Assessing risks to spots

Essay Topic: United Nations,

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Homeland Security four-twenty WA3

Three locations in and near New York City will be assessed intended for vulnerabilities and threats, after which prioritized in line with the security considerations and research. The Kuehne Chemical plant in Southern Kearny, New Jersey, is the merely one of the 3 selected locations that is inherently a risk to citizens. The additional two picked locations – Carnegie Hall and the United Nations headquarters – are prone to threats including risk primarily because they are distinctive Manhattan landmarks and often contain large montage of people.

Of the three locations, the Kuehne Chemical plant is the highest security priority due to the worst-case scenario for the site because estimated by Department of Homeland Reliability, and as defined in their Risikomanagement Plan that was posted to the Epa. The Un Headquarters may be the second reliability priority primarily because so many other in order to threaten and attack EL personnel are present around the globe. Carnegie Hall, a world-class, destination performance place located simply two brief blocks via Central Park South in Manhattan, is a third secureness priority through this selection of spots.

Kuehne Substance Plant

Twenty-one minutes, or perhaps 8. you miles, through I-78 West from Nyc is a center known as Kuehne Chemical plant; the chemical substance facility (FC) is located in To the south Kearny, New Jersey (see Physique 1). The Department of Homeland Reliability has discovered Kuehne Chemical plant because high risk, mostly because roughly two mil pounds of chlorine gas is stored on the site.

Kuehne Chemical grow ranks like a CF that will undergo a vulnerability examination (VA) since the total onsite inventory of chlorine gas is at or perhaps greater than threshold quantities (TQs) for a substance covered by the Federal regulation 40 CFR 68. 135. Federal regulation 40 CFR 68. 135 lists Really Hazardous Substances (EHS) since reported to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The basis for listing chlorine gas on the EHS list is usually twofold: a) It was required for listing by Our elected representatives, and, b) it is on the EHS since it has a steam pressure of 10 mmHg or higher. The tolerance quantity pertaining to chlorine gas is 2, 500 pound: the total onsite inventory of chlorine gas at Kuehne Chemical can be excessively beyond what is required for a weakness assessment.

Raise the risk Management Plan (RMP) Guideline is a provision of changes to the 1990 Clean Air Work that implements Section 112 ( ur ); RMPs are required to always be re-submitted to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) just about every five years. The Risk Managing Plan that submitted for the EPA by simply Kuehne Chemical substance plant described a worst-case scenario category for the internet site of the chemical facility. Relating to a record of the GAO in 2003, the Kuehne Chemical flower is one of 123 CFs with worst-case scenario evaluations, which indicate an accident could expose above one million persons (“GAO, the year 2003, p. 10). Officials have got estimated the potential number of people who be affected by the worst-case situation at doze million, which event could occur from “the relieve of just one single full train car of chlorine gas” (Radford, 2010).



Process activity

Storage fish tank

Covered chemical substances

Chlorine gas

Quantity of protected chemicals

1 = amount >25x TQ

Process length

1 sama dengan 100% constant


one particular = target importance will be clearly recognizable with little or no prior understanding


you = readily accessible (rail fish tank cars); two = reasonably accessible (target is located outside)

Criticality ranking (sum for activity)

QUANTITY = four (High Criticality)

The use of a Facility Characterization Matrix (FCM) to summarize the security elements for the Kuehne Substance plant shows the following credit score: [Note that this using the FCM is for on-site chemical storage and not or any type of particular finalizing activity that uses chemicals, which is you see, the intent of the FCM. ]

The severity level for the Kuehne Chemical substance plant is usually S1, which can be defined as follows: Potential for any of the following as a result of a substance release, detonation, or surge: Worker deaths, public fatalities, extensive home damage, center disabled for more than 1 month, major environmental affects, or expulsion of neighbors.

Figure 1 . Distance Between Kuehne Chemical substance Company center and Nyc

Site-specific danger types incorporate: Terrorist outsider, criminal, extremist, insider, and vandal. The Level of Likelihood of Attack (LA) can be LA3 sama dengan Threat exists, is capable, features intent or perhaps history, but has not targeted the facility. The third element of this level (“has not really targeted the facility”) is really exists at an unknown level. The supposition would be that, given the publicity about the weakness of the VOIR and the potential for scope of destruction, that the possibility of site-specific threat can be high.

Advantages of Manhattan Nyc

The following passage provides circumstance for taking into consideration the vulnerability of Carnegie Lounge and the United Nations headquarters. Nyc proper and Manhattan are situated in Counter Terrorism Region 1 (CTZ1). Manhattan is located in New York Region, which has most densely booming county in the us. The 2013 Census estimated the population of recent York State as you, 626, 164 people with an area of property about twenty-two. 96 sq miles, which translates into a density of 70, 826 people per square mile. During weekdays, business activity brings a commuter inflow that drives the total population in the place to over several. 9 , 000, 000 people, resulting in a density of 169, 000 people per square mile. Even though Manhattan is a smallest of New York City’s five boroughs in terms of land area, it includes the third-largest population in the boroughs (just after Brooklyn and Queens). Each year, much more than 50 mil people are approximated to visit New York City.

United Nations Hq

The United Nations headquarters is found at 760 United Nations Plaza, in the Turtle Bay area of Manhattan overlooking the East Water. UN hq is placed on a sophisticated that region First Avenue on the Western world and East 42nd Road to the south, East 48th Road on the north, and the East River for the east. Strangely enough, reference is made in standard and journalistic circles to “Turtle Bay” as a metonym for the United Nations in general or to get the EL headquarters. Several significant properties are located inside the United Nations intricate, including the Basic Assembly building – which has a seating ability of 1, 800 – the Dag Hammarskjold Library, the Conference and Visitors Centre (see Appendix II). Two large administrative buildings known as DC-1 and DC-2 are situated at the tackles of 1 UN Plaza and 2 ESTE Plaza. A line of 193 flags from your UN member states works just in the perimeter wall of the complicated. All postal mail sent to UN addresses is sterilized.

Physique 2 . United Nations Headquarters in Manhattan, Nyc

As one could imagine, the United Nations headquarters is a magnetic for a contentious, the occasional protest, and histrionic stands. Nevertheless, protests surrounding the headquarters sophisticated are considered relatively uncommon. A lot of the open spaces around the complicated, including Ralph Bunche Recreation area and Initially Avenue alone, are too small for substantial gatherings of protestors. The New York Metropolis police office Demonstrators at times permits demos on the Dag Hammarskjold Plaza, which is a single block in the visitors’ access, five blocks from the access used by the overall staff, and 4 blocks form the entrance that top-level diplomats use. A number of non-governmental, academic, and diplomatic organizations keep conferences in the headquarters throughout the year, including a EL summer examine program.

Many of the structures in the sophisticated would be desirable targets, specially the 39-story Secretariat Building, which stands apart while using wide far eastern exposure with the building aesthetically unencumbered. Most probably, security can be tight with the UN. Irrespective, site-specific threat types contain: Terrorist incomer, criminal, extremist, insider, and vandal. Threat forms have got primarily been demonstrations and protests at the United Nations international territory, which is technically within the United States. Yet , it is typically known that threats against United Nations personnel in other countries has become deadly. The amount of Likelihood of Strike (LA) is LA1 sama dengan Threat is available, is capable, provides intent or history, and has targeted the facility.

Carnegie Lounge

Figure a few. Location of Carnegie Lounge in Manhattan, New York

Carnegie Hall is actually a concert area in Midtown Manhattan in New York City, United states of america, located for 881 seventh Avenue, occupying the east stretch of Seventh Method between Western 56th Street and Western 57th Street, two hindrances south of Central Playground. Carnegie Lounge is a worldclass venue for the performance arts with a large seats capacity. The Carnegie Lounge building as a whole has 3, 671 chairs, which are divided among 3 auditoriums: Demanding Auditorium provides 2, 804 seats, Zankel Hall features 599 seats, and Weill Recital Area has 268 seats.

Carnegie Hall is among the last remaining large properties in Nyc constructed totally of brickwork without any form of steel frame. Near the time for the 20th century, nevertheless , a stainlesss steel framework was added about certain segments of the building in order to accommodate the

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