Code of Ethics for Engineers Essay
Essay Topic: Code, Code ethics, Essay, Ethics,
Paper type: Values,
Words: 664 | Published: 08.23.19 | Views: 834 | Download now
In his dissertation, “Thinking As an Engineer”, Michael jordan Davis argues that: engineering is a career which needs a code of ethics, and that the engineers need to abide by the code of ethics. He argues that engineering can be described as profession which in turn requires a code of integrity so that technical engineers can be expected to adhere to specific normative patterns in carrying out their profession.
This is for the benefit of the engineer himself, for additional engineers and then for the public generally. Having a set of normative patterns to follow while guidelines in exercising the engineering profession helps the engineer consider different factors in making decisions. It lessens the possibility of being properly influenced by outside considerations. The engineer can choose to abide by the particular code of ethics supplies and he will still prevent the shame and disrepute in the event the decision he made based on his code of ethics can ultimately turn into wrong. His fellow technical engineers are also benefited because they will have a right to expect that an engineer will do according as to the the code provides.
They will trust that their colleagues will not adopt any carry out inimical towards the profession and definitely will not minimize them brief because of competition. They could reasonably expect that they can execute what technicians are ethically bound to perform without the likelihood of being overruled by additional engineers in the ethical aspects of their job by any high-handed approach. They need certainly not succumb to the pressure to complete the things that an engineer probably should not do.
As well, they may generally criticize the work of other technicians which are more or less against what the code requires of these. The security to the open public afforded with this code of ethics for engineers is generated by giving them the right to expect that engineers follows what the code requires of those so that the general public could realistically object to the work done by an engineer which may seem unethical. The general public can also be assured that the technical engineers will apply their knowledge for the common good and can not take advantage of the public. The argument that the engineers need to abide by the code of ethics is likewise for the favorable of everyone such as engineer himself.
It is interesting to note right here that Davis said that every engineers happen to be obliged to adhere to their code of ethics whether they have read this or not. Indeed, the ethics they may be to follow can be inherently inserted into their job. The engineer must follow the code for the easy reason that he features chosen that profession and, therefore , need to vow to abide by the guidelines and exhibitions set out simply by such career. As a professional, he also offers an obligation towards society to get the common good and not only his personal aggrandizement. And even more practically, he must abide by the code to prevent the waste and shame in case something wrong happens together with his work or perhaps with its effects.
He can fall season back to the code to justify his decision. Actually if his decision is completely done by the “book”, then this “book” alone will do the explanations for him. In addition, he can trust his acquaintances to come to his defense with claims that “the engineer was only doing his job. ” All in all, an engineer must abide by the code of ethics since it is his obligation and it is likewise for his own safeguard.
In conclusion, Davis went additional to say the responsibilities of an engineer includes more than than just abiding by the code ethics. An engineer must support it and need his many other engineers to adopt a perform which is in consonance with what the code provides.