Universal health care influential essay

Essay Topic: Health care, Prescription drugs,

Paper type: Society,

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Why is it that the Usa, which is held out to become the greatest country in the world to live in by many and using numerous standards, may be the only Western country that will not have some sort of socialized treatments? One purpose is that opponents continue to make reference to any universal health care program as that, socialized remedies. The label alone is enough to stop many people from promoting such an effort, without searching any much deeper to the facts of the circumstance or the solutions it offers.

The connotation at the rear of the expression socialized medicine is the fact it is a system that goes in a communist run region. Socialized medicine refers to a health care delivery system where the hospitals are owned by the government as well as the doctors and also other caregivers, if in a medical center, office or perhaps other setting, are all govt employees. And even though I agree this is not the system that could be effective just for this country and our complications, we will need a system of universal medical care for many factors.

Universal health care refers to a health care delivery system where there is a single payer for services, and this payer is definitely the government. Naturally , this requires operations on a local and national level simply by government agencies and their employees, but the hospitals, medical doctors and their offices and other wellness caregivers remain privately held. This is the system that this nation desperately requires. And while it is certainly not a ideal system, even as will examine later, it is far and away a lot better than the system we’ve. Our current system is mistaken beyond repair. Over 40 million Americans do not have any kind of form of health care insurance or insurance coverage of any kind. This costs the country in several different ways. First, it is a large economic drain, as those without protection do not look for health care regularly, even when it truly is needed. Eventually, these people land in the urgent rooms of county operate hospitals, with costs often times more than the proper care they initially needed, and people costs always be born by government and its particular taxpayers.

Similar access to healthcare would seem to become basic individual right but in this region it continues to be a privilege, available only to those who can pay for it. Various opponents argue that despite the defects in our program that we have the best medical care in the world. But the key issue is: By whichstandards? “Of the top 24 industrialized (modern) nations, the U. H. ranks twenty-first in newborn mortality and sixteenth is obviously expectancy. But we spend more than 45 percent more per household on healthcare than any other nation.  (Cavanaugh 1999). If the numbers are so clear and the conceivable solution and so obvious, than why are we still stuck with each of our current program? One explanation is the funds, and political power that goes with it, of major companies such as the pharmaceutical drug industry. Within single paying customer system, pharmaceutical drug companies need to bid on a normal basis pertaining to the agreements to sell for the hospitals.

This kind of competitive putting in a bid keeps the cost of prescription drugs straight down. They also have to negotiate with the government agency regarding the selling price of prescriptions sold in selling pharmacies, once again keeping the selling price way straight down. Needless to say the pharmaceutical businesses would rather package individually with hospitals and pharmacies or perhaps retail restaurants than one payer who will be the only game in town. This kind of centralization is among the many reasons medical costs, in particular those for prescription drugs, are lower in a single payer system. In a recent case, Medicaid was being charged $76 for a prescription drugs and reimbursing $60 towards the providers thereof on a regular and ongoing basis. However , it had been discovered that doctors and hostipal wards were having to pay $4 for the same drug not really a generic in the same maker.

Our system is additionally running widespread with fraudulence and the cost to the program in failures due to scams and initiatives to include and avoid it. But these efforts are mostly after the fact, and therefore are essentially endeavors to recover funds that has been paid out incorrectly. The usa Attorney pertaining to the The southern area of District of Florida usually spends over $3 Million 12 months in scam prosecution. (Acosta 2008). In 2006 state and federal spending on Medicare and Medicaid programs totaled over $300 Billion dollars. Medicare presented a preliminary program in three or more states Florida, New York and California known as RAC (recovery audit contractors) where organizations hire personal companies to recuperate wrongful payments and are paid a percentage of what they retrieve.

In 2007, over $300 million was recovered in fraud cases, over $135 million of the in the Express of New York alone. (Sheehan 2008) These types of RACs were so good that Treatment is increasing the program to additional claims, and ideas to sooner or later roll it to all says. Currently, for example , there is noway to cancel a Medicare number and re-issue a fresh number to the beneficiary. Thus if scams has happened, you have to try and recover the funds, nevertheless cannot end the continued or perhaps additional wrong use in the future. The natural way, the deceptive user can lose all their rights to participate in the program, but identity thieves can simply bill within different participating provider number and continue to use the same taken Medicare quantity until they can be caught and stopped again.

Economic financial savings in a single payer system could bring rewards to the self employed and tiny employers whom struggle to provide decent medical coverage in a affordable price. Large organisations also stand to save huge amounts on their spending. And likewise the social security disability, welfare and workers’ compensation programs would preserve millions. Also other types of exclusive insurers vehicle, home, and casualty could save money and minimize fees simply by cutting costs on the health care servings of their coverage. The Treatment and Medicaid programs even as now find out them might become out of date. The time is right plus the economic and social ethical reasons have never been stronger, yet the level of resistance due to dread and misconception, together with deceit from people who stand to get rid of economically, is constantly on the block the only logical choice for our overall health care program, a common payer system with the govt as the payer.


Acosta, Alex (2008). Us Attorney intended for the Southern District of Florida, lectureTo Health Care Complying Association. Gathered on May 4, 2008.

Cavanaugh, Gerald (1999). “Why will not America Have got Universal ComprehensiveHealth Care?  Retrieved on May 3, 08.

Sheehan, Adam (2008). Medicaid Inspector Basic, State of recent York, lecture toHealth Treatment Compliance Connection. Retrieved on, may 4, 2008.

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