless they don’t guarantee happiness coming from it. The most interesting bits for me were a mix of the ultra-modern and elderly philosophies, just like Nietzsche and Socrates’ Apology (I suppose because he lived in a ancient but modern society).

Despite the fact that they were very different and I totally disagreed with one of them, these were much more powerful to me. One important thing i learned is that I hate reading regarding something that I agree on, I dislike having my landscapes “proven”? by simply another writer and somewhat read fresh ideas and opinions. From all the text messaging read and discussions we’ve had this year, it’s hard to highlight merely three issues that I discovered. One of the most revitalizing texts to me was The Spherical Ruins. In particular when read right after Is Goodness a Taoist, this simple story made me reconsider my beliefs upon existence and God.

The same as the main personality was, were kept at night about the condition, exactly where we originated from and how we all exist. We claim an all-mighty Goodness as our creator, and give us a call at ourselves remarkable beings in the image. Nevertheless , whose to say that we are not just insignificant nothings, developed by an additional being of no importance. Would that make us significantly less real and important?

Out of this story We learned to avoid attaching importance and purpose to every thing I do. Probably there is a cause we don’t know wherever we originate from; perhaps we all don’t wish to know. Another important lessons came from Reservation Blues. The key characters most had to handle finding a cultural identity whilst trying to escape the pitfall of the white man. The only ones who have made it away were the ones who had a strong cultural personality.

They realized themselves and identified with the past just before they attemptedto escape the reservation. Victor and Younger either tried to ignore their particular past or couldn’t come to terms with their traditions. They attempted to escape prior to they were ready, and couldn’t cope with the failure. The book’s point, despite the suicide and Victor’s destruction, was amazingly positive, it demonstrated that in the event you come to terms with your past and yourself you can overcome any obstacle set against you, but you should have this understanding or you will certainly destroy your self.

From The Razor’s Edge We learned a lot about the goal of life from each of the enormously different heroes. At first, it looks like the point from the story is the fact there is a big difference between what we should want and what makes us happy and fulfilled. Suzanne, Gray and Elliot almost all got what they wanted yet all apparently live unsatisfied, unfulfilled lives. Further inspection showed that they all are living the life that they fully wanted and supposed to live, and they are perfectly content material. Isabel needed both Lewis and large society form of life, and thus is disappointed with her life mainly because she couldn’t have the two.

Larry didn’t know what this individual wanted out of life, so this individual took fundamentally a additional time from the actual, went into privacy and found out what he wanted away of existence. Now he, knowing full well what he would like, is the most happy of all the characters. The lesson to be learned is that delight is completely comparative, and thus you are unable to call any person a failure unless he views himself one particular. Also, it’s all right to consider some time from the real world and relax, step back and see what you really want to do next.

Ultimately, this course really has changed my thoughts about the best sort of life. I still believe that you need to live the type of existence that will make the happiest and a lot satisfied, yet I don’t think that most people know what type of life that is. In case you don’t have got a passion, don’t force yourself into virtually any profession. Explore the world in order to find something that seriously interests you or else you will get pressured into a miserable life that you hate.

If you have a passion, you must follow it. You will need to come in terms with who also you will be; understand please remember your past and the child years. We have to look at our lives to find what we really want, then try to find it. We need to simplify each of our actions, and we have to stop overanalyzing other’s actions and words. We must lose our ego and sense of shame, and stop caring what folks think of you.

This is the simplest way to have and live happily, without needing to adjust your actions to fit what other persons expect a person. We have to prevent fearing fatality and keep on living life in the happiest conceivable way. This will likely be the happiest, simplest and greatest life for everybody.

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