The Character of Scrooge Essay

Essay Topic: Character, Dickens uses, Essay, This individual,

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Dickens suggests that Scrooge is missing out on the fun and games by simply saying, “that the consequence of his taking a hate to us and not producing merry with us, is, as I think, that he manages to lose some enjoyable moments, that could do him no injury. ” This suggests that Scrooge starts to think a bit of embarrassment, since he turned the invite down. Scrooge is forced to realise that he provides missed the opportunity to be merry with the only family this individual has left in the world.

Finally, the ghost shows Scrooge two personifications in the social scenario in the form of twins: Ignorance (a boy) and Want (a girl), who symbolise mankind’s downfall. Dickens uses this personification to emphasise the point of mankind’s damage, for instance the spirit says, “Most of all beware this kind of boy, to get on his brow I see that written which will Doom… ” This suggests if persons continue to disregard the poor, contemporary society will crumble. In this stave Scrooge seems new emotions such as feel dissapointed for not spending his clerk Bob Cratchit enough money, since this individual lives in low income with a big family and a crippled kid, and more regret for not going to the bring from Fred.

Also, he feels a whole lot sadder and a few happiness intended for Fred’s game titles and the fun, Scrooge’s family had with out him. The ghost of Christmas yet to come represents loss of life and thinking, this ghosting is also known as the phantom because it is wearing a dark cloak which conceals the face and it doesn’t say a word to add to the morbid atmosphere.

They visited a house where there was “one little knot of organization men” which has a lady trying to sell some of Scrooge’s possessions, he sees nobody is raise red flags to by his death, but instead raiding his hose and offering off his property. “I hope this individual didn’t pass away of anything at all catching Eh? … Don’t you be afraid of that. ” This demonstrates people are kidding over his death and no-one likes you his starting from the face of the earth. He could be very disappointed that no-one cares about his death, every they can carry out is chuckle and make an effort to make a profit from his items.

Scrooge requires the heart “If there is certainly any person in the town, who also feels feeling caused by this kind of man’s death… Show the face to me, spirit… ” Each goes to the Cratchit’s house, but “The just emotion that the ghost can show him, caused by the case, was one among pleasure. ” This emphasises that no-one liked him and cared for about him whatsoever, so we were holding not unhappy to experience his death. After a when, they return to the Cratchit’s house where Bob has just returned by work. Dickens makes Scrooge feel miserable, regret and guilt that he did not offer his help to conserve Tiny Bernard from perishing, by making the Cratchit relatives more despondent, for instance, “My little, tiny child! Cried Bob. My personal little kid!

He stopped working all at once. ” This makes you feel compassion for the Cratchits and anger towards Scrooge, as he did not support a poor family at want. Also, it makes Scrooge feel horrible and this individual realises that he must transform his methods and become an improved person, to stop these perceptions from taking place. Stave 4 is a specifically religious section of the book, as it works with Scrooge’s payoff and meaningful reformation.

The chinese language used by Dickens is similar to that used in a spiritual teaching, such as: “Oh chilly, cold, stiff, dreadful death, set up thine altar here. ” This biblical dialect is meant for making us aware that as viewers we are being shown a meaning lesson. Every Christians presumed strongly in heaven and hell; the concept of spending the remaining of perpetuity in hell, frightened most Christians, and so even the toughest of people will consider changing their approaches to go to nirvana. In stave five, Scrooge awakens on christmas morning as a changed man.

He buys the greatest turkey around and gives it to the Cratchits. “I’ll send it to Joe Cratchit’s! ” This demonstrates Scrooge provides finally converted and he is now a better man, as he is being far more generous. Dickens shows that Scrooge has discovered his ethical lessons and is also not returning to his old ways, he does this by this continuous joy, attention and generosity, throughout the character of Scrooge in stave five, such as: “Here’s the turkey. Hallo! Whoop! How is your day!

Merry Xmas! ” This kind of again emphasises that Scrooge has realised and acknowledged his errors and transformed them; plus he donates lots of money to the poor, Scrooge says, “… not a farthing less… ” This yet again shows Scrooge’s generosity, the indegent and the two gentlemen had been very pleased. He also celebrates a beautiful Christmas together with his nephew; Dickens shows this by declaring, “Wonderful get together, wonderful game titles, wonderful unanimity, won-der-ful happiness… ” This stresses the changes Scrooge has turned and that he is having a magnificent time with his family, at last.

The next morning Scrooge was at his office all set to meet Bob Cratchit and offer him a pay rise, he says “I’ll raise your salary, and endeavour to help your struggling family… ” And that’s exactly what Scrooge did, he did not merely raise Bob’s salary, although he became like a second father to Tiny Bernard, who did not die. There are numerous references to heaven with this stave such as: “I was as happy as a great angel”, “He went to church” and “God bless all of us, every one! ” in contrast to the references to hell when he was parsimonious, mean-spirited together a cold heart, for instance, “It is doomed to walk through the world…”, “ages of incessant labour by underworld creatures, in this earth must pass eternity… ” and “… dark master! ” This makes the impression that Scrooge was going to heck in stave one because he was stingy, cruel and uncharitable.

Dickens teaches a social lessons to all of us, near the end of the book, so we all remember this. He lets us know not to be concerned if people laugh in the sudden change in you providing you are doing good deeds that is certainly all that matters, for example, “Some persons laughed to find the alteration in him, but he allow them to laugh… His own heart laughed: and this was quite enough intended for him. ” This puts emphasis on Scrooge’s reformation and confirms that Scrooge is promoting for the better and for good.

A Christmas Jean is an inverted misfortune, since it provides five staves similar to the five acts of your Shakespeare play; but Scrooge begins a cold-hearted, vicious, spiteful and uncharitable and ends a loving, qualified generous gentleman with a more robust, warmer cardiovascular, especially for the poor and needy. Through the character of Scrooge, Dickens hoped to alter the sights of world by showing the wealthy people, would you have look at the book that they can were Scrooge (not sharing their riches; being irritated and cold-hearted). It demonstrates that money does not bring about happiness, although living a high-quality Christian, moral lifestyle does.

While the book continues on, Scrooge becomes more and more fervent to learn his moral lessons, for example: “As I know your purpose is usually to do me good, and as I hope to live to be one more man coming from what I was… ” This shows his eagerness to find knowledge of his moral and social lessons and his acknowledgement of his faults. Christianity was a huge issue in the 1840’s, and the idea of burning in terrible would have made a lot of people change their miserable, tight-fisted techniques. This Christian theme is defined throughout the book and if you repent your ways you’ll be saved (go to heaven).

Dickens uses Christmas because it is an occasion when generosity, enthusiasm and affection should be within our hearts like a time to communicate this message of charitable trust.

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