Technology in the Criminal Justice System Essay

Essay Topic: Criminal, Essay, Justice, System, Technology,

Paper type: Technology,

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Technological advances carry great potential to remediate a few of the current weaknesses in the criminal justice program, particularly in the realm of criminal identification, which will stands to boost its empirical consistency. This may not be to suggest that technology makes criminalization infallible – almost all tools require that they be applied with a judicious understanding of their strengths and limitations – but rather reduce some of the shortcomings from precisely what is ultimately an area whose groundwork rests upon soft research. As The Innocence Job, a countrywide litigation and policy corporation devoted to the improvement of the American criminal proper rights system, paperwork, wrongful verite often result from a disbelief of the limits of research.

As Alex Steffen (2004) notes, police methodology is fraught with judgment and subjectivity; the two of these attributes will not necessarily invalidate the entire protocol, but they are regularly left unchecked by simply careful overview. For example , without right video or audio documents of revendication procedures, it truly is impossible to review, identify and flag confessions whose answers are invalidly attained through baiting promises, coercive pressure and leading inquiries. Furthermore, law enforcement informants are certainly not measured according to their popularity for featuring useful or accurate data.

In effect, there is a complete lack of ‘soft science’ consistency in the investigative method. One of the solutions currently being doubted is GENETICS profiling and analysis. Like biometric analysis and surveillance technology, DNA profiling and analysis retains great worth in the id of scammers. It is at the moment used in the context of law enforcement to be able to identify the person from which hereditary material found on a crime landscape originates. The results are used to determine, based on the features of the hereditary matter obtained, whether individuals may be considered suspect.

Even though DNA sequences among people are highly corresponding, the process of DNA profiling depends on variances which will occur telling the truth of their alleles (National Institute of Rights, 2009). Although despite this level of precision, several wrongful convictions occur in revenge of GENETICS profiling and analysis, thanks mostly partly to a volume of confounding factors. Intra-agency databases are crucial for the efficacy of DNA profiling and evaluation. In the United States, the COmbined GENETICS Index System or CODIS, with 5 million data as of 3 years ago, fulfills this role.

The CODIS is usually an electronic database of GENETICS profiles, quite similar to those of the AFIS or Automated Fingerprint Recognition System. It holds the aggregated data of DNA information obtained by individual says from these convicted. (FBI, 2009) In place, it gives law enforcement officers fast access to a nation-wide sample of DNA single profiles and assists in figuring out possible suspects. However , dependence upon the CODIS and also other such GENETICS databases may be problematic for their dependence on past convictions. Furthermore, an not perfect application of DNA testing can easily have disastrous results.

In the matter of Herman Atkins, who was found guilty of theft, oral and genital afeitado, was linked to the crime based on the fact that he suit the same hereditary demographic in the perpetrator. Although it could not be proven that Atkins was inarguably the rapist, he was convicted. The prosecution admitted this all the by noting that the data “excludes a large proportion of the people, and exclude him, and that’s corroboration. ” While frizzy hair samples and semen unsightly stains are valuable evidence, it is not without complete and comprehensive testing that they can be kept as inarguable evidence of guilt, as the innocent may well sometimes overlap with the perpetrator in these elements.

It must be crystal clear that concern should not middle solely on wrongful verite but the shortcomings of tactics. While you should not blithely subscribe to a great uncritical confidence in the rights system, additionally it is not fruitful to train against injustices post hoc. Instead, precisely what is needed can be broader general public education of what GENETICS profiling and analysis lets us know.

However , at least, DNA profiling and evaluation is a step in the right path in progressing the trustworthiness and validity of criminology: It is most definitely not an infallible solution to the fuzzy features which control it, nonetheless it gives a human being face towards the statistical possibility of error that has usually existed within it. REFERRALS Innocence Task: http://www. innocenceproject. org/index. php. Accessed Mar 5, 2009.

Steffen, A. (2004, May 15). “The Innocence Task. ” Worldchanging. Retrieved 03 4, 2009 from: http://www. worldchanging. com/archives//000715. html Countrywide Institute of Justice. “What Every Law Enforcement Officer Should Know About GENETICS Evidence. ” Retrieved Mar 6, 2009 from: http://www. ncjrs. gov/pdffiles1/nij/bc000614. pdf Federal Bureau of Investigation. “CODIS – National DNA Index System. ” Gathered March some, 2009 coming from: http://www. fbi. gov/hq/lab/codis/national. htm

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