Weight watchers case study composition

Essay Topic: Installment payments, Installment payments your, Payments your, Weight loss,

Paper type: Health and fitness,

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To be the leading fat loss service provider by simply assisting visitors to lose weight and sustain a proper lifestyle. II. VISION DECLARATION

Weight Watchers Worldwide will be chosen by all individuals that include a goal of improving their very own life through healthy living. Weight Watchers will be readily accessible for all individuals desiring to boost their life-style and will acquire exceptional services. Services will probably be recognized as a superior value. III. APPARENT DIFFICULTY

Weight Watchers is usually facing the issue of increased competition and cost concerns having a large many the population afflicted in some vogue by the economic downturn.

In addition they need to overcome the stigma to be viewed as the prior generation’s response to weight loss. IV. STRATEGY

A. Corporate Strategy

The organization strategy can be reposition themselves and to develop a forward concentrated plan for the 21st century. W. Business Approach

The organization strategy should be to introduce fresh programs such as the Monthly Complete Payment Approach and the fresh Turnaround plan.

C. Functional Tactics

1 . Promoting

The Marketing Strategy is to reinvent Weight Watchers and merchandise innovation for the US and abroad. installment payments on your Finance

The Finance Strategy is to develop the new programing that will create new earnings and to remain able to do this with a low capital and lean operating expense. 3. Operations

The Operations Technique is to any lean operation and obtain wide profit margins while expanding offerings. 5. Human Resources

Your Resources Technique is to use staff that were technically overweight and who have achieved weight loss achievement through the Weight

Watchers program. a few. Information

The data Strategy is usually to evolve internet tools to aid the organization in bringing solutions to those whom may not be capable of or have desire for attending a gathering in person. six. Research & Development

Your research and Creation Strategy is to introduce new products and change focus to broad based differentiation. Sixth is v. STRENGTHS (Internal)

A. Promoting

1 ) Strong Manufacturer ” seen as credible and effective

2 . Consumer Reports ” best endurance and evidence of long-term success through trials. B. Financial

1 . Company’s low variable expenses

installment payments on your Low Capital expenditure requirements

C. Procedures

1 . Lean organizational structure

2 . Flexible business model

M. Human Resources

1 . Part-time staff paid on percentage

installment payments on your Using staff that have shed weight through the WW program

E. Data

1 . WeightWatchers. com ” leading internet-based weight management program installment payments on your Weight Watchers E-Tools ” recognized its quest to help support people to shed extra pounds

F. Research & Development

1 ) Awareness of their rivals

2 . Chances for new market segments (ie guys, new countries, etc . ) VI. WEAKNESS (Internal)

A. Marketing

1 . Misperceptions about what WW was

2 . Differentiate themselves via fad diets

B. Finance

1 . Downturn in the economy ” fewer $ to get spent on non-essentials 2 . Inflexibility in software

C. Businesses

1 . Being able to address members that did not speak English

2 . Ought to evolve businesses to meet new and changing customer requirements

D. Recruiting

1 . Difficult to recruit instructors in the event the requirements to get instructors are extremely rigid installment payments on your Leadership that may evolve with an constantly changing environment

Elizabeth. Information

1 . Insufficient consumer knowledge about web-based companies

2 . Evolve on-line tools and resources to higher serve individuals who are unable or uninterested in going to meetings

Farreneheit. Research & Development

1 . Need to better appreciate potential customers ” guys, Spanish speaking consumers, young adults, etc . installment payments on your Develop equipment and programs to keep fresh programs which will attract a variety of consumers


A. Men

B. Spanish-speaking Consumers

C. Young Adults

VIII. THREATS (External)

A. Competitors just like Jenny Craig

B. Fad Diets

C. Pharmaceutical choices like Alli


A. Stay faithful to core goals/mission while yet expanding to different target markets B. Can WW catch the attention of consumers without losing loyal members?


A. Partner with a competitor to distinguish how they can come together to increase revenues to further identify themselves as a weight loss remedy. If Weight Watchers were to acquire a group like Jenny Craig, they could identify dinner replacement system that provided consumers using a mindless strategy to accomplish their weight loss goals. B. Partner with a national health and fitness center chain like 24 Hour Fitness to show the importance in alliance between equally fitness and eating habits to accomplish weight loss.

Provide you with the opportunity for people to pay out one cost that allows these people the regular membership benefits of the two WW and 24 Hour Health. C. Partner with some of the largest health insurance programs to develop a particular program through Weight Watchers being offered to people. Weight Watchers has got the opportunity to boost revenues which may be paid by the health insurance businesses in return the members weight loss should offer an ROI to the health insurance organization through reduced health insurance expenses. XI. CONDITIONS

A. Increase revenues by 25% within one year of partnership.

B. Most people is recognized as the number one weight loss solution method by all consumers within just one year of partnership. C. Achieve a retention rate of 90% of shoppers one year afterwards. XII. ANALYSIS

In studying Alternative A, I feel that there exists potential to achieve Criteria A (increasing revenue). While a partnership having a group just like Jenny Craig will not supply a solution for a lot of consumers (assuming that this probably would not be in-expensive), Alternative A has the assure to have success with a wealthier cliental basis. Becoming successful with this kind of group should certainly result in improved revenue throughout the success in the program (word of mouth). This alternate also provide WW with access to the Jenny Craig clientele that they have not really had entry to before (opening up an entirely new membership potential).

In analyzing Option A, That stuff seriously there is potential to achieve Requirements B. In the event WW was successful in achieving a partnership using a strong competitor, the two with each other have the best potential of achieving a larger share of the market share. Joining up together, they may have the ability to gain access to each of their market data and come together to achieve success for a large number of participants.

In inspecting Alternative A, I would be concerned about the ability to accomplish Criteria C. A collaboration between two competitors providing an entirely several function pertaining to WW would certainly have a great impact on expansion potential yet I think it could be a large stretch to imagine that it would lead to retaining clients through this effort. This would be an entirely new way to get a weight loss solution. I don’t believe it would have the impact designed of retaining previous consumers.

In studying Alternative N, I feel that there may be potential to accomplish Criteria A (increasing revenue). A collaboration with a significant fitness center chain like overnight Fitness will be a good collaboration to show which the WW solution is a complete partnership between eating well and doing exercises. Achieving success with this group should cause increased income through the success of the system (word of mouth). This kind of alternative also provides WW with usage of the regular membership of the fitness gyms that they have certainly not had use of before (opening up an entirely new membership potential).

In analyzing Alternative B, That stuff seriously there is probability of achieve Criteria B. In the event WW was successful in achieving a partnership using a large fitness chain, the two together have greatest potential of obtaining a larger share of the market share. Partnering together, they have to be able to access each of their industry data and work together to achieve success for a many participants.

In analyzing Option B, I feel that there is potential to achieve Criteria C. As the partnership with all the fitness center cycle may not be appealing to all of the WW consumers, I actually don’t believe that it would dis-attract them possibly. Many of the WW members is likely to find this kind of

collaboration to be a useful partnership for them as users. I believe that the side good thing about this option can be attractive to almost all and will result in an outstanding retention technique.

In inspecting Alternative C, I feel that there is certainly great probability of achieve Criteria A (increasing revenue). A partnership with large insurance agencies would be a great partnership. Weight Watchers would have certain payers and access to numerous participants that may be incented to utilize this program to achieve weight loss. This mix would lead to significant opportunity for increased earnings.

In analyzing Alternative C, I feel that there exists potential to accomplish Criteria B. If WW was good in reaching a alliance with significant insurance companies, an indirect consequence could be attaining a larger share of the business. Partnering collectively, they have the ability to access fresh consumers who have may not even end up being actively available in the market to lose weight. In case the two businesses found accomplishment in documenting their ROI, they would possess even greater possibility of increasing their market share.

In analyzing Alternative C, I really do not think that there would be a direct correlation to achieving Standards C. As the partnership together with the insurance companies may not be of value towards the WW customers, I don’t believe that it would dis-attract these people either. Option C provides a great opportunity for increased revenue and new company but would not necessarily (and unlikely) bring about retention of previous customers.


Most people is struggling with the need to reposition the company to make a forward-focused diet plan for the next century while being true to their particular mission. There is an increased quantity of competition and an economic downturn that impacts the standard consumer’s ability to purchase unnecessary programs and products. Problems have compelled the Weight Watchers Company to re-evaluate all their program to put themselves to get a successful upcoming.

The best option for Weight Watchers is to acquire a large countrywide fitness center cycle to position all of them as a complete solution to fulfill the goal of weight loss achievement. By partnering with a countrywide fitness center sequence, Weight Watchers will probably be successful in increasing income by 25%, increasing market share, and maintaining current customers. This partnership addresses their very own weaknesses while differentiating themselves from trend diets (important combination of exercise and consuming healthy). This enables WW to evolve their operations in order to meet a new and changing buyer need and provide a refreshed programming which will result in increased members and revenue.

This kind of alternative plays into their technique of their company and efficiency. With the right relationship they can keep their low variable expenditures and low capital requirements. The program is constantly on the provide a adaptable operation and differentiates these people further from their very own rivals and opens them to new chances in the market.


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