Theme of the little man in gogol s the great ...

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Short Story

Even though rather simple in plot and structure, Gogol’s short stories carry profound moral text messages, which are important beyond as well as place. One of those is a theme of a little guy, who is an undesirable person, can be not respected by those with higher positions, and is generally driven to despair by simply his lifestyle conditions. This is a socio-psychological type of a person often pitifully mindful of his unimportance, but generally there often occurs a situation in which he dares a protest, which finally turns out to be perilous for him. As Emily Hopkins seen (2011), this kind of character features as a contrast to and victim associated with an unjust system, which besides being unfair is deadly. In his series Petersburg’s Narratives, Gogol produced this motif by delving into the figure of an normal clerk.

The hard institution of your life, which Gogol had gone through in his early on career, trained him to get creation of Nose, Record of a Madman, Portrait, The Overcoat, and also other narrations. Having moved to Heureux Petersburg, Gogol was hit by profound social contradictions and tragic catastrophes. Simply by his very own experience, he got to know a poor clerk’s life conditions, of the young artists group, and even in the need for a fresh overcoat. This very your life experience helped Gogol to show vividly the town of Heureux Petersburg using its outer elegance and profound inner sociable contrasts.

Human and inhuman circumstances of existence are the main underlying issues of Gogol’s short tales. The author identifies Saint Petersburg as a city where other types of relationships are unbalanced, where meanness and cruelty triumph over justice and honesty. It is a place where abilities have no for you to develop. This kind of terrible and insane city becomes a picture of actions for Poprishchin’s striking situations (in Diary of a Madman), and the place where poor Akakiy Akakievitch’s life becomes unbearable (in The Overcoat). One of them loses his senses, and the various other dies during an bumpy fight against the severe conditions of fact.

Record of a Madman is undoubtedly the most tragic narration from Petersburg’s Narratives. The complete story is told by the hero and author of Diary – Aksentiy Ivanovich Poprishchin, that is a minor standard offended by everyone in the department. Poprishchin is of an extremely noble origin, but not of very good and pretends to nothing at all. His simply responsibility is always to sharpen his master’s pencils. Poprishchin thinks that rank creates popularity, and those with high ranks are honest and respected in his view. Poprishchin has his personal socially legalized tastes, ethnical and political interests, concepts of exclusive chance and self esteem, and even patterns and appreciated dreams. Within this world, created by himself, Poprishchin leads an extremely self-satisfied life, paying simply no heed that this life is in fact an outrage upon a person’s personality and dignity.

Poprishchin’s mind is in disorder and he starts asking himself so why he is simply a titular counselor, why anything best is owned by generals and other high-ranking individuals. Genuinely offended human pride awakens in Poprishchin and he dares to blend up a rebellion. He completely loses his cause and thinks he is a Spanish ruler. This very idea appears as a amazing projection of people distorted concepts of a globe around him. Diary of the Madman can be described as scream of protest against the unfair meaning principles of a world exactly where everything is usually confused, in which intelligence and justice are violated. Poprishchin is both equally a product and a sufferer of this world. By making his protagonist a minor official Gogol tries to open the comedian and pitiful traits of his inner world, also to reveal the tragic a sense of pain and anger in social inequality.

Akakiy Akakievitch Bashmachkin (The Overcoat) also becomes a victim of poverty and lawlessness, it really is Petersburg using its injustice that leaves Bashmachkin to the mercy of fate. Gogol himself describes he hero as being a perpetual doctorarse councilor, more than whom, as well known, several writers make merry, and crack their jokes, obeying the praiseworthy custom of attacking individuals who cannot bite back. The writer does not hide his sarcastic grin when describing narrow-mindedness and wretchedness of the leading part. This helps all of us to understand the typical nature of Akakiy Akakievitch as those of a shy, crushed guy, a stupid being long lasting the mockeries of his colleagues. And it was fate’s will a desire for a new overcoat fascinated such a person. This kind of fact holds irony, consequently a simple day-to-day thing because an overcoat is some thing incredible for the minor standard. When Bashmachkin is robbed of his new great coat, in a burst open of give up hope he considered a visible personage, whom becomes inside the Overcoat a generalized image of overbearing and useless power. It the scene on the general’s that most strongly exhibits the cultural tragedy of a little man. From the prominent personage’s research an almost motionless Akakiy Akakievich is performed. Only after his fatality does he dare to stage a rebellion: he appears being a ghost, searching for a thieved overcoat during the night and hauling overcoats devoid of regard to rank or perhaps calling via everyone’s shoulders.

Both narratives do not clear boundaries between mind and insanity, between life and death. In the end we come across not just a little man, we see a human, who may be solitary, hesitating, deprived of security, and in need of sympathy. We are able to neither evaluate a little gentleman nor rationalize him, since he demands both consideration and mockery. That’s the way Gogol details this paradoxical, oddly immortal type of persona.


Hopkins, Emily (2011) “The Little Person and the Masses: Expression, Kind and Governmental policies in Sofia Gubaidulina’s Concerto for Bassoon and Low Strings, inches Nota L?be: Canadian Undergraduate of Musiology: Vol. four: Iss. 1, Article 2 .

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