The Reasons Behind Declining Reading Habits Essay

Essay Topic: Essay, Habits, Reading, Reasons,

Paper type: Technology,

Words: 290 | Published: 09.28.19 | Views: 588 | Download now

To acquire the habitof browsing is to build for yourself a refuge by almost allmiseriesof life. ” Reading habithas been a great help in expanding knowledge.

But today, in an grow older when surfing thenet, using funky handsets and passing nonstop TEXT MESSAGE seem to be the order of the day. The internet boom, interactive medium of images, TV and thesilver display fillingthe heads of the contemporary youth, taking majority of their free time we must think seriously how the growing generationswill get time to browse. While technology is choosing control steadily over individuallives, the studying habitis quickly vanishing into thin air. I used to sigh at the city librariespresenting a gloomy picture of gradual decline in voracious viewers who used to flock at night. Twenty causes of decline in readinghabit 1) People think that readingbooks utilizes more timethan referringin the computers.

Pcs seem to be more desirable tothem than books. 2) The question of spending money on ebooks is over-ruled by the thought that everythingis available in acomputer. People prefer to spend money on something else than spending on books. The applications in internet and TV aremore attractive than sitting in acorner and readinga book.

4) With the modern life style browsing placesand other recreationsor interests occupy the majority of our time. 5) There are a thousand factors today intended for avoiding readingbooks or literatures. Some even declare her fresh nail extensionshave made it as well difficult to switch pages! 6) There are dangers of losing books while carrying them.

Moreover, how come to carry a burden unnecessarily once there is a notebook computer available? 7) Now folks are more worriedabout earning money and spending every single second in locating ways to discover sources of income.

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