Mental health home reflection project essay

Essay Topic: Affected person, Mental health,

Paper type: Health and fitness,

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Although theoretical preparation clearly is important, there is not any substitute for the learning that happens during specialized medical experiences. Scientific experience is definitely acknowledged as becoming the core of nursing education. Because nursing pupil without previews experience in mental wellness, I was showing the same attitude held by simply general public that mentally sick patient happen to be dangerous, prone to violence, unstable, and to a point responsible for their illnesses. As well, at the beginning of the semester, My spouse and i felt unsuspecting, anxious and stressed before starting mental wellness clinical nevertheless the positive relationships with scientific staff gave me confidence and increased my satisfaction together with the clinical knowledge.

However , I found that over the course of the medical experience and through declaration and effective participation i started sense less troubled and more cozy interacting with the patients in the facility.


The few first scientific days, I had been fearful to be around people suffering mental illness including anxiety disorder, mood disorder, psychotic disorder, persona disorder and so on.

We felt that a person of those individual may slap me or perhaps hit me personally, especially that on the 1st day of clinical one of the patient in the facility was right on the back of one students sniffing on her hair. Following time in the facility, I start feeling a little more comfy around the patient. Then a diverse fear start, which is how to choose15463 the right words in the proper situation. for instance, a hallucinating patient commence making a tale from the photo of the celebs on the mags on the table from the lunch space, at that time I actually felt that my assumptive learning may not help me approach communicate with this kind of patient. Therefore , my simply option was going to keep playing him, show interest in his stories and give little to no responses by nodding my head?nternet site did be familiar with subject of the conversation.

Furthermore, many times My spouse and i felt that I had become extremely emotional and had empathy toward young girls’patients especially those whom got actually or sexually assaulted by simply close loved one. For example , a teenage lady who was sexually assaulted by her grandfather and what worsen the case that her mother is aware of but she didn’t do anything to help her. Also, one other situation in which a young woman women in her early twenties acquired made many attempt to commit suicide. Resulting from absent family members support following her mother passed away when ever she was 15 years of age, her dad have another family in Japan and she was sexually abused simply by her personal brother. Being a woman and a mother of two girls, We felt which i cannot stand those types of situations wherever I had to be very careful, affected person and careful all at one time.

Even so as nurse student, I used to be trying hard to separate among my sense and scientific setting also to keep acting and responding to patient within an appropriate professional way. Scientific setting was obviously a great learning experience for me as I reached see how mentally ill affected person in the real-world instead of a few descriptive words in the psychology book. For example Miss P diagnosis was psychotic disorder, bipolar disorder and key depressive disorder. I was very impressed to view this individual bizarre actions during a ten minutes team meeting where the patient change from displaying a strong individuality at the beginning, for an angry person in a few mins later, to get an actor, then have a good laugh then cry then giggle again in this short period of the time. Moreover, I felt that the nurses and staff offered to me and other students a welcoming and relaxed atmosphere simply by answering the questions, enabling us to sign up staff appointment and group therapy and counseling. In my opinion, the stuff attitude toward student is an important component in creating a great clinical encounter.

Literature assessment

These unfavorable and stigmatizing attitudes seem to be more prevalent at the begening with the nursing system with more great attitudes reported by students in their final year of training (McCann et ‘s., 2010, g. 34) these types of attitudes seem to have a significant influence on nursing students’ career choices. Yet , orientation to the clinical areas should not just familiarize learners to the physical environment and policies and procedures tightly related to the specialized medical setting, but also must acknowledge students’ anxiety and gives students ways of address this kind of. The lack of knowledge contributes to scholar stress in clinical practice and can leadto nursing learners being uncertain of their roles (Grav, Juul, & Hellzen, 2010). AS a result, students typically demonstrate too little of confidence and a sense of inadequacy with their role of restorative interaction.

Therefore , clinical personnel and registered nurse educators should be effective in anticipating and alleviating scientific stress for young students. It is important that teachers encourage pupils to supporter the people they are working with, but for do this, college students need support. Emotional support is recognized as being an essential component of the role of both the medical mentor/preceptor as well as the academic lecturer/instructor (Koskinen ain al., 2011). However , with appropriate support nursing learners will grow in skills, expertise and self-confidence throughout their clinical experience.


Through the clinical experience, I have learned something new regarding myself. I use learned fundamental counseling expertise by listening to the patient, identifying potential complications, empathizing with him and providing fundamental care in order to avoid further difficulty. I don’t know that with just a few simple words of encouragement and empathy, it might please and calm a mentally unwell patient. Interaction can make the patient, feel comfortable and pleasant. For example Miss H land in the center as a result of an attempt to dedicate suicide.

Furthermore to medicine , one to 1 therapy and group therapy helped Miss H to check out the reasons to result in which led her to find life meaningless and thinking about death since an escape. Finally, I have found that supporting restoration requires a social awareness embedded in the eye-sight of values and trust (NHS, Scotland, 2011). Therefore , this doing work relationship to recovery is a very valuable method which sets the responsibility upon promoting personal and specialist growth and understanding. To conclude, I hope to boost further during my psychosocial and counseling abilities as I continue my voyage in nursing jobs.


References Koskinen, L., Mikkonen, I., & Jokinen, S. (2011). Listening to advice from the world of mental health care: medical students’ narratives. Journal of Psychiatric & Mental Well being Nursing, 18(7), 622-628. doi: 10. 1111/j. 1365-2850. 2011. 01711. times

NHS Ireland, (2010) An Evaluation of the Effects of the Diffusion of Educational Resources to compliment Values-Based and Recovery-Focused Restoration Learning Materials. McCann, Big t., Clark, At the., & Lu, S. (2010). Bachelor of Nursing students career choices: A three year longitudinal study. Doctor Education Today, 30(1), 31-36. Grav, T., Juul, E. M. D., & Hellzen, O. (2010). Undergraduate nursing jobs student experiences of their mental health clinical placement. Nordic Journal of Nursing Research & Specialized medical Studies / VÃ¥rd i Norden, 30(1), 4-8.


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