Islam essay summary
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The UnIslamic Nation of Islam The mention of the? Nation of Islam? will undoubtedly
cause an huge number of replies in any condition. To some, this kind of organization
is a symbol of blatant racism. To others, it can be seen as a savior of the dark community.
No matter ones opinion of the Land, though, the differences between
Al-Islam(traditional Islam) plus the beliefs in the Nation cannot be denied. The country of
Islam is a cultural movement. This kind of social movement is undoubtedly rooted in religion, and
it is principles are derived from the ones from traditional Islam, but their standard philosophies are
so specifically different which the Nation of Islam can not be considered Islamic. In 1930, the
Region was founded by an Africa immigrant whom called him self Wallace G. Fard
Muhammad. He stated that his mission was going to take? the black region to the full array of
the dark mans choices in aworld temporarily completely outclassed by the blue-eyed
devils? ( This
philosphy was continued to the next innovator of the Land, Elijah Muhammad, and
sooner or later to the current leader, Louis Farrakhan. The Nation started as a black
organization, and has remained as a result. Islam, however, is all encompassing.
The 1st, and most amazing, difference between Nation and traditional Islam is the
position of competition in the churchs philosophy. the Nations philosophy clearly claims that,? All of us
believe that intermarriage and competition mixing should be prohibitted (
program. html)?. The traditional phrasing of the Heiliges buch des islam, however , states that range in
race is among Allahs finest creations(Koran, 35. 22). The Nation of Islam restricts the
membersip to those who will be black. the beliefs of traditional Islam, however , claim that all
folks are given birth to Muslim, and that? every person is endowed simply by Allah while using spiritual
potential and intellectual inclination which could make him a good Muslim. (4) The Islamic
chapel ignores the void of race when ever examining kinds spiritual chastity. Rather, Is it doesn’t
spirit on its own which defines a Muslim. Classic Muslims and members of the Nation of
Islam as well differ in their definition of what it takes to be Muslim. The belief in Islam is usually
defined by simply five Key elements: shahada(the opinion in only one Allah), salah(prayer)
zakuh(obligatory charity), sawm(fasting), and hajj(pilgrimage)
(www_leland. stanford. edu/group/Thinker/v2/v2n3/Saudi. html). Of these Five Key elements, the
Land of Islam requires non-e of its members. The shahada is definitely rejected by the Nation
since it belives that Wallace G. Fard Muhammad was Allah incarate. (noi. index)
Salah, or the five daily praying in the direction of Great place, are also not necessary of
members of the Nation(coolguy). Zakuh is definitely rejected by the nation, since it believes charitable organization is
a? way to benefit the dominant classes of the culture. (coolguy). Sawm is also not
required of Nation people, nor is the hajj to Mecca(coolguy). (Ironically, it was the
hajj of Malcolm Times which led him to abandon his separatist beliefs, and to preach unity).
The rejection from the five basic requirements of Islam is usually representative of the distances
between your Nation of Islam and traditional Islam. Because of these distinctions, the
Country cannot be recognized as yet another chapter of Islam, however it must be treated like a
different and distinct religion. The third big difference between the Region of Islam and
traditional Islam may be the manner in which various other religions and the members are regarded.
Islam accepts the existence of all prophets from Moses to Muhammad. (Koran, a couple of: 91)
The country, however , believes that Wallace D. Fard Muhammad is the true
prophet(Noi. program). Classic Islam respect members of religions because holy. The
Koran says that,? people who believe, and those who happen to be Jews, and Christians, and
Sabaeans-whoever believeth in Thor, and the Last Day doeth right- definitely their reward
is with their Lord, and their shall no fear arrive upon them neither shall they cry? (2: 62).
Farrakhan, alternatively condemns those of other religions and contests. In a talk in
January 1994, Farrakhan warned members of the Nation of Islam that? they(the jews)
will be plotting against us whilst we speak (
This individual proposes that other religions are second-rate to Islam, as well as suggesting that diverse
races happen to be unequal. The country of Islam believes that the white race was created by a
botched test of mad scientist named Yakub, 6, 000 years ago(7). It really is beliefs this kind of
as this which generate the image with the Nation which can be common to the majority of: a racist
organization which will preaches Black supremacy. A few may argue that the often
excessive methods and beliefs with the Nation of Islam did more good than harm.
In 1996, Farrakhan prepared the Million-Man March which usually brought over 400, 1000
black men to the nations capitol. Those who enter the Region swear to refrain from the
use of prescription drugs and alcohol. Thus, becoming less likely to become addicts, company members or
victims of violence. But , the hate which Farrakhan preaches exceeds any of the rewards
of his Nation.