Legal studies basic legal concepts article

Essay Topic: Laws regulations,

Paper type: Law,

Words: 489 | Published: 02.20.20 | Views: 649 | Download now

Regulation – is a set of rules that is binding the community. Some rules that may be enforced and it is officially identified. Law must be capable or perhaps reform and alter as society’s values and ethics modify. Relationship between customs, guidelines and laws-

Customs and rules govern behavior nevertheless the courts will not enforce them on community members. The community may generally see a personalized as correct but it can be not lawfully enforceable. Guidelines, however , may punish offenders but rules only apply in certain conditions and areas.

Laws are legally approved and are unplaned by the tennis courts.

Although the community generally allows all three, guidelines and customs do not have the same legal calamit� as laws and regulations. An example of this is smoking in public places restaurants. It had been a customized for store owners to provide a smoking and non-smoking section in their eating places. Once the perils of smoking became known rules were place in to prevent smoking cigarettes in restaurants. Laws were then handed in public curiosity to make sure that cigarette smoking was only allowed in outdoor parts of restaurants.

5. They are all types of rules * They can become made into regulations * They all regulate human behaviour 2. They all bring consequences if they are breeched, calamit�

Values- Rules or perceptions which world sees because important. The moral principles and morals which echo society’s wisdom about the value of different points. a personal belief system Ethics- a set of ethical beliefs regulating behaviour. Values define whatever we consider to be the right and wrong approach to react. a code of carry out; moral rules Characteristics of Just Regulations

* It can be enforceable 2. It is holding on the community * It is in the public’s interest 2. It is discoverable * It is accepted by the community * It shows community morality

Nature of Justice 2. Equality- similar treatment or perhaps equal prospect. That all individuals are entitled to enjoy the same legal rights, responsibilities, chances and that no person should be fortunate or disadvantaged. * Fairness- achieving similar outcomes for people. Achieving affordable and equivalent outcomes according to generally accepted concepts about what is correct and just.

* Accessible Procedural Fairness, Principles of Natural Rights * The justification to be read * The justification to have a conclusion made by an unbiased decision maker 2. The right to a choice based on rationally relevant facts Justice- a concept about what is right and incorrect and precisely what is fair and unfair. A variety of elements just like, equality, fairness and reasonableness Rule of Law – Everyone is susceptible to the same laws and regulations, no one can be above the law. Punished evenly through calamit� (penalty) Anarchy- a state of chaos as a result of the lack of laws and/or government. Cruelty – regulation by a single leader having absolute electrical power in a nation-state


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