Storytelling in Homer’s The Odyssey and Virgil’s The Aeneid Essay

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Storytelling was essential to the great man. For quite some time, storytelling was your crucial means which empowered man to record record.

In the lack of written data, oral tradition became required in terms of telling the experiences of man. Through the oral tradition, the history of man was passed on in one generation to another. While that kind of storytelling may expose a different or exaggerated version of what actually happened, the changes built do not challenge the importance in the story. Two texts which can be part of the mouth tradition are “The Odyssey” by Homer and “The Aeneid” by simply Virgil.

The stories presented in the two epics probably would not have reached the modern day generation if it was not to get the take action of storytelling. Although both equally Homer and Virgil end up being notable storytellers, they do not inform their stories the same way. As proven in their epics “The Odyssey” and “The Aeneid, ” Homer and Virgil exhibit similarities and differences in their storytelling. Homer and Virgil are similar in their storytelling in terms of composition. Their initially similarity is based on the form in the dactylic hexameter (Farrell).

Poems which are coming from Greek and Latin origin follow a particular rhythmic routine. Epics including Homer’s “The Odyssey” purely follow the plan of the dactylic hexameter. With this rhyme scheme, epics must have compared to with lines which incorporate 18 syllables. In this pattern, the first syllable for every three syllables is accented.

However , the text is oftentimes presented as prose. Homer’s Greek epics preceded Virgil’s “The Aeneid, ” and so the latter poet followed the former’s format in terms of impressive poetry (Farrell). Hence, the storytelling of both Homer and Virgil in their particular epics is similar due to the stroking scheme implemented to convey their very own stories.

The 2nd similarity between Homer and Virgil with regards to structure is definitely evident in the approach they get started their storytelling. First, it must be noted that both poets start all their epic in medias ers. This means that the plot of both epics start midway through the whole story. Homer and Virgil chose to get started their storytelling in the middle; their particular account with the events which usually occur prior to the beginning is told through flashbacks or perhaps the narration of a specific personality (Green xiv). The Odyssey” is essentially the storyplot about a Ancient greek language hero named Odysseus as well as the difficult trip back to Ithaca after the break of Troy.

Homer will not begin his narration immediately after the Trojan’s War; instead, he starts off his storytelling a decade following your battle in Troy. If the epic starts, Odysseus is found in the isle of Ogygia, where the goddess Calypso provides held him captive as a result of her love for him. It is not until Book XI of the epic that the readers would learn what seriously happened following the fall of Troy, when ever Odysseus recounts the events to get Phaeacians.

Meanwhile, “The Aeneid” is the history of the Trojan named Aeneas who sails to Italy from Troy because he can be destined to become the ancestral of the Romans. He and also other Trojans are forced to run away Troy after the attack in the Greeks. Virgil does not commence the story following your fall of Troy; Aeneas is already for sea when the epic poem begins (Green xiv).

It would be later on inside the story once Aeneas narrates in a banquet what occurred in the siege of the metropolis. Therefore , Homer and Virgil are similar in their manner of storytelling because that they start their particular epics in medias vaca. Another distinctive similarity between Homer and Virgil because storytellers is definitely their invocation to the Muse. Both Homer and Virgil open their poems via an invocation. In “The Odyssey, ” Homer writes: “Tell me, To muse, of these ingenious main character who moved far and wide following he sacked the famous area of Troy. ” He ends the first passage with this sentence: “Tell me, also, about each one of these things, U daughter of Jove, from whatsoever origin you may find out them” (Homer).

As proven by the previously mentioned statements, Homer clearly sees it necessary to commence his storytelling by calling on the Muse. Virgil as well exhibits Homer’s manner of frequentation by invoking the Day job in Publication I of “The Aeneid. ” Virgil writes: “O Muse! the complexities and the offences relate; as well as What goddess was provok’d, and where her hate” (I. 11-12).

However , it is necessary to point out that a slight big difference between the poets’ invocations. While Homer describes the Muse on the initial line of the epic, it is only in the eleventh line in which Virgil creates the Day job. non-etheless, the mere mention of the Muse inside the first literature of their epics reveals the fact that poets discovered the invocation as a important part of all their storytelling. Certainly, Homer and Virgil are similar in their storytelling as they the two invoke the Muse at the start of their epics.

Also, Homer and Virgil share an additional similarity in storytelling because of the chosen subject matter. Each poet person tells a tale which involves the location of Troy and its later demise. In both ‘The Odyssey” and “The Aeneid, ” Troy plays an important role in the whole narrative (Risden 19). Especially, it is the show up of the city which serves as the kick off point of the epic. The adventures of Odysseus officially begin after the Trojan wipe out; following the victory of the Greeks, he wonderful comrades need to overcome road blocks for a decade before the main character could safely go back home.

In the mean time, the story of Aeneas starts off when the city of Troy is usually under attack. It is not till he leaves the decreased city that he is able to embark on a trip to Italia. The fall of Troy is truly essential in both equally epics, as well as the poets highlight that simple fact through the way they inform their individual stories.

Hence, Homer and Virgil show another likeness in their storytelling through their particular focus on the fall of Troy (Risden 19). Coincidentally, it is also the story of Troy which marks the initial difference between storytelling of Homer and Virgil. Both storytellers uncover different perspectives in “The Odyssey” and “The Aeneid. ” On one hand, Homer recounts the events of Troy as well as the Trojan Conflict from the perspective of the Greeks (Risden 19).

Since Homer is known for the Ancient greek language epics, it is common that his storytelling could favor the perspective of the Greeks. In “The Odyssey, ” there are 3 accounts of the battle of Troy while told via a pro-Greek point of view. The first consideration is found in Book IV, where Menelaus tells both Helen and Telemachus about Odysseus and their encounter when they had been inside the solid wood horse.

Menelaus describes Odysseus as such: “What courage he displayed within the wooden horses, wherein all of the bravest from the Argives were lying in wait to get death and destruction after the Trojans” (Homer). The other account is within Book VIII, wherein the blind poet named Demodocus sings regarding the Trojan’s horse; the song permits Odysseus to reminisce regarding the conflict, making him cry along the way. The last accounts can be found in Publication XI; from this book, it really is Odysseus himself who narrates his story to the Phaeacians (Homer).

Inside the context with the poem, Homer narrates the story of Troy targeted at a Greek target audience, for it was the experiences of the Greeks that are indicated in the account. On the other hand, the storytelling of Virgil presents the angle of the Trojan infections (Risden 19). In “The Aeneid, ” Virgil retells the story of Troy from the point of view of Aeneas, a Trojan’s.

This is why the narration from the epic offers a pro-Trojan, rather than a pro-Greek, sentiment. In Book I of “The Aeneid, ” Aeneas switches into Juno’s recently built serenidad concealed in Venus’ cloud; upon viewing the group of pictures from the Trojan War on the relief inside the serenidad, he weeps as he recalls the decline of his city (I. 464-94). This kind of incident is similar to the reaction of Odysseus to the song of Demodocus. During this time when Dido perceives Aeneas in grief, and thus, she welcomes him in her court.

It is in Book 2 where Aeneas narrates for the Carthaginians the destruction in the Troy. In the event Odysseus and Menelaus gave the Ancient greek language account from the fall of Troy in “The Journey, ” it absolutely was Aeneas who gave the Trojan side of the city’s fall in “The Aeneid. ” Therefore , a major difference involving the storytelling of Homer and Virgil is definitely their chosen perspective inside their account in the fall of Troy. One other notable big difference between the storytelling of Homer and Virgil lies in the form of their lien. While equally poets tell a similar account of a main character who embarks on a long and hazardous journey, they convey the story in two different ways.

It ought to be noted there is a reason for what reason “The Odyssey” is much longer than “The Aeneid. ” In the custom of Traditional epics, storytellers would over and over again tell the storyline for a long period of time before we were holding written straight down in data (Risden 20). The manner of frequent retelling would turn into evident in the drafted version, because there would be the repetition of words and pictures within the solitary text. This repetition is merely a reflection in the traditional manner of storytelling. Homer was a portion of the oral tradition; in fact , it was said that during his time, epics were usually being sung instead of used (Farrell). In contrast, epics during Virgil’s time were regarded as spoken.

This is the reason why the plan was more determined. Virgil was not an integral part of the ancient greek language oral traditions, so his work was not a longer seen as a repetition. Therefore, the storytelling of Virgil is more to the point than the storytelling of Homer. Homer and Virgil are two distinctive names in the realm of epic poetry.

The two are remarkable statistics in the name of vintage literature due to epics including ‘The Odyssey” and “The Aeneid” correspondingly. Homer and Virgil also share selected similarities when it comes to their storytelling. Most of their similarities rest on the composition of their epics. Both “The Odyssey” and “The Aeneid” are as the dactylic hexameter; additionally, they begin in medias res with an invocation to the Day job. In addition , the epics of Homer and Virgil discuss the fall of Troy.

Nonetheless, in addition there are differences between the storytelling of the two impressive poets. Homer’s “The Odyssey” is narrated from the perspective of the Greeks while Virgil’s “The Aeneid” is from your Trojan standpoint. Lastly, all their storytelling differs from the others due to the traditional manner of Homer and the used method of Virgil.

Indeed, Homer and Virgil are two epic poets who are gifted and diverse inside their storytelling.

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