Formal letter for request sponsorhip Essay

Essay Topic: Essay, Letter,

Paper type: Firm,

Words: 144 | Published: 12.27.19 | Views: 583 | Download now

Very good day! My name is Ang Teck Kui and i also am an enterprise student coming from ALC college or university, Klang is usually organizing a charity fund-collecting event intended for our final year job.

I represent my team Raiser of Hope Carnival 2014 which can be consists of 13 passionate business students via ALC College to write this kind of letter to your esteemed business to request for a sponsorship. We are offered an opportunity simply by ALC College, Klang to arrange this party to help generate awareness upon social responsibility by businesses and the public to the society. In addition , we since business college students will be able to gain experience because business person through this job. The event that we get chosen is definitely carnival and the details are as follows: Function Type: Charitable trust Fund Raising Carnival

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