Learning Styles Essay

Essay Topic: College students, Essay, Learning, Learning styles, Learning theory, Styles,

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1 ) What I intend to do From this assignment Let me aim to discuss the factors which can have an effect on learning for the student. Designed in this Let me discuss ideas of ‘learning styles’, assessing and different them and try to identify factors which can effect upon my personal practice. Let me analyse my very own teaching style and that more to see the way the theories could be applied and also assess my very own success in meeting the needs in the students.

1 . 1 So why? The information offered in this project will allow me a better comprehension of the variety of techniques a student may learn. This will impact on my personal future since it will allow me to become a more successful classroom specialist and allow me personally to recognise and cater for a number of styles in my teaching causing more encouraged, able and satisfied college students.

2 . Definition of learning Just before one can talk about concepts of learning and learning styles, an understanding from the term is important. Learning is definitely defined by Encarta book as: 1 ) Acquiring expertise: the acquisition of knowledge or skill 2 . Acquired understanding: knowledge or perhaps skill gained through education 3. Change in knowledge: a relatively permanent enhancements made on, or acquisition of, knowledge, understanding, or behaviour Learning occurs throughout your life as more and more information is obtained, definition two focuses on expertise through education, this is certainly the aspect which I is going to focus on during this assignment, even so I believed the inclusion of the other definitions was significant, the 1st links very well to the second, and the third is important to know to allow the implementation in the first two.

The third definition highlights that not all learning comes in a college based environment and that learning occurs at all times in all different methods, in effect this highlights that learning can occur in many ‘styles’. 3. Factors affecting learning Learning is complex; it can be affected by numerous factors which will reduce the performance of learning. Some of these factors can be manipulated, others cannot, it is the work of the teacher to have control of as many aspects of the learning as is feasible to ensure learners achieve.

Maslow’s original Hierachy of requirements incorporates the perceived basic needs of the learner and their motivation, of which most, if perhaps not all have to be met allowing learning to become successful Of the elements mentioned by Maslow, just some can be controlled by the instructor such as safety, stability and so on but many will be down to the child’s home life. The factors which a teacher can be in control of may be managed by giving a safe, warm teaching environment so that learners are comfortable; the instructor should build positive human relationships with the students to support these people and improve learning and also allow for working in groups in the class.

A clear structure and procedure in the lesson can provide stability and rewarding confident acts will offer the spanish student a sense of achievements and help to generate a positive reputation, leading to personal growth. The factors that are beyond each of our control can arguably have got a greater effect on the success of learning. Learning style theories The thought of learning variations or different approaches to learning ‘emphasizes the truth that individuals see and method information in very different ways’.

The idea that college students learn in different ways implies that how much an individual learns may be affected by teaching method, therefore intelligence must be recognised in a different way, instead of is this student clever, the question a teacher should question is just how is this student intelligent. The concept of learning styles is ‘rooted in the category of emotional types’ Quite simply, through analysis, it has been indicated that individuals learn in different ways due to parental input, heredity plus the environment, they have also been indicated that ‘different individuals have a tendency to both perceive and process details differently’ Different ways of doing this are generally classified as: 1 . Concrete and abstract perceivers–Concrete perceivers absorb information through direct encounter, by doing, acting, sensing, and feeling.

Subjective perceivers, however , take in details through analysis, observation, and thinking. installment payments on your Active and reflective processors–Active processors appear sensible of an encounter by immediately using the fresh information. Reflective processors seem sensible of an encounter by showing on and thinking about it. Schooling generally focuses on effective and refractive processors even so concrete and abstract perceivers are becoming increasingly more catered for.

Learning variations theories effect education throughout the curriculum, instructions and evaluation. The curriculum must place emphasis on pure intuition, feeling, realizing, and creativeness, in addition to the classic skills of analysis, reason, and sequential find solutions to problems. In the instructions, teachers will need to design their particular instruction ways to connect with all four learning variations, using different combinations of experience, expression, conceptualization, and experimentation.

Finally, in evaluation teachers should certainly employ a selection of assessment tactics, focusing on the development of “whole brain” capacity every of the diverse learning designs (http://www.funderstanding.com/content/learning-styles) Learning theories have been completely grouped in to five clusters: 4. you Behaviourism learning theory Behaviourism is a look at that runs on a principle of “stimulus-response. “, in other words all behaviour is in a way caused by another stimulus in fact it is the relationship between the stimulus and response which leads to a change in behavior. This theory can be discussed without reference to intelligence or ones internal mental state. I have noticed this theory in action through lesson findings, for example the Mind of Science.

The instructor has crystal clear routines inside the lesson, along with great reinforcement, rewards system, compliment and a good but reasonable view on actions. The method performs very well to get the teacher in question since the is engaged, encouraged and make progress in lesson. (http://www.learning-theories.com) 4. a couple of Cognitivism learning theory Cognitivism involves call to mind or reputation of key points, it successfully views your brain as an information processor. That places emphasis of the role of preceding knowledge and being able to convert information from short term storage to long term memory.

This theory nullifies that of behaviourism by saying the human head is certainly not pre-programmed to reply only to exterior stimuli which it requires ‘active participation to be able to learn’ The cognitivism theory views the brains learning as such: Info? Processing? Final result I have seen this design in a humanities lesson around the Olympics, essential ideas were constantly referred to and exhibited on handouts, students had been encouraged to link the knowledge they were given to experiences that were there had and link in to different situations to allow the students to recognise and understand the essential ideas with the lesson.

This is probably the theory I use most, My spouse and i try to indulge students by simply getting them to work with their own activities and thoughts when discussing topics in science allowing better understanding and application. 4. 3 Constructivism learning theory Constructivism uses the concept all students need to construct their know-how from their earlier knowledge and the new info presented to them. The training also features problem solving as the new info can discord what they previously knew, resulting in a ‘solution’ being wanted and found.

Constructivism is very subjective i. electronic. based on the learners view. Constructivism can be described as key area to focus on in the development of starter activities, if the learner uses previous knowledge then a beginner must combine what they already know to allow them to build upon this kind of and acquire new knowledge. In science, misguided beliefs are often present in a college students prior understanding, evidence provided in lesson, often as experimental benefits can issue previous expertise, necessitating the need for the problem solving aspect of constructivism to allow the information to be acquired.

I have seen this theory in practice with the use of self analysis and peer assessment within the Science division. This allows college students to give and receive reviews on their viewpoints allowing them to develop their individual knowledge. some. 4 Social learning theory This theory suggests that learning is most good when handled in a interpersonal setting. The theory works on the principle that individuals can learn solely via observations. I have observed this kind of in science lessons throughout the teacher showing a practical for the students prior to they attempted the practical themselves, I possess also viewed it in group job where one student models an idea and others observe in that case copy to progress learning. your five.

Stages of learning Learning is not an immediate process; learners commonly will not instantly go by no understanding to complete understanding, usually a novice will enhance through a number of learning periods. One theory is that you will find four periods: 1 . Subconscious Incompetence “I don’t know that I don’t know how to try this. ” This is the stage of blissful lack of knowledge before learning begins. 2 . Conscious Incompetence “I realize that I don’t know how to try this, yet. ” This is the toughest stage, wherever learning begins, and where the most judgments against home are produced. 3. Conscious Competence “I know that I am aware how to do this. ” This stage of learning is easier than the second level, but it continues to be uncomfortable and self-conscious.

5. Unconscious Proficiency “What, you say I did so something very well? ” The last stage of learning an art is mainly because it has become a natural part of us; we don’t have to think about it. This really is a simple style for learning, however it doesn’t always complement how a student will learn within a classroom environment as other skills happen to be asked of students just like application of expertise. Another theory which will incorporate this is actually the learning structure (Haring, Lovitt, Eaton, & Hansen,  1978) has 4 stages, these are generally: acquisition, fluency, generalization, and adaptation: 1 . Acquisition: The student has begun to find out how to finish the target skill correctly but is not yet appropriate or fluent in the skill.

The goal in this phase is to improve accuracy installment payments on your Fluency: Trainees is able to total the target skill accurately yet works slowly. The goal of this kind of phase is always to increase the student’s speed of responding (fluency). 3. Generalisation: The student can be accurate and fluent in using the skill but cannot apply it to other appropriate situations, the focus of this level is to encourage the use of the skill in the largest possible selection of settings and situations. four. Adaptation: Students is appropriate and fluent in making use of the skill and will use it in several situations or perhaps settings. The student still are unable to adapt the relevant skills to fit story tasks-demands or situations.

The focus of this stage is for students to identify recently learned expertise and adapt them to new situations. If the teacher can easily accurately identify which stage the student is at then simply that educator can select ideas which might be more likely to succeed in meeting the students learning needs (Differentiation). The phases are also important to consider once introducing a brand new topic, especially one which can be unlikely being familiar towards the learner. The lesson program needs to be chunked to allow each learning stage to be met, a novice cannot be asked to apply knowledge before they have acquired it in the first place 6th. What are learning styles?

The training styles movements in the UK began in 1982 while using launch of the Honey and Mumford questionnaire (to end up being discussed later). The basic concept of learning designs is that college students learn in various ways.

May be that people have a preffered style to find out in and that this design can be tested for to achieve the teacher information about how best to support a college students learning and accommodate all of them in the learning environment. (http://www.tes.co.uk/article.aspx?storycode=2153773) 6. one particular David Kolb’s learning styles model and experiential learning theory (ELT) In 1984, Kolb released his learning styles style, it concentrated on four distinct learning styles, nevertheless , Kolb’s version allows a learner to touch about all four groups in a circuit rather than sit in just one, however the learner will have a preferred design of learning.. The four Kolb’s learning designs are as follows: 1 . Diverging (feeling and watching – CE/RO) – These scholars prefer to watch a scenario rather than be engaged in that, gathering info and employing imagination to resolve problems.

They are interested in persons, tend to be imaginative and emotional, and tend to be strong in the arts. This type of learner prefers to work in teams and listen closely with a mind; additionally they enjoy obtaining personal reviews. 2 . Converging (doing and thinking – AC/AE) – This type of student is a difficulty solver; each uses their learning to find solutions to practical problems.

Convergers care more about a task where there is a single answer and respond well in this situation. Convergers like to experiment with new tips and find sensible uses for concepts and hypotheses. Convergers tend to be fairly unemotional and would rather handle things than people, from this sense they can be opposite to Divergers. 3. Assimilating (watching and thinking – AC/RO) – This sort of learner requires a clear justification rather than an opportunity to practice that themselves. An assimilating novice seeks a concise and logical procedure, favouring concepts and ideas over persons.

An assimilator likes to framework information into a logical structure, as such they will excel in information and scientific occupations. An assimilator likes a formal learning condition, with readings, lectures, a chance to explore analytical models, as well as the time to believe things through. 4. Taking (doing and feeling – CE/AE) – This type of spanish student enjoys functional learning which relies on intuition rather than reasoning. An accommodator tends not to do their own analysis but will depend on information by others.

Accommodators are risk takers and work on a trial and error basis, they stand out in staff work and like to collection targets and actively work to achieve them. These types, as stated prior to, are not always distinct, we. e. it truly is still possible to get an accommodator to work in a converger’s environment, yet learning will probably be less successful. Kolb likewise said that it is also possible to change a learning design but it requires a great hard work to do so. six.

2 Honey & Mumford In 1982, Darling and Mumford developed a model of learning styles applying Kolb’s act as a basis. The unit is a variation of Kolb’s making use of the terms Activist, Dish, Theorist and Pragmatist to represent each level rather than Kolb’s terms. Under is a table defining the stages.

Learning StyleCorresponding Kolb Learning StylePreferred Mode Of Learning Powerhouse (Do)AccommodatingDoing issues, carrying out actions, ‘act just before considering consequences’ Reflector (Review)DivergingCollect and evaluate data, ‘stand back and observe’ Theorist (Conclude)AssimilatingThink in rational steps, make theories coming from information, ‘disciplined, aim to suit things to a rational order’ Pragmatist (Plan)ConvergingApplication of knowledge to a specific problem, ‘Keen to place theories and techniques in to practice’ http://www.mftrou.com/honey-mumford.html http://www.businessballs.com/kolblearningstyles.htm Listed below is a short description in the learner and a table displaying by which situation that learner will gain details about well and which conditions the spanish student may not prosper in. 1 . Activists- These kinds of learners are open minded and enthusiastic about new ideas, they enjoy carrying out an activity, specially in a new situation.

Activists appreciate working in groupings but like being in limelight Activists learn greatest when: Activists learn significantly less when: Associated with new experience, problems and opportunitiesListening to lectures or perhaps long details Working with others e. g. team work, role playReading, writing or perhaps thinking independently Being included the deep end which has a difficult taskAbsorbing and understanding data Leading/chairing discussionsFollowing exact instruction for the letter http://www.excellencegateway.org.uk/media/ferl_and_aclearn/ferl/pages/news_events/events/2004/november/workshop_presentations/B10.doc 2 . Reflectors- Reflectors like to stand again from a situation and view it from diverse perspectives. A reflector will certainly gather info and analyse it just before coming to a conclusion.

Mirrors enjoy watching and hearing others. Mirrors learn finest whenReflectors study less once Observing persons or organizations at workActing as a head or function playing facing others Given opportunity to assessment what features happened and think about what they may have learntDoing things with no time to prepare Develop analysis and reports with out tight deadlinesBeing thrown in with the deep end Being hurried or worried by deadlines http://www.excellencegateway.org.uk/media/ferl_and_aclearn/ferl/pages/news_events/events/2004/november/workshop_presentations/B10.doc a few. Theorists- Integrate observations into theories, problems are worked through on a detail by detail basis, usually be separate and synthetic rather than emotive and very subjective.

Theorists study best whenTheorists learn less when Offered structured situations with clear purposeActivity is unstructured or poorly briefed Put in complicated situations in which they have to employ their expertise and knowledgeHave to participate in activities which usually involve feelings or thoughts Given the chance to question or probe suggestions behind thingsHave top do things without knowing the guidelines or principles involved Provided ideas or concepts certainly not immediately relevantFeel they are ‘out of tune’ with other individuals http://www.excellencegateway.org.uk/media/ferl_and_aclearn/ferl/pages/news_events/events/2004/november/workshop_presentations/B10.doc four. Pragmatists- These are generally keen to try points out, they enjoy working together with concepts which can be applied to circumstances they encounter.

Pragmatists are likely to be intolerant with long discussion and prefer to be practical. Pragmatists learn finest whenPragmatists find out less when There is an evident link between topic as well as the jobThere is not a obvious or immediate profit that they can recognize Have the probability to try out techniques with reviews There is no practice or recommendations on how to do it They are shown techniques with obvious advantages e. g. saving timeThere is no obvious ‘payback’ or reward They can be shown an auto dvd unit they can replicate e. g. a film or possibly a respected bossThe learning is all theory http://www.excellencegateway.org.uk/media/ferl_and_aclearn/ferl/pages/news_events/events/2004/november/workshop_presentations/B10.doc 6. 3 VAK Visual- This can be integrated into a lesson using photos, observation, handouts, demonstration, video tutorials, flip-charts and so forth Auditory- This could be incorporated right into a lesson by using spoken expression, sounds, noises etc . Kinaesthetic- This can be incorporated into lessons by the use of sensible, hands on activities-touching, feeling, holding, doing, position play etc . According to VAK, a lot of people have a dominant design of learning; nonetheless it is possible for a few people to include a relatively balanced mixture of three styles.

A person’s learning style is reflecting their mixture of intelligences. Also, it is a reflection of their brain type and prominence.

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