The Practical Capstone Essay

Essay Topic: Essay,

Paper type: Learning,

Words: 365 | Published: 10.17.19 | Views: 542 | Download now

During the Sensible Capstone, you can plan two lessons, teach the lessons you want, video a 6-to-10 minute section of each lesson, and reflect on your experience. You will send your job to your Capstone Supervisor, that will serve as your own personal mentor.

S/he will provide you with specific feedback, go over the specific queries you have with regards to your teaching, and support you as you job to further develop your teaching. The overall aim of the Practical Capstone is for individuals to learn to reflect on and assess their own teaching, and to help make it thoughtful becomes their instructing to better support student learning. 1 . Plan your lessons using the lesson plan form attached in this e-mail. installment payments on your Teach the lesson you want. Video 6-to-10 minutes of the lesson. DO NOT make your video longer than 10 minutes or else you may not be in a position to upload this.

3. Watch the video of your lesson. Publish your video, following the instructions attached in this e-mail. 5. Reflect on your lesson and the specific portion of the lesson you video recorded by answering the inquiries in the Reflection on a Lesson handout cemented to this email-based. 5. Email your lessons plan, video link, and reflection to your Capstone Manager (your mentor). 6. You and your Capstone Supervisor/Mentor will likely then discuss your projects over the mobile phone, Skype or perhaps through email-based dialog.

Make sure you let your advisor know which usually style of communication best suits you. Please will not send your mentor both equally lessons concurrently. You should finish steps that you six previously mentioned for the first lessons before instructing the second lessons.

1 . Totally complete the Practical Capstone Assignment (see above) by 25 May possibly 2012; 2 . Demonstrate the ability to identify significant strengths and areas intended for improvement in the teaching; three or more. Demonstrate the cabability to state your beliefs as to what helps and hinders scholar learning, and link these kinds of beliefs to your classroom practice; 4. Show the ability to make SMART action plans to improve your instructing; and 5. Demonstrate a willingness to receive and address feedback.

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