How criminals have adapted to technology Essay

Essay Topic: Essay, Technology,

Paper type: Technology,

Words: 255 | Published: 02.11.20 | Views: 633 | Download now

Technology has made our world increasingly wide open and weak (Goodman, 2012). As firms develop amazing technology permanently purposes, scammers can use that same technology to damage people. It is a bad assumption to believe that crime-stopping technology cannot be used against the program.

Lawbreakers can produce and use technology to get the sole aim of committing criminal activity and fresh technologies produce the risks of unanticipated, unfavorable risks and consequences (Cole, Smith, & DeJong, 2014). There are so many different types of new technology that criminals use and that the program uses. Crooks use cyber-crime to break into people’s accounts, and counterfeiting to steal via companies, just to name one or two. Police make use of computers a lot for their work.

New programs, like the Geographic Information Program, are useful for mapping trouble locations to deal with specific offense. All kinds of info can be accumulated in police force databases: finger prints, tattoos, DNA samples, and gun/ballistic data. I think the largest threat to society using their adaptation is the fact that that personal data is so accessible to the public now.

Criminals have become with the technology and know how to get mastercard numbers, addresses, and so much that is extremely dangerous so they can have and abuse. Reference Cole, G., Smith, C., & DeJong, C. (2014). Criminal proper rights in america (7th ed. ). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth.

Goodman, M. (2012). How technology makes all of us vulnerable. CNN Opinion. Retrieved from

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