Psychodynamic and humanistic approaches to

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Psychodynamic Theory, Karen Horney, Humanistic Psychology, Carl Rogers

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Psychodynamic and Humanistic Ways to Personality

Psychodynamic and Humanistic Approaches

Individuality can be defined as the initial characteristics that various people possess. These types of characteristics separate individuals via others. Basically, personality can even be defined as a distinctive system of thoughts, thoughts and behaviors that prevail after some time and that is obvious in various circumstances. Different specialists have identified different ways to study character. Some individuals try to analyze various areas of personality that the individual possesses, whereas, other folks try to understand why there are differences in the personalities of various individuals. (Morris ain al., 2010)

Listed below are both different ways to personality;

Psychodynamic Approach

Psychodynamic theories establish the thought our personality is an outcome of interior psychological causes which are not under the charge of our conscious mind. Psychodynamic approach fundamentally studies the power of our subconscious mind and it in addition explores how this energy transforms in the behavior that various individuals portray in different situations. (Morris ain al., 2013) This point of view focuses on how different inner processes such as, needs, wants, emotions and drives business lead towards encouraging individual tendencies. This point of view evolved after some time and its emphasis has shifted from inborn or unconscious processes to the learning capacities of individuals and their interaction with their area. (Unknown, 2008)

The historical work in relation to this point of view was done by famous psychologist, Sigmund Freud. Other prestigious psychologists that contributed a great deal to this approach include, Carl Jung, Anna Freud, Melanie Klein, Margaret Mahler, Karen Horney, Heinz Hartmann, Robert Watts. White, Donald Winnicott, Otto Kernberg, Heinz Kohut, and Erik Erikson. (Unknown, 2008)

In order to be familiar with evolution in the psychodynamic approach it is necessary to analyze the work of Simund Freud. Freud examined personality via different points-of-view and all of these kinds of points-of-view or perhaps perspectives were interrelated to each other. Summarized listed here are some of the important theories that Freud proposed in order to be familiar with personality advancement and behavior in various persons (Unknown, 2008).

Drive or perhaps Instinct Theory: This theory states that human behavior is motivated simply by two effective drives namely, ‘thanatos’ or maybe the instinct of aggression or deterioration and ‘eros’, which can be defined as the drive for life or the intuition for success. Modern psychologists have included two more drives through this approach which were observed to motivate individual behavior. These drives contain, the travel for power or competence over other folks and the drive for interconnection or romance with other folks. According to the drive or behavioral instinct theory, these are generally the several major elements that develop and encourage human habit in various circumstances and that condition human persona. (Unknown, 2008)

Topographical Theory of The Mind: This theory divides those activities of brain into distinct stages. These stages contain, the ‘conscious activities’, these are generally the activities that we and our thoughts are fully aware, ‘pre conscious activities’, these actions can be defined as the thoughts, sense and feelings that can be quickly perceived simply by our heads or which can be easily taken to our minds and ‘unconscious activities’, these can be understood to be the repressed feelings and thoughts that, we and our brains are not aware. These feelings and thoughts are not underneath the control of the conscious head but can have an powerfulk and effective outcome on each of our behaviors and personalities. Each of the psychologists, suggesting the psychodynamic approach, have confidence in the power of the unconscious, even though different theories put focus on varying areas of the subconscious. (Unknown, 2008)

Structural Model Of The Mind: The[desktop] suggests that the structure of your personality contain three parts namely, ‘id’, this is the unconscious part of each of our personality and it strives to get the basic instincts and drives achieved, ‘superego’ this part consists of values, values, morals and conscience and it constantly remains in conflict with the identity and the last part can be ‘ego’ it is usually defined as the rational portion of the personality and it acts as being a mediator between superego and id. (Unknown, 2008)

Psychosexual Stage Theory: This theory suggests a model of child expansion, which includes five stages. All these periods are based on the sexual instincts that an individual confronts. These kinds of stages consist of, the ‘Oral Phase’, starting from birth to eighteen months, in this stage, it is suggested the search for satisfaction by a person is concentrated into the mouth; the ‘Anal Phase’, ranging from eighteen months to about three years, in this phase, an individual’s hunt for pleasure is usually centered into the anus; the ‘Phallic Phase’, ranging from 3 years to half a dozen years, from this phase, it is known that the search for pleasure can be centered into the genitals; the ‘Latency Phase’ ranging from 6 to 8 years, is it doesn’t phase through which individuals stifle various lusty urges and send them to the unconscious phase; as well as the last stage is the ‘Genital Phase’, this exists from adolescence and continues right up until the end, is it doesn’t phase when the search for satisfaction is based in the genitals and satisfaction of sex intimacy. Freud argued that, the personality development halts in the adulthood but the contemporary psychologists problem this point-of-view, they state that personality development is a consistent process and it proceeds over the complete lifetime. Moreover, the modern psychodynamic theories set less focus on the intimate instincts as compared to that of Freud. (Unknown, 2008)

The Psychodynamic approach declares that we tend to be not aware of the basic intuition and the elements that inspire our behavior. These theories have an important impact on how people look at themselves and their surroundings. Moreover, the critics argue that, the psychodynamic techniques cannot be tested through tests and hypothesis. (Morris ainsi que al., 2010)

The Humanistic Approach

The humanistic approach is also known as the ‘third force’ in the psychology. The humanistic strategy has received its different aspects through the German Thinker, Edmund Husserl. It is also reported that the Humanistic approach is usually influenced by the concepts of ‘existential psychology’. The existential psychology led towards superb chaos and disturbance in the Europe throughout the World War II. This kind of psychology consisted of four key themes. These types of themes stated that, (1) Each person differs from the others from his fellow males and each person has his own, one of a kind, values and beliefs, (2), Human growth is activated by battling. In other words, suffering is an essential component of human being growth, (3), for personal growth it is necessary that the person stays on and comes from the immediate second and not before and (4), In order to grow personally, it is necessary for a person to get committed to the purpose of personal development and growth. (Unknown, 2008)

The major big difference that exists between existential psychology and humanistic procedure is that, existential psychology puts emphasis on suffering as an integral part of personal growth, whereas, the humanistic way does not do this. Abraham Maslow, who was a humanistic psychiatrist, studied just how ‘peak experiences’ or moments of remarkable feelings result from various people. He advised that people who were able to realize their inner potentials and who gained the height of their talents, were those people in whom the ‘peak experiences’ occur the most. Maslow also designed a hierarchy of wants and he advised that it is not possible for a person to fully fulfill the higher level desires, until and unless he has pleased the lower level wants to the fullest potential. According to Maslow, in the bottom of the hierarchy are the ‘physiological needs’, this provides the need for food and refuge. Above options the ‘safety needs’, including the prevention of discomfort, anxiety and stress and the desire for secure and security. On a higher level are, ‘belongingness and take pleasure in needs’, they are the requires for love and passion and they

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