Technology in film wendy ott was the essay

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Technology in Film

Fred Ott was the primary movie star that every existed. His brief starring role in the five-second film that showed him coughing started the usage of technology to make films. Since that time, technology both in and away of film has changed immeasurably and what technology can be used and is said about technology in these same films has become incredible quite a lot plus the statements occasionally made are profound. A summary of the Fred Ott theory and how this pertains to three films particularly in the early 1900’s will be covered from this report. Individuals films are Modern Times, The overall and Lonedale Operator. It will then be answered what technology allows the representative to do coming from a story and technical level viewpoint as well as when/how/where/why the new technology appears. It can be answered whether there are particular character types that are associated with the technology and the significance thereof. A bottom line will end the conventional paper. What will be included in this introduction is the James Ott Basic principle. Mr. Ott was a gentleman whose similarity appears inside the two of the oldest living through movie clips that exist through today. Having been, for all intents and purposes, the first movie star that ever before existed. The Fred Ott film represented the initial motion picture ever before and it absolutely was also the first film to be copyrighted. This is what the Fred Ott film represented and new technology made this all happenstance possible.

Questions Solved

Modern Times was a film that starred Steve Chaplain and was a experience that actually dedicated to damning technological improvements regarding using more machines and automation along with less staff to do the same amount of work. This kind of culmination of things led to an extremely desperate unemployment scenario through the Great Depression (although there were other factors). In apparently keeping with the concept of the the movie, the film was intentionally quiet although audio-laden films were prominent and intensely much standard at the time the fact that movie came out. Rather than use the most modern film technology during, the filmmakers possibly caused it to be a point to get the production strategies match the message from the movie.

Another film worth of mention is The General. The General is truly a train that is certainly revered and treasured by main personality Johnnie. Following your American Civil War fails out plus the General is usually commandeered to attack the Confederates, Johnny hatches an idea to steal the overall and advise the Confederate army. We have a love history mixed in too. The film was a very clear benchmark in film history as a locomotive was designated a bit of respect or even like by Ashton in that he could not stand to see his train applied as a instrument against the people to which having been loyal. This individual got the added benefit of restoring his like interest concurrently. This energetic of having an interest and even a love for a scientific item was probably quite groundbreaking at the moment. It is considerably more commonplace in the modern era, and frequently goes to rabid excess, but The General was filmed almost a century before.

The third film was the Lonedale Operator. The basic plot from the Lonedale Owner was that a lady took over on her behalf father as a telegraph user after her father falls ill. Even though in that part, some criminals plot to rob the station and the woman uses the telegraph as a way to both equally communicate her distress to the authorities and keeping the thieves at bay. Given that this film was done in 1911, this kind of use of technology to strategy people is a fairly fresh phenomenon. It was a little while until sleight of hand into a whole new level. The film also made heavy utilization of cross-cutting of scenes that was in its very nascent stages at the time but the telegraph on its own kept the three main landscape points related and this allowed the audience to follow the story quite efficiently.

As much as a narrative, it is very clear in all 3 films known above that technology was a primary theme or perhaps driver of the film, if perhaps not the two. The Chaplain treatise was obviously a clear politics statement, which has been rare pertaining to Chaplain ahead of that point, condemning the use of technology as means to keep workforce levels decrease and they tied up in the use of a muted film if they easily would have done the one. We were holding making a point together with the story by itself and depending upon how the story was presented. The General codified the concept a man or woman may have a passion and an emergency based on the utilization of technology, specifically against one’s own people. To see something which one is passionate about used against one’s own people is definitely a traumatic thing and would drive many individuals to act. However, that idea was most likely fairly new at the time and would have certainly made persons think over a profound level regarding the actual film was saying. Regarding Lonedale, the kid having the means and expertise to foil the criminals shows that technology by itself can be utilized as a means to fight back against wrongdoing rather than having to count on weaponry and/or just the law enforcement.

From a technical viewpoint, the aforementioned make use of a muted film to get Modern Times was almost certainly intentional and telling in its presence. Nevertheless , the use of audio probably would have required even more staff to have the film done so perhaps the concept was muddled a bit simply by reality. For The General, the message of technology staying evil was clearly not the meaning except in regards to the fact of who was appropriating the technology and what some are ready to do to counteract that. Rather than include a condemning tone to technology, the film uses conventional methods and makes this clear that technology is usually not evilpeople can be evil and can use technology pertaining to immoral or improper ends. As for Lonedale, it is clear that technology is touted as a good thing and no real opposite part is provided. Each of the three films is definitely somewhere on the spectrum of whether technology is a superb thing or a bad factor. There are ones at the much ends (Lonedale and Modern day Times) and one in the center (The General). The answer to the director’s attitudes about technology is manifested based on these narrative and technical aspects of the film. It is crystal clear that the directors each have a unique take and people “takes” happen to be manifested in how the film was shot and the concept portrayed in the film.

So far as how technology is pictured in every single film, the tone is totally negative in Modern Times. Technology and automation can be portrayed because way to change workers and also a way in which people can get awfully hurt. The smoothness quitting his job after an accident is definitely but an example. The General obviously shows that technology can be used pertaining to noble hobbies, that staying by Johnny and his comrades, or to get evil, that being the Union Military services. In short, the point portrayed pervasively throughout the motion picture is that technology is bad or awful, generally, but rather how it’s used and then for what purpose. On the same symbol, some people have their belongings including significant machines like trains incredibly seriously and in addition they engage in extremely aggressive and passionate patterns to correct the perceive wrongs they will see. So far as Lonedale should go, technology is definitely harnessed to foil a robbery which is universally described in a positive way. Clearly, robbers or other miscreants could use a telegraph or other technology for wicked, but that was not the message of Lonedale.

Regarding the connection between character types and the technology, Modern Times applied Chaplain like a vehicle to generate its stage but the larger effects about all workers was evidently the main point and this was pervasive throughout the film. However , the most poignant incidents and intended statements engaged Chaplain. During modern times, the clear addition in the movie vis-a-vis technology is evidently between Johnny and The General. In Lonedale, the little young lady uses the telegraph, as well as some inanimate objects just like the wrench wielded like a weapon, to foil the robbers. The girl uses the telegraph to inform people to what is going on and thus foil the thievery. The girl plus the telegraph happen to be linked very much like Ashton and The Train but the telegraph is not wielded for just about any evil in Lonedale is a noticeable big difference.

There is absolutely significance for the associations previously mentioned between the technology and the people linked to the products therein since in all three films it is the overarching point of the film. As mentioned before, the message is more aggressive and in-your-face nowadays and Lonedale while it can much more modest in The Basic. The initially two actually only

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