The enhancements made on the new composition of hk

Essay Topic: Hong Kong, Networking sites, Social networking, Social networking sites,

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Citizen Journalism


In recent times, information is definitely broadcast not merely using the traditional media. With the rapid development of the internet and new media, information is usually delivered instantly to people around the world with the helps of social networking sites such as “Facebook” and “Instagram”. News in various problems can be propagate by distinct senders to more receivers in real time. The idea of citizen writing hence popularises, leading to a big change of information broadcasting mode in Hong Kong. “Citizen journalism” is implying the act of the independent or a group of individuals “playing an active role at the same time of collecting, reporting, analysing and disseminating news and information” (Bowman Willis, the year 2003, p. 9). The citizens’ social awareness is found elevated and social movements had been initiated more often (Liao, Liu, Chen, 2011). The popularization of resident journalism impact on the Hk society regarding news perspectives and sociopolitical participation, at the same time, challenges such as inconsistent level of journalism plus the issue of digital multimedia ethics will be arisen. This kind of essay is going to illustrate the social impacts caused by the problem to the Hong Kong society and also exemplify issues brought by the phenomenon.

Change of news views

Because citizen writing readily utilises social networking sites since broadcasting systems, people can conveniently gain access to comments from different points of views spread simply by netizens. In Hong Kong, magazine companies will often have a inclination while credit reporting political issues, either which represents the pan-democracy parties or perhaps the pro-Beijing camps. People shed confidence on paper media as biased information written by press are commonly discovered (Guo, Huang, To, Chan, 2010). To understand the occurrences more thoroughly, readers seek detailed however neutral articles or blog posts, while the existence of social networking fulfills readers’ preference. In the digital environment in which media now job, more diverse viewpoints regarding the same news concern are becoming presented (Haak, Parks, Castells, 2012). Living at the era of information and technology, everybody can spread reports and views in the digital world. Not simply can the specialist journalist experience the reporting process nevertheless also the public. When every person is a news reporter, fruitful details of particular issues may be easily obtained online. With more and more people using the internet methods, surveys expose that people include started to place more trust in online wellsprings and are pursuing news sources from steadily diverse viewpoints (Bowman Willis, 2003). In such conditions, the new platform enables netizens to give distinctive views and provides readers a great omniscient standpoint towards quite a few events. At the same time, some specialist journalists are eager to reach a bias-free reporting strategy providing as many different views on a topic as is feasible. Citizen journalism assists this new reporting design thanks to the popularization of online community platforms which allow persons in different positions to describe the problem and share their feelings freely (Haak, Parks, Castells, 2012). Transmitting of information is no longer a one-sided knowledge tranny but an fun communication. A wider hunt for news can be attained, whilst senders and receivers can easily have discussions concerning certain issues immediately. News views on the internet become more plus more universal, whilst citizens begin switching their attention coming from paper multimedia to social media.

Change in sociopolitical participation

Citizen writing has led to the rise of people’s social awareness, leading to increasing sociopolical participation. Individuals are able to get information at anytime and anywhere with the gain access to of the net at the age of information explosion, especially after the popularization of social networking sites (SNS). With more speedy interactive info transmission employing various social websites, citizens can easily understand the cultural concerns effortlessly. In depth feedback and criticism posted by different netizens are easily learned. In the past, citizens could only receive reports and know-how by limited means. Limited channels had been provided for market and readers to express their very own views or follow up the process of issues. As opposed, the advanced development of online communities offers people platforms to switch opinions and political ideas. Citizens can easily understand the condition of Hong Kong more ideally, whereas more people are influenced and hence show their focus towards sociopolitical issues. In 2011, a study confirmed that the more participation around the online dialogue platforms people has, the greater involvement they have in political movements (Harlow, 2011). It implies that the frequent interchange of tips on sociopolitical issues can result in the enlargement of citizen’s political information. People’s social awareness is boosted whilst political promotions are hence organized more frequently with developing number of individuals. During the Umbrella Movement in 2014, the interactivity of social networking system empowered alternative media to learn an important part in shaping collective actions and public opinions (Chan, 2015). A campaign was initially initiated upon social networking sites, asking citizens to collect at the govt headquarters for Admiralty. Following your outbreak from the movement, netizens took the role of citizen correspondent, utilizing various social networking systems to broadcast news and enabling residents who were not staying in the occupied areas to comprehend the introduction of the marketing campaign. Views of respective functions were shared and distributed worldwide, appealing to more individuals to join the debates on the net or visit the occupied areas. All in all, citizen journalism demonstrated its effect on surging the citizens’ sociopolitical participation.

Specialist level of the two new and traditional kind of journalism

The rise of citizen journalism faces criticism about the professional standard of the new kind of journalism even though numerous confident changes from your news and social points of views were brought. Professional journalists can barely monitor most reports posted online since citizens whoever access the social networking sites may give details on several events and leave their opinions. Millions of articles and comments happen to be being posted in the social media, whilst the trustworthiness of the information released is definitely not guaranteed. The experts barely ensure the caliber of articles created by citizen media, questioning if citizen press are required to be as balanced and unprejudiced as the professional press (Ward, 2012). With the potential of unbalanced journal common, citizen journalism faces the process of deficient credibility. Upon social media programs, everybody is actually a reporter. Individuals who capture incidents by using their mobile devices can transmit the information immediately. However , if perhaps efficient credit reporting skills happen to be absent, bogus or prejudiced reporting could happen (Ward, 2014). Thus, stress and arbitration are commonly viewed between citizen journalism and professional journalistic practices (Wang, 2012). Slacktivism behavior is an additional problem which gives rise for the issue (Carr, 2012). Netizens may share posts or comments with bias, following a trend with no evaluating the real situation. The reliability info found on online communities is therefore lowered. Besides the new sort of journalism face the problem of lacking authority but also the traditional sort of journalism. As focus of the citizens are switching for the online platforms, readership and viewership of paper press and television media decreased respectively. To attract more readers and audience, traditional multimedia may develop reports and articles in line with the interest of viewers. Professional articles, which can be considered as unsightly, may be manufactured in smaller amount. The conventional media is criticized to be market-driven. Therefore, the specialist level of the new and traditional sort of journalism is challenged.

Digital media ethics

The void of digital media ethics provides caught someones attention concerning the popularization of citizen journalism. Citizen without any journalistic schooling or professional broadcasting knowledge are allowed to turn into a citizen reporter, sharing information on different social networking sites (Ward, 2012). The information shared can be distributed instantly all over the internet whereas the authenticity of source is hardly ensured. Authenticity, which will emphasizes about unbiased finalizing of information (Trepte Reinecke, 2011), is related to privacy. When it comes to on the net information syndication, freedom of speech is usually allowed to a sizable extend with anonymity being accepted (Ward, 2012). Nevertheless, anonymity without a doubt encourages irresponsible and dangerous comments which may hamper your private your life. Not only do the celebrities around become the focus on of paparazzi but likewise general individuals are being observed (Stuart, 2010). Many cases have shown that a lot of citizen media had manufactured unfair critique on public through online communities for self-interested reasons (Ward, 2012). The biased reports produced by irresponsible individuals subsequently obstruct the lifestyles of citizens, as the permit of online anonymity hinders research of the source of aggressive behaviors. In fact , the act of revealing someones personal details on publicly available platforms might infringe the best of privacy. According to Article 13 in the Hk Bill of Rights Code (1997), Hong Kong citizens benefit from the “protection of privacy, house, family, correspondence, honour and reputation”. It is not necessarily allowed to disturbance others’ personal life in unlawful method or with arbitrary factors. The issue regarding if one’s level of privacy should override the freedom of speech and press offers existed for some time, while the dialogue has become more controversial after the popularization of citizen writing (Sell, 2013). The issue of digital media integrity has as a result become conspicuous in Hong Kong.


The popularization of resident journalism in Hong Kong delivers citizens with new viewpoints to analyze different issues and enhance their sociopolitical participation. Even though, with the actively use of online communities, some difficulties surfaced with regards to the situation. Criticism concerning the professional level of the two new and traditional type and citizen journalism as well as the issue of digital mass media ethics is usually raised. It is understood that everyone within our society gets the right and responsibility to safeguard the law and refuse any kind of harmful attacks from the internet. With the promotion of e-learning, even more people will eventually be involved in social media and turn citizen media (Duffy, 2010). To achieve a sustainable progress in resident journalism in Hong Kong, people should reach compromises about the proper function of resident journalism. Solutions suggested by different stakeholders are welcome while even more attention through the public and government is hoped to get put on the issue.

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