Use of technology Essay

Essay Topic: Essay, Health safety, Technology,

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The director name for this department is Dr paul Glynne o Cardiothoracic Surgery department;- this department have world class specialist surgical service for all cardiac and thoracic condition. The department has four cardiac theatres and facilities including 90 cardiac beds, with keen cardiac intensive care and high dependency bed.

The department is the main treatment centre in north London. o Gastroenterology department;- this department provides an extensive range of advanced diagnostic and therapeutic services such as pancereatico-biliary medicine, hepatology, inflammatory bowel disease and nutrition. o Respiratory medicine;- this department offer a full inpatient and outpatient medical service for adults with condition affecting the respiratory tract, including asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, lung cancer, respiratory infection and bronchiectasis. o General surgery:- the general surgery department consists of twelve specialist consultant surgeons, and offers both a local and national service for general and specialist referrals. Areas of expertise can be grouped into four main subspecialties, this include colorectal, hepatopancreto surgical unit, plastic surgery, surgical oncology unit, upper gastro intestinal surgery and vascular o Imaging department;- the department of imaging is one of the best equipped in the UK and provide a very comprehensive range of diagnostic and interventional services which include.

X ray, MRI, Ultrasound, fluoroscopy and plain film X ray. [13] (3) Main person in radiology department Service manager, imaging consultants, coordinator radiographer, radiographer. o Service Manager, is the person who control the operation of the service, and responsible for making things happen in order to meet the aim of the hospital o Imaging consultants: in the radiology department there are many consultants and all of them have their role. Generally they help patient to achieve goals by giving advice and designing program.

Also film reporting service for the hospital as well as lecturing to postgraduates from UCL. o Coordinator radiographer: who provide training service for undergraduate student and maintaining day to day activity throughout the department. o Radiographers: who provide anatomical structures on an image using sophisticated advance equipment, this is vital member of the department and it is highly skilled professional. o Receptionist: in the radiology department there are receptionist how are responsible for answering telephone, arranging patient appointment and calling patient from the waiting room when it is their turn to be seen. [14] M3 In UCHL hospital productive department contribute the service directly to the aim of the organization, which is doctors, specialist and consultant they gave the service according to the aim of the hospital. The hospital have different department and on those department they have highly specialist such as doctors, nurses and consultant which they gave the service to patient according to the aim of the hospital.

Supportive department are receptionist, cleaners, catering who also provide services to client indirectly which means for example cleaners may not have to have direct contact with client when providing services but they are involve in clients care by maintaining all the hospital words clean and free from any kind of infection. Receptionist this are who deal with client by giving information and directing client to get to the right department also assist people by arranging appointment for the next visiting to the hospital, register new client and put their detail in the hospital administration system confidentially, and welcoming people with grate altitude.

Catering service they provide a range of menus suitable for children, renal patient, religious and ethnic preference as many clients are from different cloture. Security control on entry and access to the ward they have a duty to monitor movement with the hospital through a network CCTV camera to spot and remove intruders. [15] 2 the relationships between the productive section and support section of the organisation. Productive department Supportive department Radiologists Hospital receptionist Radiographer Maintenances staff Consultants Cleaners Porters. The relationships between radiology, radiographer and receptionist are that the receptionist schedules the appointment for the patient, ensuring the patient in the right place and answering telephone.

If the receptionist was not present then patient would walk in at any time and the department would be unorganized. Radiology department, cleaners and porters’ relationship, radiology department is responsible for helping patient and identifying internal organ. The cleaners support the whole department by cleaning and meet hygiene standards.

If the cleaners do not clean the ward and the department it result bacteria and other diseases to the whole hospital could finally cause big health problem. Maintenances staffs, these people are responsible for all the equipment used in the department, ensuring all equipment is safe before they operate to the patient along with radiographer. Porter are supportive staff that helps the maintenance staff they are responsible bringing safe equipment to the maintenance staff and taking broken or unsafe equipment to be fixed.

Task 4 ( P4) Employment protection 1) As statutory organisation UCLH have employment protection, according to the HSWA employees has the right to get holiday entitlement, to receive minimum standard paid, including entitlement to sick pay, to be treated equally, fairly with respect. [16] Health and safety 2) The main reason for the principle of the health and safety legislation is to protect client, workers and other visitors form potential risk. UCLH hospital has stated different policies for different hazards.

Manual handling. ==>The manual handling polices is issued to prevent manual handling injuries as the work place involving manual handling and the hospital uses the manual handling regulation when there is manual handling work required and it is important to use appropriate equipment when lifting and moving individuals. Infection control polices is applied ==>The hospital has proper procedure that can minimise infection getting to the worker, visitors and patients.

Infection can be control by following correct and safe procedures when dealing with body fluid and body wastes. ==>Wearing gloves and plastic apron when dealing with body fluid and body wastes e. g. blood, urine ==>Disposing all body wastes safely in the correct place ==>Providing different infection bag for infection and none infection wastes Control of substance Hazardous to Health (COSHH) ==>The COSHH regulation is issued to shows how chemical and hazardous substance should be dealt with in the work place, this include cleaning material, corrosive substance, disinfectant, drug etc. ==>in UCLH there is policy and procedures provide for carer to follow when dealing with chemical and hazardous substance, they have provide separate room in each department to store all cleaning materials and disinfectants and they wear gloves when dealing with chemical. Management of health and safety at work regulation ==>The coverage has been developed to ensure that just about every employers make sufficient and suitable risk assessment to the health and basic safety of their employees, patients and also other visitors.

Kinds the assessment has been done controlling measures needs to be delivered to reduce the risk. Under the health insurance and safety policy it is the trust responsibility to adopt all reasonable actions to guarantee the health and basic safety at work areas.

Therefore UCLH have provide the following elements; providing and maintaining secure equipment, risk assessments and providing relevant information, training and ideal supervision with regards to the trust activity, likewise the trust has insurance plan that used on all staff, employer, individual and site visitors on confirming dangers scenario as soon as possible, subsequent procedures on working during any activity, working relating to teaching and training they have been presented. [17] 3) As a worker there are many tasks that guard the aim of the organisation, support rules of the business, stick to contract terms and support health and safety procedures of your organisation. Business employers also have many duties that may protect the employee from been unlawful splendour against diverse ethnic groups, observe work legislations, work of treatment to staff, observe employees contracts, give safe and healthy place of work, giving suitable training and offer disciplinary procedures.

UCLH uses all the HSWA to lower all pointless thing that could harm staff filing and future. [18] 4) The corporation is responsibility to follow with all the NHS quality system, making sure that almost all work taken, has to meet the criteria. The following top quality systems happen to be applied in UCLH clinic. o Remove unlawful splendour o Encourage race equal rights o Showcase good race relation between people of numerous racial organizations [19]. 5) UCLH is one of the biggest NHS foundation trust in UK by providing outstanding service to all community and countrywide patients, a healthcare facility has appropriate SOP that instruct almost all employees to complete the job properly, with no bad impact on the planet and which usually meets regulatory standard.

Which means trust has SOP inside the following place, consent to get participation within a clinical trial, end of trial notification, definition and division of obligations in trials, recording and reporting process violations, and recording, management and credit reporting of undesirable events. [20] M4 1) If workplace did not met the criteria with the HSWA they may receive later from your environment overall health officers, which is local expert and the local authority request the health and safety business inspectors, who have the right to enter any work environment without providing notice to consider the work actions and to be sure the company happen to be complying with health and security law. Then your inspector may possibly offer assistance or tips to help you maintaining your place of work properly.

The inspector will decide what action to take; the action is determined by the nature of the breach and will be based on the principle define in the health and safety commission payment (HSC) enforcement policy affirmation. [21] Steps of discipline Informal The inspector might tell the work holder such as employer or perhaps contractor, what to do to conform to the law and explain way. Improvement notice Where the braking system of the HSWA law is somewhat more serious, the inspector may possibly issue a noticable difference notice to tell the duty holder to do anything to adhere to the law. The notice will say what needs to be done, so why and by once.

Prohibition detect Where an activity involves or will involve a risk of significant personal injury, the inspector may serve a prohibition notice that stop the activity immediately or right after a specified period of time. Prosecution. In certain case the inspector may consider the fact that prohibition detect still does not fix the problem and failure will certainly lead to prosecution. [21] 2) If an employee did not comply with HAWA or lead failure to the standard service in the hospital the first self-control will receive is pre disciplinary counselling, Pre disciplinary guidance is a corrective discussion between employee as well as the supervisor about the employee’s failing to meet functionality standard, assistance standard and expectations.

During this discussion they may identify the main cause of the problem and discuss how the employee can improve that failure. Written reprimand A written reprimand is a written-notice to an employee regarding the employee’s failure to meet performance specifications, service standards and expectation. [22] 3) If employer did not adhere to the quality approach to the hospital they might receive notification from the NHS trust base that can explain, how they can increase the service normal quality.

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