Religious Experience Essay

Essay Topic: Essay, Experience, Religious,

Paper type: Religion,

Words: 290 | Published: 01.23.20 | Views: 637 | Download now

Religious encounter is seen as a nonempirical incident which means will not depend or can be validated through statement or assessment. Majority of persons believe it’s supernatural.

It is also seen as an experience to make a person aware. Selected religious persons believe who may have had the experience has attracted them in a deeper knowledge/ awareness of god. Most importantly it can be seen as the knowledge itself is definitely not a replacement for the keen but a car or truck that is used to get people closer to the divine. It is also referred to as unique and cannot be distributed to anyone. three or more Types of characteristics of religious experience * Vision 5. Conversion 2. Mystical activities Visions: is definitely when an specific believes they’ve seen or perhaps heard a thing supernatural. There are three ways by which an individual can knowledge this.

An intellectual perspective brings understanding and understanding such as a revelation from the changeless god. An imaginary eyesight is in which something that fortifies the faith is seen with the mind vision. Corporeal eye-sight is in which the figure is externally present. Examples of this is st Bernadette who was 14 years old, who a few dreams but the dreams started off her seeing a figure which didn’t talk with her but later on the figure commenced to speak that was known as virgin Mary provided her some instructions saying that the springtime water at Lourdes experienced healing electric power and that a chapel was to be developed on the site.

Numinosity: this word was given to explain the impression of a an amazing power, nevertheless feeling extremely distinctly separate from it. Rudolph otto used this so called term

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