Two planets colliding america and european

Essay Topic: American culture,

Paper type: Literature,

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In Lolitas afterword, Nabokov details two opposing views from the book, viewed by two readers. One particular felt that Lolita was obviously a tale of Old Europe debauching fresh America, ‘ while another saw this as Small America debauching old Europe'(p. 314). Fit, who or what exactly represents young America and outdated Europe? Inside the context of the book, young Dolores Haze is the agreement of youthful America as well as its culture, when Humbert Humbert represents the older, enhanced European traditions. Just who will be debauching whom is another question entirely.

What exactly is small America? Through the post-war period in which Lolita takes place, youthful America was obviously a new tradition of consumers materialistic, spoiled, captivated with objects. They are teenagers who have are captivated with movies, soda pop fountains, and roller rinks. To a Western like Humbert, their tradition is shallow. Thoughts of Europe stimulate images of cathedrals, art work, elegant cuisine. Compared to this, American culture seems cheap and unsophisticated. Lifestyle would end up being one of the greatest distinctions between Dolores and Humbert other than that most important difference in age.

Dollys childish love for Humbert started out in the image of a man in an advertisement. Humbert comes across this advertisement in Dollys room, taped for the wall with the letters L. H crafted next towards the mans encounter. How appropriate, then, that Humbert will later remark, She it absolutely was to whom ads were dedicated: the ideal client, the subject and object of each and every foul poster (p. 148). In fact , Dollys desire to consume would end up being profitable intended for Humbert that enabled him to buy her love (or perhaps her sex would be a more appropriate term). Humbert makes use of the idea of America as a region of consumers through Dolly. The promise of movie matinees, sweater sets, and your favorite ice cream sundaes were all that could keep Dolly with Humbert. He marvels on the price of Dollys take pleasure in: Knowing the magic and might of her personal soft mouth, she managed during one schoolyear! to make the benefit price of a fancy accept to three, as well as four bucks (p. 184). In a sense, consumerism drives the relationship between Dolly and Humbert.

But Dollys Americanness is what precisely Humbert detests most about her. He adores the majority of parts of Junk, as is apparent in his talking about her. But he are not able to stand her infatuation with pop traditions. He laments: Mentally, I came across her to become a disgustingly standard little girl. Lovely hot punk, square dance, gooey rant sundaes, musicals, movie magazines and so forth just read was the obvious items in her list of beloved things (p. 148). Junk represents an inexpensive, frivolous culture through the sight of Humbert. Their marriage is made more complicated by the level of resistance in their experience old The european countries cant connect with young America. Perhaps Junk was never quite able to satisfy Humberts longing for his first love, Annabel, mainly because she couldnt be just who Annabel was. Annabel was classy The european union, Dolly was fast-food America. Humbert only couldnt seem to connect with Junk.

Humberts disdain to get parts of American culture are made evident in a few of his statements, such as when he explains Mrs. Haze as dreary American Charlotte now (p. 83). His Western background gives him a great elegance inside the eyes more. In Charlottes confessional love letter to Humbert, she essentially apologizes for her stereotypically American inclinations. She gushes: I know just how reserved you are, how British. The old-world reticence, your perception of decorum may be surprised by the boldness of an American girl! (p. 68). The comparisons between European and American traditions always sign at the eloquence of Europe, the brashness of America.

In spite of Humberts distaste for many areas of American tradition, he is in awe of countless parts of america, as is evident during his and Mis cross-country trip. He is entranced by the American landscape. This individual sets out while travelling, exalting that I have never viewed such soft amiable highways as those that now radiated before all of us, across the crazy quilt with the forty-eight states (p. 152). Humbert is fairly affected by the American countryside, the fusion of nature and take culture:

From time to time, in the vastness of those plains, huge woods would progress toward all of us to cluster self-consciously become the roadside and provide a little humanitarian tone above a picnic stand, with sunlight flecks, compressed paper mugs, samaras and discarded ice-cream sticks littering the brownish groundlost in an artists dream, I would stare at the honest brightness with the gasoline things against the wonderful green of oaks, or perhaps at a distant slope scrambling out scarred however untamed through the wilderness of agriculture that was planning to swallow that (p. 153).

America has always represented vastness, an expanse of terrain waiting to become tamed, the frontier. European countries may be the more civilized country, but America has a crazy beauty to its youngsters that Humbert appreciates. Alternatively, Dolly had no vision for surroundings (p. 152), further showing the distance between her and Humbert. Most likely Dolly saw what was American in the scenery neon gas station signs, looming billboards while Humbert regarded the landscape which has a European outlook, appreciating the hills and trees.

Maybe Humbert didnt believe that he was older Europe, debauching the small American Junk Haze. This individual seemed more worried about that fresh America was debauching Dolly. He naturally her permission to indulge in parts of that culture the movies, the ice cream parlors only to extract mementos from her. But Humbert knew that was a traditions that was more attractive to Dolly, hence jeopardizing what ever enchantment this individual could hope to have over her. Humbert detested Dollys Americanness because he knew it was what will separate them.

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