Person centered remedy essay

Essay Topic: Carl Rogers,

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As being a challenge to the incumbent directive and interpretive approaches of behaviourism and psychoanalysis remedies, person-centered remedy has been huge in the path of guidance theory and practice. Since the name implies, person-centered approach sights clients while the ultimate agents for self-change. It presumes that humans are essentially positively determined and can be trustworthy to make their particular decisions to shape, immediate and have responsibility intended for the way they live their lives. Since its theory by Carl Rogers, person-centered therapy has yield effective treatment results across the world.

Nevertheless , as with all therapies, you will discover inherent pros and cons. The obvious durability of this healing is the emphasis of centrality on the client, who is able to find his strategies to problems in the context of your safe and accepting environment. It has, nevertheless , been hit with limited achievement with clients who have trouble expressing themselves verbally. A witty therapist will do well understanding when to use person-centered therapy in its whole, and when to swap remedies when he feels it appropriate for his client.

Person-Centered Remedy

Person-centered remedy, now considered a starting work in the humanistic college of psychotherapies, began technically with Carl Rogers (Corey, 2009). Developed out of his act as a clinical psychologist and developed because an offshoot of his theory of client-centered remedy, Rogers’ method to counselling and psychotherapy surfaced as a concern to the incumbent directive and interpretive strategies of behaviourism and psychoanalysis therapies. While the latter approaches have made significant contributions for the field of psychology, both equally “neither acknowledged nor employed the natural dignity from the human person (Vitz, 2009).

Rogers’ remaining respect and interest for people as themes rather than objects revolutionised the direction of counselling theory and practice (Corey, 2009). To examine his theory more closely, this essay can discuss the strengths and weaknesses of person-centered therapy as well as contributions in assisting build effective bonds. I will conclude using a personal analysis and talk about theshortcomings in staying with this orientation.

Actual Theory of Person-Centered Therapy

As its term implies, person-centered approach views clients as the ultimate agents for self-change. It presumes that individuals are, essentially, positively encouraged with a all-natural internal drive towards progress, health and modification (Casemore, 2006). Coined by Rogers as the “actualisation tendency, Rogers (1977) believed this drive towards self-growth could be suppressed nevertheless never demolished. As such, people could be trustworthy to make their particular decisions to shape, direct and consider responsibility pertaining to the way they live their lives.

The road blocks to this creation, according to Rogers, will be conditions, generally those inflicted by father and mother, in which the person is denied “unconditional great regard and subjected to “conditions of worth (Rogers, 1959). Conditions of worth refer to the judgemental and crucial messages from important people that influence the fact that individual serves and reacts to certain situations. (Seligman, 2006) Over time, these conditions happen to be incorporated as views of their own self-worth, bringing about “incongruence among how the person perceives himself and the genuine experience, resulting in possible distress, tension and maladaptive behaviours (Rogers, 1959).

In order to lessen this interior conflict and move a person to self-actualisation, Rogers (as cited in Casemore 2006) assumed three related attitudes for the therapist are central to the accomplishment of person-centered therapy:

1 ) Congruence ” genuineness, honesty with the client

2 . Sympathy ” the cabability to feel the particular client seems

3. Unconditional Positive Regard ” acceptance and respect towards the consumer

Congruence identifies the credibility and genuineness of the practitioners in what is usually spoken and portrayed through body language. For example , if the therapist says something and his body gestures is reflecting of somethingelse, the client can notice which, in turn, impacts on the trust and degree of openness inside the therapeutic romantic relationship (Seligman, 2006). Therefore a high degree of credibility is needed in order to secure rely upon the therapeutic relationship, specifically the client who have may typically be plagued with a insufficient genuineness about him.

As well, the specialist must also demonstrate unconditional great regard pertaining to the client to be able to promote the structures essential for self-healing and change (Corey, 2009). It refers to the specialist accepting, improving and looking after the client (Seligman, 2006). It will not mean that the therapist must agree with everything the client says or truly does, however , the therapist should certainly see the customer as performing the best they might and illustrate this by simply expressing concern rather than disregarding or disagreeing with him / her (Seligman, 2006). This provides a secure haven to get the client to learn his feelings and issues without sense judged.

Although it is a need for all practitioners to be responsive, in this instance, sympathy is defined as a communication skill used to show understanding of the client’s emotions (Truax and Carkhuff, 1967). In this impression, empathy is approximately showing understanding and enabling the client to increase open up, it is not about having sympathy and feeling remorseful for your customer (Seligman, 2006). It is regarding expressing the ability to be able to view the client’s circumstances for their eyes and encouraging the client to open up and freely express with no feeling evaluated.

Some of the tactics utilised simply by therapist consist of non-directiveness, representation of emotions, open-ended inquiries, paraphrasing and encouragers. These are generally used to help the following goals of person-centered therapy (Seligman, 2006).

1 ) To promote customer’s self-awareness and self-esteem.

installment payments on your To encourage the client to modify.

3. To encourage convenance in the patient’s behaviour and feelings.

four. To help people to find the ability to control their lives and become self-actualised. Unlike other techniques employed in other solutions, person-centered therapy techniques are focused on creating a setting that facilitates theprocess of self-awareness. Rogers (as cited in Casemore, 2006) presumed that in case the therapist confirmed the above 3 qualities, it absolutely was “entirely satisfactory on their own to enable therapeutic progress to be possible. He as well firmly thought that the suffering from of these conditions by the client will create a “strong therapeutic relationship without other methods will be needed

Strengths and Weaknesses in the Person-Centered Remedy

Like any remedy, there are both equally strengths and weaknesses. Numerous strength on this therapy is the emphasis of centrality on you, as the consumer. I believe that one of the most powerful method one can master is through discovery. Lessons learned through self-experience are more effective compared to a third party trying to teach same lesson. Using one’s hands after holding a hot kettle may be the fastest method to learn about this one should not touch a kettle if it is hot.

A child discovering wondrous things about the earth around him gives him a greater richer experience instead of it basically being told to him looking at a tv set. Because I really believe in this notion of learning getting into, I appreciate the philosophical position of the person-centered therapy taking a non-directive position as a specialist. The declaration the consumers should find their own alternatives in the context of a safe and receiving environment is definitely something I agree entirely with.

Another confident aspect is a ease by which many aspects of the theory is okay with other strategies. A therapist who commences a client-therapist relationship with some form of person-centred therapy will find the client more receptive towards other forms of therapies that will be applied to him in the future. This can be exemplified by the adoption of person-centered remedy by practitioners across several schools of treatment. While many may believe use of person-centered therapy being a main kind of therapy is useless, they view the benefit of the core elements in helping persons change.

Cain (2008) explained that the person-centered approach can be described as potent technique of working with individuals representing a variety of cultural backgroundsbecause the main therapeutic circumstances are attributes that are general. Bohart (2003) also stated that the person-centered philosophy is very appropriate for dealing with diverse customer populations because the therapist presumes the part as a “fellow explorer.

Yet , the person-centered therapist will may find it tough to practice in collectivist nationalities where individual commonly show a sense of home that is focused towards “what is best for the city and the prevalent good (Cain, 2008). Hence, a specialist who is even more familiar with the individualistic traditions may find himself constrained by a client who will be unable to totally move toward self-actualisation as a result of a sense of requirement to satisfy the expectations of others about him.

The most important criticism of person-centered remedy appears to center around its lack of tangible treatment approaches aimed as specific concerns. It has been declared that this lack of structure, leads to a treatment strategy that is too highly dependent upon the skills individuals therapist as opposed to the treatment itself! (Thorne, 2002b).

Shortcomings with Staying with a Person-Centered Therapy Approach While person-centered remedy has become a reliable treatment employed by therapists worldwide, one should note that the therapy features its disadvantages for those who continue with employing it since the only instrument in their counselling toolbox. Person-centered therapy is notably unable to deal with the more extreme personality or perhaps mental disorders. An example is a client who have clearly demonstrates the pallino and depressive episodes of bipolar disorder, in which a span of lithium treatment is obviously more appropriate!

One more shortcoming could be the need for a customer to recognise himself in an incongruent state before person-centered therapy can be used to impact positive transform. As pointed out by Casemore (2006), a customer needs to be in a state of incongruency just before therapy could happen. This would be difficult in cases where a customer is utterly confident of the precision of an incorrect schema. For example , a gambling addict whom claims the ability to persuade a jackpot equipment to pay out. In that scenario, an astute therapist would dowell to recognise if you should switch to a cognitive-behaviour therapy approach. Undoubtedly, clients with deep-rooted problems will find the other forms of proactive psychiatric therapy faster and even more efficient.

When person-centered remedies are effective in assisting clients who happen to be fairly self-aware and that have some capability to verbalise their particular feelings, it could meet with only limited achievement with these whom find it difficult to express themselves by speaking. In my opinion, however , holding the assumption that unconditional positive regard is a necessary mechanism for consumer growth in all circumstances is usually misguided. Absolute, wholehearted positive consider can be a double-edge sword. For instance, when it comes by a highly regarded authority number (the therapist), it has the actual to further enhance destructive behaviours.

For example , a cheating husband who will be seriously taking into consideration leaving his wife for any younger female because he feels that he can genuinely deeply in love with her might misconstrue a therapist’s unconditional positive consider as an affirmative acknowledgement of his proposed strategy. He may be incapable of seeing the point of view of his wife and children. In the event the only standpoint that matters is that of the client (i. e. the husband), the actual result could be devastating.

In summary, person-centred therapy is a tried-and-tested procedure which has produced successful treatment outcomes as its conceptualisation by simply Rogers. You will discover admittedly noteworthy downsides that come with its positive aspects, as referred to in this essay. A wise therapist will do well to as well recognise it is shortcomings, also to swap therapies when he feels it appropriate for his consumer.


Bohart, A. C. (2003). Person-centered psychotherapy and related experiential strategies. In Gurman, A. S i9000. & Messer, S. W. (Eds), Important psychotherapies: Theory and practice (2nd education. ). Ny: Guilford Press.

Cain, Deb. J. (2008). Person-centered therapy. In Frew, J. & Spiegler, Meters. D (Eds). Contemporary psychotherapies for a diverse world. Boston: Lahaska Press, pp. 177-227

Casemore, 3rd there’s r. (2006). Person-Centred Counselling to put it briefly. London: Sage Publications

Corey, G. (2009). Theory and Practice of Counseling and Psychotherapy. (8th ed. ). Thomson Brooks/Cole

Rogers, C. (1959). A theory of therapy, personality and sociable relationships, as developed inside the client-centered platform. In S i9000. Koch (ed). Psychology: Research of technology. New York: McGraw Hill, pp. 184-256.

Rogers, C. (1977). Carl Rogers on personal power. Nyc: Delacorte Press

Seligman, T. (2006). Ideas of coaching and psychiatric therapy: Systems, tactics, and expertise (2nd ed. ). New Jersey: Pearson Education

Thorne, W. (2002b). Person-centered therapy. In Dryden, T. (Eds. ). Handbook of individual therapy (4th ed. ). London, uk: Sage Publications.

Truax, C. B. & Carkhuff, Ur. P. (1967). Towards Successful Counseling & Psychotherapy. Chi town: Aldine

Vitz, P. (2009). IPS and Modern Psychology: The Big Picture. Retrieved 01 September, 2009 from

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