The Key Features of Representative Democracy Essay

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Illustrate and seriously evaluate the essential features of Rep Democracy made by the U. S Cosmetic with main but not distinctive reference to Elizabeth. Wood, ch. 7 “the demos vs ‘we the people’: from ancient to modern concepts of citizenship” pg 204-237 especially 213-237 Representative democracy is a term inseparable from your U. H Constitution. Not only did the attendees in the Philadelphia Meeting in 1787 invent a very different form of government to anything that had gone before that, it went on to become probably the most influential of governments as well as forms of governance since its creation.

It was the start of the domination of representative democracy in international governmental policies. There were two key popular features of representative democracy born your constitution, first of all the surge of capitalism, by limiting democracy to a purely personal sphere. They introduced an obvious and determined separation from the economic world from the personal one. Subsequently, the creation of liberalism, which in turn saw a concentrate on limited powers of government, obtaining ‘individual rights’ and ‘civil liberties’, fundamentally the freedom individuals and their directly to private property. These two features are evidently closely linked and are unable to exist or could not came into presence without the other.

Both are related to the distancing of social society coming from politics when still as being a democracy- a representative democracy wherever participation in politics is usually indirect and removed from civic life and also the economic ball. Their romance will examined further with this essay along with the way they have come to define representative democracy. In doing thus we can unravel what E. Wood is insinuating in his section heading ‘The demos vs . “we the people”: coming from ancient to modern concepts of citizenship’. In order to best explore the important thing features of representative democracy developed by the U. S constitution one must be given some perspective by evaluating it’s birth to the birth of the democratic ideal in Athens.

Democracy as a politics concept and method of building a community 1st came about in Greece in around 508 BC and lasted right up until 322BC. The democracy Athenians knew will be known today as a ‘participatory democracy’, although it’s franchise was quite narrow, people that have it had direct contact and effect on personal affairs. It was a form of rule for the people by the persons, this is innately obvious inside the origins of its name on its own. Democracy originates from the Ancient greek word ‘Demokratia’ which means well-known government. The term ‘Demokratia’ is born out of two Traditional words ‘Demos’ roughly translating to “common people” and ‘Kratos’ which means “rule and strength”.

Moreover it has been asserted by Pericles that democracy can only end up being democracy in the event the poor are included in the political community. It had been a form of authorities borne away of a revolution in which a peasant majority searched for to free themselves from the political dominance, superiority of their superiors. This can be used to comparison with what the men of the Philadelphia Convention attempt to achieve, which could be more accurately described as a strong, propertied community looking to safeguarded their property and ‘liberty’ resistant to the threat from the masses.

In the event the Athenian’s were freeing themselves from the forces of the rich by instigating a ‘Demokratia’ it could be stated that in the same sense the American top-notch were looking to free themselves from the power of a poor, largely home less vast majority by inventing representative democracy. Having just secured their home and potential customers from the English crown in a bloody and expensive war, the propertied elite for the west coast of America were today having their very own wealth threatened by an increasingly politically lively and extreme majority. The expertise of the American Revolution got politically activised the American people.

The poor’s sentiment at the time was best personified by ‘Shay’s Rebellion’ of this General Holly Knox published to George Washington saying “The people who are the insurgents… ee the weakness of presidency; they experience at once all their poverty, in contrast to the opulent, and their very own force, and they are determined to make use of the latter, in order to remedy the former” (Quoted by Zinn, 1999: 95). It was the acknowledgment in the masses wish for equality, together with a huge national debt and need to effectively manage pumpiing which prompted the Philadelphia Convention in 1787 and from this the main element features of consultant democracy were borne from the U. H Constitution. The writer’s from the Constitution acquired had their particular hands forced.

They sought to secure their wealth by any type of governance as well as quell any uprising of the masses if they didn’t introduce some form of democratic guideline. They were forced to introduce a democratic govt but they attempted to limit the powers of government and safeguard their individual interests and property privileges from any form of governance. Logically, though, in a democracy the public would consequently look to equilibrium society’s inequalities in some ways.

It’s certain dominant federalist Madison was aware about this proclaiming “the most usual and durable source of factions, has been the various and unequal distribution of property. Those who carry, and those who are with no property, possess ever shaped distinct interests in society”. The be anxious for federalists was that this majority could come to power and overturn or alter in some manner their legal rights of home.

Therefore the protection of these rights in Madison’s words were “the 1st object of Government”. This is when the constitutionalist nature of their government with the distinct and limiting separation of power served to shield these libertarian rights. That being the structure and interaction in the U. S’s legislature, business and judiciary means that it is quite difficult to help to make a big or controversial change to the Metabolic rate and therefore the nation’s laws. Hence the Federalists anchored their privileges to house in national law. Below was the birth of liberalism to be able to secure the rise of capitalism, allowed by their invented form of ‘democracy’- representative democracy.

B. Roper states the drafters of the constitution had been all agreed upon the importance of entrenching and codifying the rights and liberties of property otherwise “their individual wealth and privileges could be undermined, and the rapid development of capitalist agriculture, sector, commerce and banking can be impossible”. Here we have a key component of liberalism the ‘inalienable right’ to property getting linked with the advancement of capitalism. Electronic. Wood feels “Capitalism made possible the redefinition of democracy, it’s lowering to liberalism”.

So in a capitalist democracy it is the rights of the individual that become the center point of nationality, a contemporary society of individuals with private pursuits represented with a removed central government. In cementing capitalism as the specified economic version, The Metabolic rate had justified doing so through a number of beliefs that are now closely connected with liberalism. The dilution of power, parting of electric power and constitutionalism which characterise the semantics of American governance all dished up to protect the rights of the individual, outlined in and so central to the U.  S Constitution, as well as make it difficult for the Constitution itself to be changed.

There is a clear hard work within the constitution to keep the potency of the state in check and prevent the state of hawaii from intruding upon the ‘civil rights’ of the individual citizen. What was created out of the Phila. convention was a purely politics form of democracy. There was a separation with the economic sphere, the nature of making it invulnerable to democratic power. Capitalism reaches the key of America’s ideal that ‘all men are created equal’ and have the directly to ‘life, liberty and equality’. The obvious cut big difference between feudalism and capitalism is every person owning their own labour capacity and real estate, and thus the presence of a free industry.

The right to own ones time and real estate without disturbance from the express signalled the finish of feudalism, obviously, yet also caused a move in electric power from those simply delivered into privilege (lordship) to those with riches (property). Within a society exactly where, in politics terms, most people are equal with all the same privileges and liberties and the same capacity to have your vote or symbolize election, the actual source of power within a world became economical advantage. Essentially capitalism built civic equality partly repetitive, there is a very clear distinction among equality in the political ball and equal rights in social society. To quote Electronic.

Wood “political equality in capitalist democracy not only coexists with socio economic inequality but leaves it basically intact”. The men of the Philadelphia convention were therefore effective on this entrance, they had provided the world there democracy and personal equality while maintaining their own hobbies of protecting their vast private house and ability to trade and expand into it. It is right here that we come to the essence of what E. Solid wood means if he says “The demos Vs ‘We the people'”. Exactly where democracy in Athens was defined by the direct personal action in the people, in reality Aristotle defined it as being a constitution in which “the free-born and poor control the government” as they are the majority.

Whereas the American system of rep democracy equates to rule from the people with a sort of alternative party, a far off authorities, ‘representing’ their particular political passions. The removal of the political ball was intentional with federalists holding the belief that the poor public were better served to become represented by the elite. Alexander Hamilton a top federalist saw the idea of rendering of all classes of people impractical. He asserted they were to be best business lead by staff of the elite, the service provider being the very best representative intended for mechanics and manufacturers, the best landholder was the best agent for the tiny landholder and highly informed professionals just like lawyers will gain the confidence of most eople.

So we have two forms of democracy which are fundamentally the antithesis of each other. Instead of placing electrical power in the hands of the people, representative democracy involves a transfer or perhaps sign above of power to a segregated political ball and it’s alienation of citizens from the political world. Anti- federalists argued this kind of meant that if the constitution states “We, the People” that symbolised some thing very undemocratic.

Rather than this being an comprehensive term that meant the citizens of the U.  S they asserted it vested sovereignty inside the federal government for it’s residents. So we now have a democracy defined by it’s people exercising their particular political power- the demonstrations and a democracy described by it’s people transferring their political power on to a third party, to be ‘represented’ in their democracy simply by ‘We the People’. The U. H Constitution efficiently invented a new form of democracy which is in several ways the antithesis of what the Athenians, the inventors of democracy, used.

Representative democracy is personified by a parting of powers, limited federal government, the separation of the political sphere and the subsequent dominance, superiority of the financial sphere. It is in many ways the product of capitalism and therefore liberalism communicating under the banner of democracy. It has propagate to many sides of the world and is one of the most widely utilized form of democracy.

In this respect provides clearly been highly good, however problem marks linger over unique as really equal and fair because the ‘Founding Fathers’ announced.

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